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Core exercise

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Resistance Band Exercises. Resistance band exercises are widely used by a variety of health and fitness practitioners - both for general strength and conditioning and rehabilitation or injury prevention. Resistance band exercises are ideal for home exercise programs and can easily be incorporated into a circuit training format helping to condition cardiovascular system as well as strengthening specific muscle groups. Because resistance tubing is so compact and lightweight, it can be used while away from home. Resistance tubing is extremely adaptable and a large number of resistance band exercises can be developed with very little additional equipment. Smaller muscle groups that are hard to train with more traditional free weight exercises can be targeted with resistance tubing.

This makes it particularly appealing to athletic conditioning. Sports-specific conditioning involves training movements rather than individual muscle groups. Resistance Band Exercises for Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation. Muay Thai Push-ups. Killer Home Arm Workout (biceps, triceps) Core Exercises Without Equipment. TACFIT Bodyweight Exercises for MMA (Video 1 of 3)