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Responsive Design in 3 Steps. Responsive web design is no doubt a big thing now. If you still not familiar with responsive design, check out the list of responsive sites that I recently posted. To newbies, responsive design might sound a bit complicated, but it is actually simpler than you think. To help you quickly get started with responsive design, I've put together a quick tutorial. I promise you can learn about the basic logic of responsive design and media queries in 3 steps (assuming you have the basic CSS knowledge). Step 1. Meta Tag (view demo) Most mobile browsers scale HTML pages to a wide viewport width so it fits on the screen.

Internet Explorer 8 or older doesn't support media query. Step 2. In this example, I have a basic page layout with a header, content container, sidebar, and a footer. Step 3. CSS3 media query is the trick for responsive design. The following set of rules will be in effect if the viewport width is 980px or less. You can write as many media query as you like.

Conclusion. Web Designer Wall – Design Trends and Tutorials. Internet | HD icon - Resources for web designers.

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