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Tumult Hype. Tumult Hype 3 Professional Teaser. 공기청정기에 醫術 입히니 기침이 ‘뚝’ “우리 공기를 깨끗하게 해주는 제품에 대해 호흡기 전문 의사, 공해 연구가와의 공동 연구를 통해서 제품이 갖는 기능과 그 성능으로 호흡기가 민감한 사람에게 어떻게 의료적인 영향을 줄 수 있는지를 파악하는 것이 이번 연구의 시작입니다.” 10일 김현숙 삼성전자 생활가전사업부 수석은 “본격적인 의료기기를 만든다는 의도는 아니지만, 가전제품을 통해 의학적으로 도움을 받을 수 있다면 이를 고객들에게 알릴 필요가 있다”며 이같이 말했다.

공기청정기에 醫術 입히니 기침이 ‘뚝’

삼성전자는 최근 연세대 의과대 연구팀과 함께 공기청정기의 호흡기 질환 예방 효과에 대한 공동연구를 진행하고, 향후 이 같은 연구 결과를 생활가전 분야의 신제품 개발에도 반영할 계획이다. 매년 황사 시즌이 되면 실내 공기의 미세먼지 비중도 높아지면서 만성호흡기 질환자들을 비롯해 호흡기 건강에 비상이 걸리고 있는 상황이 공동연구에 착수한 배경이다. 호흡기 건강을 돕는 공기청정 관련 제품을 소비자들이 안심하고 사용할 수 있도록 환경공해, 의학계 등 전문가들과 협력해 국내외 최초로 공기청정기의 호흡기 건강 영향도를 과학적으로 입증하자는 것이다. 삼성전자의 이번 연구에는 대기오염 전문가인 임영욱 연세대 환경공해연구소 부소장과 장윤수 강남세브란스병원 호흡기내과 교수 연구팀이 참여했다. 6개월 전부터 삼성전자의 공기청정기에 대한 의학적 연구를 위해 호흡기 민감군 환자를 섭외해 왔으며, 1개월 전부터는 이들 환자들의 가정에 삼성전자의 ‘AX7000’ 및 ‘AX9000’ 공기청정기를 설치해 환자들의 상태 변화를 관찰하고 있다. Home. Microsoft’s Smart Fitting Room Is Like A Robo-Shop Clerk. Imagine a fitting room that knows what clothing you’ve brought in—the cut, size, and color.

Microsoft’s Smart Fitting Room Is Like A Robo-Shop Clerk

And if something doesn't fit, it could retrieve another garment with the push of a button. It’s not such a sci-fi idea. In fact, a new project by Accenture, Avanade, and Microsoft has prototyped exactly this. Dubbed "the Connected Fitting Room," it uses RFID technology to track what you try on and call for what you’d like to try next—to make more of what’s happening in this private, underwear-clad space a bit more transparent for the customer and the retailer. CEST. Windows Best ComboBox Tutorial Ever, Ever! sample in C#, XAML for Visual Studio 2010. Proactive, logical, and well-organized design evaluation with a solid reference design helps simplify Wireless personal-area networks (WPAN) design and development. Wireless personal-area networks (WPANs) are exceptionally useful for sensing, monitoring, and control applications.

Proactive, logical, and well-organized design evaluation with a solid reference design helps simplify Wireless personal-area networks (WPAN) design and development

Cost-effective WPANs have the unique potential to implement wireless connectivity in many end products where this functionality wasn’t considered previously. A thorough, fact-based, logical, and organized evaluation of key WPAN design factors can closely manage system financial objectives, increasing end product value with a positive rate of return, while still achieving key wireless design objectives. Sensing, monitoring, and control solutions drive specific consideration factors for WPAN implementation. Ranges for low-cost wireless networks in sensing, monitoring, and control applications encompass those distances of 300 m or less and data rates of 250 kbits/s or less. HOONS의 소프트웨어 개발이야기. 지금까지 살펴본 내용을 실제 예제를 통해서 실전 감각을 익혀보도록 하겠다.

HOONS의 소프트웨어 개발이야기

CenterStage Animation/Process. 특허 US7356489 - System and method for virtually matching or comparing previously worn ... - Google 특허 검색. This application claims the priority benefit of European Patent Application Serial No. 02354094.1, filed Jun. 10, 2002, titled “INTERACTIVE TRYING-ON CUBICLE.”

특허 US7356489 - System and method for virtually matching or comparing previously worn ... - Google 특허 검색

The present invention relates to trying-on cubicles or rooms which are usually provided in clothes shops or analog. As shoppers go from one chancing room or trying-on cubicle of a shop to another, they have little way of remembering what they looked like in the clothes that they tried on in the first shop. Further, a shopper may try a first article of clothing in a first shop (for example a shirt or trousers), and another one in a second shop (for example a jacket), and may want matching these clothes. There is a technical problem in giving the possibility for a shopper to compare or match some clothes that he tries in a current shop with respect to other clothes that he tried in a former one.

Another purpose of the invention is to provide an automatic selection of pictures in which a shopper wears the same kind of clothes. 특허 US20140226000 - User interface and authentication for a virtual mirror - Google 특허 검색. This application claims the benefit of, and priority to, U.S.

특허 US20140226000 - User interface and authentication for a virtual mirror - Google 특허 검색

Provisional Patent Application No. 61/862,025, filed on Aug. 4, 2013, entitled “Provisional of Virtual calibrated camera capable to provide augmented reality features: e.g. Color, texture, shape manipulation of body items or background in virtual mirror or video conference. In addition capable of performing body measurements, body monitoring for commercial, security and healthcare applications,” the entire disclosure of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference.

This application claims the benefit of, and priority to, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/892,368, filed on Oct. 17, 2013, entitled “Virtual Mirror Flow of Usage Control and User Interface” the entire disclosure of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference. Clothes display - Google ˻ WindowLightShow_02.gif (GIF Image, 353 × 180 pixels)

Stock-photo-empty-show-window-of-shop-49570933.jpg (JPEG Image, 450 × 470 pixels) Practical WPF Charts and Graphics (Expert's Voice in .NET) eBook: Jack Xu: Kindle Store. WiredPrairie: Flipping images in 3D! Ever wanted to flip some photos in 3D in WPF?

WiredPrairie: Flipping images in 3D!

Well, I did. (honestly, I wanted to do with cover art and ITunes, but ITunes was throwing far too many "CATASTROPHIC" errors on it's COM interface that I gave up!) Here's my sample project demonstrating flipping images in 3D using WPF. 12 x 9 photo thumbnails are loaded, and then semi-randomly, each image is flipped and replaced with a new thumbnail -- over and over. The source code to this WPF 3.0 application is available for download here. As coded, it scans your "Photos" directory in XP/Vista and then slowly starts flipping each of the small thumbnails through your images. The main XAML for the Window is simple: Nothing more really than a place to hold the 3D viewport and the camera. The best platform for business applications that require 3D graphics. In the blog posts that were posted so far I was mostly describing new versions of the products.

The best platform for business applications that require 3D graphics

During recent vacation at seaside I have decided to change that and prepare blog posts that would present some of the features of Ab3d.PowerToys and Ab3d.Reader3ds libraries. I would also like to persuade you that WPF 3D with Ab3d.PowerToys and Ab3d.Reader3ds libraries is the best platform for building business applications that require 3D graphics. Ab3d.PowerToys library greatly simplifies work with WPF 3D and make WPF 3D the easiest platform for business applications that require 3D graphics. 감속/가속 함수. 이 샘플을 실행합니다.

감속/가속 함수

이 샘플을 실행합니다. House of Sphere (Effect) This is one of over 5103 effects generated by Filter Forge, a Photoshop plugin that allows you to create your own filters.

House of Sphere (Effect)

This effect: can be easily altered; offers up to 30,000 variations; can be applied to any source image in Photoshop. Download Filter Forge to use this effect To open this filter, you must have Filter Forge 1.0 or higher installed on your computer. If you don't have it installed yet, click here to download Filter Forge. Using VisualBrush to Show a Magnifying Glass. The current version of Avalon (Beta 1 RC1, aka May 2005 CTP) supports the VisuaBrush. This is a nifty little brush that you can tell to look like any Visual.

WPF 성능 제품군. Optimizing WPF Application Performance. 10 Ways to Improve the Performance of Your WPF Application. Introduction Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications tend to be slower on lower end machines or on machines without graphic acceleration devices. They seem to eat up resources and make the application unstable. However, note that the performance of a WPF application depends on the hardware you have. So higher end machines obviously have a greater edge when it comes to WPF applications. Solutions for WPF Performance Issue. Introduction Sometimes we encountered WPF performance issues. Electric Effect on Windows Phone 7 using XNA. Published on: 4/8/2012| Views: 16824| Tags: XNA windows-phone Currently rated 4.53 by 15 people Introduction Electric effect, like other effects such as flame, smoke, explosion, is one of the most common visual effects used in game development.

However, not too many examples are found, even fewer were proved ready for mobile application. So let's talk about how to "invent" one. The image below shows the final electric effect implemented on Windows Phone 7 using XNA: Download the source code here. (Shader Library) 2D Shockwave Post Processing Filter (GLSL) Geeks3D’s shader library is available in HERE. This new shader shows a 2D shockwave post processing effect. In the GeeXLab demo, just hit the [K] key to create a shockwave at the mouse position. I found the original shader here. Particle Animations using Microsoft XNA. Today im going to talk about Particles & how to use them in xna. Particles are the objects that help us create nicely built effects on objects.If we would like to give an example to this,we have a torch in our male/female character's hand.And the fire in this torch is a Particle!

-With its animation of course- If you are a fan of Star Wars like me,in "A New Hope" movie while DeathStar destroys the planet "Alderaan", the explosion of the planet is a good example of particle, too. We will be using Particles to add more action to our projects/games. 62055 juskiddink glass5. Mobile Graphics Cards - Benchmark List. Adobe Photoshop Scripting. Automating Photoshop With C# // Josh Wright. I recently dumped PhotoImpact and took the Photoshop learning curve plung... special thanks to the catalyst which was my co-workers heckling. Jerks. Don't knock it till you rock it. Using .js scripts to launch Photoshop. Here is an example of getting some details of an open document and putting the results in an Excel worksheet. It also shows how to run JavaScript from within C# and how to show messages.

It's very basic but should get you started. Varis PhotoMedia Seeing. 포토샵 CC 무작정 따라하기: 필수 기능 55개로 빠르고 쉽게 배우는 - 정승은, 문수민. 포토샵 리파인엣지의 기능과 머리카락의 세밀한 선택. 포토샵에서 빠른선택툴이나 마술봉툴을 사용하여 선택을 하면 경계부분이 계단현상으로 깨끗한 선택이 안되는데 이를 보완할 수 있는 기능이 리파인엣지입니다. 선택을 하고나면 항상 리파인엣지로 다듬어서 이미지를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 1. C# - Flood Fill Algorithms. Bitmap/Flood fill. Bitmap/Flood fill You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

C# 코딩 표준과 좋은 프로그래밍 습관. C# coding standards and Best Programming Practices - C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET. 2014 10 01 19 54 55. File.Exists 메서드 (System.IO) 1.성(聖) 샴바라 - 서문. DrA1ex/ParticleSystem. Gravity and Collision Simulation in C# Introduction Simulating the motion of an object within a real time environment with Gravity and Collision effects may not be a straightforward task in ordinary programming languages; doing such tasks require a good understanding of using timers and sometimes thread management, and this is why there are separate simulation tools for this and other similar tasks. In this article, I will demonstrate to you how, using a timer and basic motion and collision equations, we could model the motion of three balls in a gravity enabled environment. You will see how these balls are going to collide each other and reflect from a wall, and even more, you can control their motion by updating some motion variables.

The motion of these balls is controlled and operated under the gravity and collision systems, using Newton's basic motion equations and collision equations. The positions of the three balls are updated every 20ms using a timer which will also take a snapshot of that motion. Background. Graphic in XAML and WPF. Note This article was originally published on my Web site. All the text and code samples are identical. Testing for Collisions.

Demonstrates how to use the BoundingSphere class to check whether two models are colliding. The code in the topic shows you the technique. 2D Polygon Collision Detection. Introduction This article describes how to detect the collision between two moving (2D) polygons. It's not the first tutorial on the topic, however, the tutorials on the net tend to be a bit too complex for a relatively simple problem. IFA 2014 Opening Keynote - Home of the Future. Graphics - Ball to Ball Collision - Detection and Handling. 2dcollisions2.pdf. Customeasingexplorer. PennerDoubleAnimation. WPF 돋보기 확대 데모(zoom, magnifier) C# - Positioning an OpacityMask in WPF. Wpf - How to make clipping geometry scale with the target? Path Markup Syntax. Free Wpf Barcode Downloads. Barcode - Google ˻ WPF Barcode Software. Expression Blend Samples - Home.

C# - WPF: the right way to scale a path? How to Import Photoshop Files. C# - WPF: How to apply a GeneralTransform to a Geometry data and return the new geometry? C# - WPF : Fill the outside of a rectangle. How to achieve "exclude" clipping in WPF? WPF: How to extend the Shape-Class to draw a pie chart or a part of a circle. Simple and Easy-to-Use Pie Chart Controls in WPF. 방법: 결합된 기하 도형 만들기.

.net - How to invert clipping geometry in Silverlight/WPF? XAML Geometry - How can I do a reverse clip? ★★아이허브 추천제품 / 비추천제품 모음집 500개 ★ 솔직후기 엄청많음주의 ★ : 네이버 블로그. UIElement.Clip Property (System.Windows) Building Better Buttons in Expression Blend and Silverlight. Silverlight 개발 관련 사용자 Tip과 강좌 - [Silverlight5강좌] 8. 컨트롤 사이의 연결 고리 - Element Binding. Alxandr/QrCode.Net. PassMark Software - Video Card Benchmarks - High End Video Cards. Observer Pattern in C# C# - Can I set LARGEADDRESSAWARE from within Visual Studio?

Capturing the current directory from a batch file - The Old New Thing. [WPF/Silverlight] 이미지 버튼 만들기. Download Microsoft Expression Blend 3 + SketchFlow 평가판 from Official Microsoft Download Center. C# worker 스레드에서 UI 스레드 Dispatcher 이용하기. Barcode Scanner used to read the data using windows application C# .NET 11-Aug-14 02:54 AM. Untitled.


How to: Schedule computer to turn on and off automatically - TSG Library of Knowledge. Tim Groleau's Easing Function Generator. 응용 프로그램과 함께 글꼴 패키징. C# - How to include external font in WPF application without installing it. Visualization for overcoming all negative emotions. Meaningful Transitions - Animation - Google design guidelines. The Scale of the Universe 2. Kineticjs for HTML5 canvas disc wheel rotation animation tutorialProgramming tutorials and demos.

Easy Matching. Memory Mirror - The World's first Digital Mirror. Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery Interactive Wall. LINQ.