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Religion and Personal Life. AS Course Handbook 2014-15. A2 Course Handbook 2014-1015. Sociology of Religion. Tuesday, January 27, 2009 PrintEmailTweet This! Save to Favorites KARL MARX Marx developed his ideas of sociology from Hegel and Feuerbach. Hegel argued that society would evolve towards perfection in Christianity, whilst Marx argued that society would evolve, but away from religion as Feuerbach postulated. Marx argued that society could be divided into two groups – the working class or proletariat and the ruling class or bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie own the means of production and exploit the proletariat by paying them little. Marx described this as dehumanising and argued that it leads to a sense of disenfranchisement. Marx defined religion as the “opium of the people,” a form of social control that dulls the pain of oppression for the proletariat whilst preventing them from seeing what needs to be done to stop their exploitation.

Criticisms The weakness of Marxism is that people have at least as much self-interest as they do altruism. Psychology of Religion. Tuesday, January 27, 2009 PrintEmailTweet This! Save to Favorites LUDWIG FEUERBACH Ludwig Feuerbach advocated one of the first psychological approaches to religion. He argued that the reality of God could be reduced to the human projection of a deity, a psychological comforter invented to overcome alienation from true fulfilment. Feuerbach was more concerned with mankind and argued that religion is actually the study of man: “theology is anthropology.” “What man is in need of he makes God” and “what man wishes to be he makes God.”

Feuerbach believed that there were three attributes of human nature; reason, will and love. Criticisms • There can be no absolute morality if God is merely a human projection, since humans are finite and contingent. SIGMUND FREUD Freud was a psychologist who believed that our sense of moral awareness is a result of the conditioning of a growing being. 1. Criticisms • The argument is still routed in human self-interest. The Tree of Philosophy.

Full Text ASCII Archive Copyright Stephen Palmquist, This archive created by Bruce Schuman, June 26, 1995 How to order a printed version CONTENTS A Note to the Student PART ONE: THE ROOTS Metaphysics and the Recognition of Ignorance 1. What is Philosophy? 2. Philosophy as Myth 3. Philosophy as Demythologization 4. The Philosophers' Magazine. Ethics Online - Film based lessons on War, Abortion, Environmental, Evil, Life after Death, and Sexual Ethics on DVD. Dominican House of Studies Priory | Priory of the Immaculate Conception. Welcome to Philosophical Investigations. Web Site Unavailable. The Internet Classics Archive: 441 searchable works of classical literature. Philosophy Now. Religious Studies Online.

This website has grown out of the Arnewood School Religious Studies pages. We have a new Head of Department (or 'Lead Practitioner'), and new Schemes of Work for Year 7, 8 and 9. You can still get to the old Schemes of Work. We also have Studywiz as a Learning Platform, where most of our resources are made available to students. For teachers and parents, the following Scheme of Work summaries are available: Year 7 - The Island, What is the Sacred? , Symbolism, What is Belief? , What does it mean to be Jewish? Year 8 - What does it mean to be a human? Year 9 - What is Suffering? Years 10 & 11 GCSE Short Course Years 10 & 11 GCSE Full Course A level RS: Philosophy;, Ethical Theory;, Applied Ethics.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. BBC Religion & Ethics - BBC Religion & Ethics. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Philosophy and Ethics  -  resour.