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Download [Pajek Wiki] Pajek Pajek 3.* Pajek3.* is a significantly reconstructed new version of 'standard' Pajek.

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Many improvements and additions were done. Pajek [Pajek Wiki] Looking for free and easy SNA software « Net-Map Toolbox. Posted on May 7, 2008 by Eva Schiffer I use Visualyzer for visualizing and analyzing my Net-Maps and I love it.

Looking for free and easy SNA software « Net-Map Toolbox

But while there is a free trial version, in the end it is a software that you have to purchase. As I want to further spread SNA literacy in developing countries, I am looking for free software that is at least as user friendly as Visualyzer, which means having a rather intuitive and visual user interface. Documentation & FAQs - NETDRAW.

SocNetV - Screenshots. Coworking. Coworking is a style of work that involves a shared working environment, often an office, and independent activity.


Unlike in a typical office environment, those coworking are usually not employed by the same organization.[1] Typically it is attractive to work-at-home professionals, independent contractors, or people who travel frequently who end up working in relative isolation.[2] Coworking is also the social gathering of a group of people who are still working independently, but who share values,[3] and who are interested in the synergy that can happen from working with like-minded talented people in the same space.[4][5] Coworking offers a solution to the problem of isolation that many freelancers experience while working at home, while at the same time letting them escape the distractions of home.[6][7] Coworking is not only about the physical space, but about establishing the coworking community first.

History[edit] Coworking Meetups near Nederland, Colorado - Coworking Meetups - Nederland. Flexibele werkplekken in Amsterdam - TheCoworking. Bouw jij mee aan jouw ideale co-work community? #zzp. ZZP’ers die samen hun ideale co-working community gaan crowdsourcen.

Bouw jij mee aan jouw ideale co-work community? #zzp

Dit is een kans uit duizenden. Een crowdsourced challenge om in 4 maanden een community te bouwen rond TheCoworking Amsterdam. Een plek voor ondernemers die niet steeds hetzelfde trucje willen doen. Die vol ideeën zitten en het verschil willen maken. Born to Grow: contact. The connection between trust and knowledge management: what are its implications for team performance. Fulltext Options: Login Existing customers: loginto access this document Purchase Downloadable; Printable; OwnedHTML, PDF (777kb) To purchase this item please login or register.

The connection between trust and knowledge management: what are its implications for team performance

Rent Recommend to your librarian Complete and print this form to request this document from your librarian Marked list Bookmark & share. Self-managed teams _SelfManagedWorkTeams_ A guide to team incentive systems. Chapter 10 - Motivating Employees and Creating Self-Managed Teams - docslide. Chapter 10 Motivating Employees and Creating Self-Managed Te T ams Chapter 10 Learning Goals What are the basic principles of Frederick Taylor s concept of scientific management?

Chapter 10 - Motivating Employees and Creating Self-Managed Teams - docslide

What did Elton Mayo s Hawthorne studies reveal about worker motivation? What is Maslow s hierarchy of needs, and how do these needs relate to motivation? How are McGregor s Theories X and Y used to explain worker motivation? What are the basic components of Herzberg s motivator hygiene theory? Chapter 10 Learning Goals (cont d.) Motivating Employees Employees are a firms most important resource but also most difficult to manage So, how can managers create a workplace that motivates employees and allows them to perform at their best? Evolution of Motivation Theory 1.

The Hawthorne Studies Experimented with job design, length of work day and week, break times, and incentives Hawthorne Effect Social needs also play an important role in employee motivation Contemporary Views of Motivation 1. Equity Theory, cont. Three Ways to Organize - Pyramids are Tombs. With that in mind, let's look again at the three methods of organizing a professional service company: Function-based departments Matrixed departments whose members also report to customer-based teams Self-directed, customer-based teams Any one of these models will work.

Three Ways to Organize - Pyramids are Tombs

Success for these models will be determined by how well they are executed. However, my contention is that self-directed teams are more in tune with the needs of people today and the clients they serve. Everything else being equal, self-directed teams will outperform the other models. A little more detail on each model: Function-based departments This model was born of the Industrial Revolution. Of all parts of the supply chain, the best place for the function-based department model is in the factory. Business Without Bosses: How Self-Managing Teams Are Building High- Performing Companies (9780471127253): Charles C. Manz, Henry P. Sims.

‘Coöperatie gunstig voor zzp’ers’ Een coöperatie is een ideale bedrijfsvorm voor zzp’ers.

‘Coöperatie gunstig voor zzp’ers’

Dit stelt Paul Dirken, directeur bedrijven van Rabobank. Innovatief Organiseren - Platform voor slimmer werken en sociale innovatie. Steeds meer signalen wijzen op een belangrijke en hoopvolle verandering op het gebied van management en organisatie: het erkennen en benutten van het zelforganiserend vermogen van mensen.

Innovatief Organiseren - Platform voor slimmer werken en sociale innovatie

Zelforganisatie is een organisatievorm waarbij de medewerkers het werk zelf organiseren zonder aansturing van bovenaf. Vergelijk zelforganisatie met initiatieven als Wikipedia, Kazaa of opensource software waarbij mensen vanuit een innerlijke behoefte om bij te dragen gezamenlijk een dienst of product ontwikkelen.

Het wonder van Baskenland. Tegenlicht bivakkeert in het Baskische stadje Mondragón, waar het overgrote deel van de bevolking werkt in coöperaties.

Het wonder van Baskenland

Elke werknemer is er mede-eigenaar en men beslist samen welke keuzes het bedrijf moet maken. Met succes, ook in deze economisch harde tijden. First, Let's Fire All the Managers. Management is the least efficient activity in your organization. Think of the countless hours that team leaders, department heads, and vice presidents devote to supervising the work of others. Most managers are hardworking; the problem doesn’t lie with them. The inefficiency stems from a top-heavy management model that is both cumbersome and costly. A hierarchy of managers exacts a hefty tax on any organization. This levy comes in several forms. Second, the typical management hierarchy increases the risk of large, calamitous decisions. Zelforganisatie in bedrijf. Zelforganisatie heeft de toekomst. Dit constateert Eric Alkemade in een gastcolumn op Als voorbeelden geeft hij de bedrijven Morning Star en Mondragón. Cases. Praktijk - Hieronder vindt u enkele voorbeelden van succesvolle toepassingen van zelforganisatie in de praktijk.

Kijk bij de communities, om meer informatie te vinden betreft verschillende communities waar ook zelforganisatie van toepassing is.