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Facebook Twitter Inc.'s files – OneDrive. PowerShell for Beginners. Patterns & practices – Enterprise Library - Home. / - sharpmapv2 - Version 2 of the SharpMap project. Sqlite-net/examples/Stocks/Stocks.cs at master · praeclarum/sqlite-net. Getting started, using SQLite with .NET. This post is a collection from docs, links, code examples which I found on various blogs, websites etc.

Getting started, using SQLite with .NET

I have included the references to all my sources. Thanks for all the cool blogs, websites and of course SQLite which made it so easy to get started with this database. UPDATE 02.03.2014: With the release of SQLite, the SQLite database can be used together with EntityFramework > 6.0.0 much easier. It requires different configuration due to the new EF6 SQLite providers. See using-SQlite with Entity Framework 6 and the Repository Pattern Code: What is it? Here’s 3 links to the SQLite website which are worth reading: Or here’s a summary of the limitations: It’s SlowLocks whole file for writing.No caching mechanism of it’s own.Database size restricted to 2GB in most cases.Not fully SQL92 compliant.Not very scalable.

Hello World Project (Taken from Using Entity Framework 6 with SQLite (taken from ) This an example doesn’t work quiet as easy as described. C# und SQLite – Eine kleine Einführung. Sonntag, 25.

C# und SQLite – Eine kleine Einführung

Januar 2009 | .NET, C#, Programmierung, SQL, Tutorials Im Moment arbeite ich mal wieder an einem Projekt - genauer gesagt an einer kleinen Windows-Anwendung, welche in der Programmier-Sprache C# geschrieben ist. Diese Anwendung soll unter anderem verschiedene Daten erfassen sowie speichern. Dass für solch einen Verwendungszweck eine Datenbank von Vorteil sein würde, war schnell klar. Dem Benutzer einen kompletten Datenbank-Server wie MySQL geschweige denn Microsoft SQL-Server aufzuzwingen, nur damit eine kleine Anwendung einfache Datenbank-Abfragen ausführen kann, ist allerdings mehr als unzumutbar.

Nach ein klein wenig Recherche bin ich dann relativ schnell auf SQLite gestoßen – eine nur wenige hundert Kilobyte große Bibliothek, die ein relationales Datenbanksystem entält. Bridj - BridJ: Let Java & Scala call C, C++, Objective-C, C#... Web Services Description Language Tool (Wsdl.exe) This topic is specific to a legacy technology.

Web Services Description Language Tool (Wsdl.exe)

XML Web services and XML Web service clients should now be created using Windows Communication Foundation . The Web Services Description Language tool generates code for XML Web services and XML Web service clients from WSDL contract files, XSD schemas, and .discomap discovery documents. wsdl [options] {URL | path} A .wsdl file is an XML document written in an XML grammar called Web Services Description Language (WSDL). This file defines how an XML Web service behaves and instructs clients as to how to interact with the service. When you use Wsdl.exe to create a proxy class, a single source file is created in the programming language that you specify.

The /parameters option specifies a file that contains elements that correspond to most of the command-prompt options. The XML file format accepted by the /parameters option is a series of elements inside an outer <wsdlParameters xmlns=" element. Example Browser. OxyPlot - Source Code. XmlSerializerAssemblyAttribute Class (System.Xml.Serialization) Applied to a Web service client proxy, enables you to specify an assembly that contains custom-made serializers. 'Declaration <AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets.Class Or AttributeTargets.Struct Or AttributeTargets.Enum Or AttributeTargets.Interface, AllowMultiple := False)> _ Public NotInheritable Class XmlSerializerAssemblyAttribute _ Inherits Attribute The XmlSerializerAssemblyAttribute type exposes the following members.

XmlSerializerAssemblyAttribute Class (System.Xml.Serialization)

Use the XmlSerializerAssemblyAttribute to increase the performance of a Web service client application. A typical method of using this attribute is as follows: <XmlSerializerAssemblyAttribute(AssemblyName:="hello.serializer")> _ Public Class Hello Implements System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol ' Proxy code not shown.End Class .NET Framework Supported in: 4.5.1, 4.5, 4, 3.5, 3.0, 2.0 .NET Framework Client Profile Supported in: 4, 3.5 SP1 Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. C# - Slow SoapHttpClientProtocol constructor.