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Julie Wiley

Hi, I’m Julie! I am a freelance content writer, formerly worked out of Adam Smith Institute in California. I spend most of my time on the internet, searching for solutions that could help businesses grow exponentially.

The Ultimate Guide To Content Aggregators. For digital marketers, content is the major key to boost the online presence of businesses and reach their target audience effectively.

The Ultimate Guide To Content Aggregators

They are continuously building a content marketing strategy and spend tons of hours creating content to promote their brand and engage their audience. People love to get updated and fresh content ready in front of their screens so that they stay upgraded with knowledge. If you also love to explore the internet and engage with content available on online platforms, then you have a pretty good idea that the same information is available in different ways. The intent of the content is the same but it is available in different presentations on the online platforms. Have you found that you have searched for a keyword or topic and a list of various articles has been opened on the screen with the same topic but the titles are molded into various ways? 5 Undeniable Benefits Of Online Reviews: Why It Just Keeps Getting Better - USA Technology. After years of brainstorming and looking for different strategies to gain marketing success, marketers and brands have finally identified the elephant in the room and recognized the benefits of Online Reviews.

5 Undeniable Benefits Of Online Reviews: Why It Just Keeps Getting Better - USA Technology

They have also realized how by strategically using these reviews, they can gain multiple marketing benefits. For example, 83% of people think a business with a user-generated review on its landing page is trustworthy. Consumers love sharing their views and experiences online with a product or a brand. Online reviews are not only cost-effective for businesses but impactful among the consumers. Keep reading to know how these reviews work and what are the benefits of online reviews for your business. Embed Facebook Widget To Website From Scratch. Facebook continues to be the first choice for everyone, despite all of its shortcomings and competition over the past 17 years.

Embed Facebook Widget To Website From Scratch

The 2.85 billion active monthly users in the first quarter 2021 speak for themselves. Facebook offers a lot of engaging content that is both visual and textual, which keeps users on the site. Businesses have begun to embed the Facebook widget on their websites to reap all of the marketing benefits Facebook has to offer. Plus Points of Displaying Instagram Widget on your Website. Instagram Widget Instagram is the most important reason why social media platforms have grown so famous and a craze for billions of people.

Plus Points of Displaying Instagram Widget on your Website

Before Instagram, the average amount of time spent on social media platforms was pretty short. However, with the arrival of Instagram, which allows social media users to share their photos and engage with feeds posted by their friends on their screens, things have changed. At this very moment, Instagram has grown to a multi-billion active user base that shares a massive amount of content daily. How To Embed TikTok Videos On Website. There’s a saying that, Content is the future, especially when it comes to videos.

How To Embed TikTok Videos On Website

WHY? Every second post on social media is a video. So there’s a massive opportunity lies for video creators in the near future because video content is the new future. Various social networks possess huge video content. So then why do users prefer TikTok as a video-sharing platform? How to Add Facebook Widgets & Buttons to Your Website.

Facebook is an amazing and highly efficient platform for brands to connect and interact with their potential customers.

How to Add Facebook Widgets & Buttons to Your Website

The engagement and interaction of customers with brands leads to a generation of beneficial content that can help the brand’s website garner more attention from the visitors. Even though it may sound technical, the process to add Facebook widgets or buttons on your website is not as tough and can be done in a few easy steps. In this blog, we shall be telling you about “how to add Facebook widgets and buttons to your website” to tremendously increase your visitors’ engagement levels and stay time on the website. #1 Add Facebook Buttons On The Website Installing Facebook buttons on your website is not as technical as it sounds, and it has many amazing benefits.

5 Undeniable Benefits Of Online Reviews: Why It Just Keeps Getting Better. 4 Reasons to Add Social Media Feeds to Your Website. People’s love for social media is known to all.

4 Reasons to Add Social Media Feeds to Your Website

The increasing dwell time of the leading social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook speaks for itself. The purpose of your website could be any, it could be an ecommerce store, latest news, or travel blogs, or it could be a purely entertaining one. Either way, every website owner has one fear, declining dwell time and decreasing engagement. What Is A Content Aggregator? How To Use It? Benefits of displaying Facebook Reviews on Website. The emergence and growth of social media platforms have changed how users interact with brands.

Benefits of displaying Facebook Reviews on Website

They have become more aware and are constantly looking out for upgrades. Facebook is the most used social media platform with billions of active users. As a result, it has become a key place for marketers to market their brands. One of the many efficient ways to gather user trust is a review given by an existing user. Potential users do their part of research before investing in a brand. Step By Step Process To Add Social Media Widget To Your Website. Your brand needs something that accelerates your website impressions and engagement at the same time.

Step By Step Process To Add Social Media Widget To Your Website

In today’s world, Social media has become a major part of our life. Without being aware of the active social media presence of the brand or business, people will not believe in the authenticity of your product or service. Adding social media widget on your business website is a great technique used by modern-day marketers. Because they are aware of the potential that Social media possess. Top 5 Best Free WordPress Facebook Review Plugins. Reviews are like a favorite ingredient for every growing business and its potential customers.

Top 5 Best Free WordPress Facebook Review Plugins

It has become a consumer behavior to look up to their peers’ experiences with brands in reviews before making any online purchase decisions. Marketers have identified that and introduced embedding the Facebook review plugin on WordPress. How To Embed Youtube Widget On Website. Amongst all the social media platforms, YouTube is majorly leveraged by users to watch videos or entertain and educate themselves. In addition, brands and businesses also utilize the platform to promote their products and services through videos and visuals. Since visuals garner almost 10 times more attention and are much more explanatory than written texts, multiple businesses connect with their potential customers through YouTube to increase their engagement and reach.

Best Tools To Embed Facebook Review Widget On Your Website. Let us start with a few fun facts. After Google and YouTube, Facebook is the most widely used and highly growing platform in the world. Facebook is leveraged and preferred by more than 71% of Americans. Such statistics and facts give brands, businesses, entrepreneurs, influencers, and digital content creators a reason strong enough to make complete use of the platform and use it to the best of their ability.

Doing business on Facebook can help brands achieve their desired sales and revenue provided the content generated is utilized appropriately. How To Embed Twitter Hashtag Feed On Website. Twitter Widget – Everything You Should Know About It. With over 353 million audiences, Twitter is a substantially growing social media platform with a 2.4% increment in the number of users in 2021. Several brands are leveraging exceptional results with marketing on Twitter from the past several years. The power of Twitter as a social media platform is unexplainable; it is successfully connecting its users with the latest news, trends, popular celebrities, brands, political leaders, businessmen, or any ideal figure. Seeing such huge participation of the audience, marketers are capitalizing on Twitter to expand their brand at global levels. Promotional advertisements, hashtag campaigns, and frequent content posts are the way marketers can boost the brand, but embedding Twitter widgets is another powerful tool.

How To Embed Google Reviews On Website. Google reviews are a great source of increasing the authenticity, trust, and visibility of a business on online platforms. With the launch of Google reviews, businesses can provide a platform to their customers to place their feedback and experience with their business freely. Google reviews are not only beneficial for customers but also leveraging many benefits to the marketers in amplifying their relation with the customers as well as boosting social proof of their business. Embedding Google reviews on website is not a big task; anyone can do it in less than a minute, but it requires proper knowledge of how you can embed them on your website. How To Embed Google Reviews On Website. Whenever we try something new, it could be a salon, a pet shop, a boutique, or just the AC service guy, checking their Google review is the foremost thing that comes to our mind. You can consider Google reviews as the reputation manager for your brand because, believe it or not, some positive reviews and professionally handled negative reviews can bring success to your business.

Google reviews widget is the perfect marketing tool for you. Did you know you could embed Google reviews on website, which will not just engage the audience but also help build brand trust? Effective Ways To Embed Google Reviews On Website. 6 Best Examples Of Content Aggregator Websites That Rock. How To Add The Social Media Widgets Plugin To WordPress? How To Add Facebook Widget On Website For Free. Twitter Widget: Best Twitter Marketing Strategy.

Best Tools To Embed Facebook Reviews On Any Website. What are the Benefits of Adding an Instagram feed on Shopify? Instagram Widget – Everything You Should Know About It.