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Slaughter of the Dissidents:Amazon:Books. For Christians & Messianic Jews - Creation v. Evolution from Kwame Klu in Ghana. Posted by bibleprobe1 My good Christian friend Kwame Klu in Ghana just emailed me this. /s/ Steve @ The Alvis Delk Track: New fossil human with dinosaur footprint Video that explains the whole process of the CT scan This spectacular fossil footprint was found in July of 2000 by amateur archaeologist, Alvis Delk of Stephenville, Texas and is now on display at the Creation Evidence Museum, Glen Rose, TX. Mr. Delk found the loose slab against the bank of the Paluxy River, about one mile north of Dinosaur Valley State Park.

Early in 2008 he had a devastating accident. When he returned to his home, he decided he would sell the dinosaur track, thinking Dr. The human footprint had been made first, and shortly thereafter (before the mud turned to stone), a dinosaur stepped in the mud with its middle toe stepping on top of the human track. (click here photo for high resolution) The slab was taken to the Glen Rose medical center where spiral CT scans were performed on the rock.

Related. The-biggest-conspiracy-illuminati-video-documentary-2010-t6782570. Uploaded my 2nd film again for new useers and because my video was mentioned in the book Conspiracy Cinema: Propaganda, Politics and Paranoia So I thought it would be a good I idea to upload it on this site and other torrent sites because I never named it the Biggest Conspiracy on the other torrent sites. Now people will be able to find my video if they search for it. This documentary is about satanism in music. Over 300 clips used. Close to 100 artists are covered. The last part in the film is 9/11, flouride and vaccinations. No Narration. Here's a youtube link for the first 9 mins. While You Were Sleeping (Full Documentary) HD. Two Wolves. (Part 3) Indigenous Native American Prophecy (Elders Speak part 3)