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Make Use of Time Lapse Video. I've always enjoyed watching time lapse videos.

Make Use of Time Lapse Video

There's something about time passing along quickly and witnessing something that happened over hours or days in a matter of minutes or seconds. Earlier this year, I planned to carry out an investigation with my class to prove that evaporation existed. 5 Ways to Use a Document Camera in the Classroom. Document cameras are a great tool for teachers.

5 Ways to Use a Document Camera in the Classroom

They allow teachers to take what used to be individual assignments and turn them into class assignments, creating more discussion, interaction, and maintaining students' attention. I highly recommend purchasing of a document camera for your teachers or departments. After two years of helping teachers utilize a document camera and providing ideas for how they could use them, it became my turn when I got back into the classroom. Unfortunately the classroom setup is a little odd, but utilizing other tools, I am able to use the camera in an effective manner with my students. I am a big fan of my document camera. 50 Plus Ideas for Using Document Cameras in the Classroom. Why would I use a Classroom document camera?

50 Plus Ideas for Using Document Cameras in the Classroom

A document camera is one of the easiest and quickest ways to integrate technology into your classroom. There are very few special skills needed to use this piece of equipment. A classroom document camera can be connected to a DLP/LCD projector through a computer or connected directly to a DLP/ LCD projector.