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Fashionably flexible responsive web design (full day workshop) An Event Apart: Responsive and Responsible. Viewport : adieu width=device-width ? Bonus : summary in english : initial-scale=1.0 fits the viewport to the dimensions of the device (device-width and device-height values), which is a good idea because the size of the viewport fits the dimensions of the device regardless of its orientation.width=device-width size the viewport to always corresponds to the (fixed value) width of the device, and thus is distorted in landscape orientation because que right value should be “device-height” not “device-width” in landscape (and it’s worse on iPhone5 whose device-height value is 568px, compared to its 320px device-width).

Viewport : adieu width=device-width ?

Therefore, I would rather recommend to always use initial-scale, alone or not, because width=device-width alone is problematic. More info : Apple doc "How to configure Viewport". Suite à des tests et des bugs découverts sur Windows Phone 8, la conclusion de cet article est remise en question.

Il semble finalement que la syntaxe la plus robuste sur tous les devices quelle que soit leur orientation soit celle-ci : Width: 100%, tu es le Mal ! 10 petits conseils pour le Responsive Web Design ! Aujourd’hui, rendre son site internet utilisable à tous ses utilisateurs ressemble parfois à un challenge ! En effet, on trouve tout type d’utilisateurs qui navigueront : sur Chromesur FirefoxSur Internet Explorersur Safarietc.Mais aussi :sur iPhonesur iPhone 5 (pas la même taille)sur Androidsur BlackBerrysur Windows Phoneetc.Mais aussi :sur iPadsur Galaxy tabsur Galaxy Notesur iPad Minisur les tablettes Archossur Kindle FireMais aussi :sur la télévisionsur le frigo connectésur l’Amstrad CPC de mamie zinzin.. 😀 De nombreux outils, de nombreux supports et des tailles qui ne cessent de changer !

Responsive webdesign : adapter un site à toutes les résolutions. Le Responsive webdesign (conception adaptative ou réactive en français) représente un ensemble de méthodes et techniques permettant d’universaliser un site Web.

Responsive webdesign : adapter un site à toutes les résolutions

Qu’il soit consulté sur ordinateur, tablette, e-reader ou mobile, le site ainsi conçu s’adapte automatiquement à la taille de l’écran. The Responsive Designer. I had the plea­sure to speak at Web Expo Guild­ford on Fri­day 12th Octo­ber, and it was received very well despite my ner­vous­ness (it was my first speak­ing engage­ment at a web con­fer­ence) and the fact that I for­got about half the points I was going to make.

The Responsive Designer

So I fig­ured I’d write a quick overview of my talk and include some of the slides as well. You can see the video of my talk on vimeo. The name of my talk was “The Respon­sive Designer” and it focused on how my own expe­ri­ences with work­ing respon­sively and how the lessons I’ve learnt and the con­clu­sions I’ve made have made me a bet­ter designer.

One major con­clu­sion (if you can call it that) that I’ve had is that if we as design­ers are mak­ing our sites so that they respond or adapt to what­ever device or screen size is thrown at them, then shouldn’t we as design­ers also be as adap­tive or respon­sive when work­ing on our projects? Adden­dum. Le problème du responsive design. 7 Essential Books on Responsive Web Design You Do Not Want to Miss. For those of you who want to depeen your knowledge and development of Responsive Design technique, we recommend a selection of 7 reference books about it, which you can purchase via the Internet.

7 Essential Books on Responsive Web Design You Do Not Want to Miss

Of course, the first one we would like to emphasize is the origin of Ethan Marcotte, "Responsive Web Design", published by A List Apart. Smashing Magazine has also undertaken, as always, a great job of editing and reporting with its fantastic collection of books on responsive design techniques. Finally, also noteworthy is Cristian Darie's guide to developing this technique for mobile applications with AJAX and PHP. Responsive Web Design From mobile browsers to netbooks and tablets, users are visiting your sites from an increasing array of devices and browsers.

Are your designs ready? Mobile First Our industry's long wait for the complete, strategic guide to mobile web design is finally over. Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques. Responsive Menu Concepts. The following is a guest post by Tim Pietrusky.

Responsive Menu Concepts

I know Tim from his prolific work on CodePen and from being a helpful community member there. He wrote to me with this guest post about responsive menus which I'm more than happy to share with you below. Not only is it a timely concept, but one of the concepts improves upon a clever CSS trick we've covered here in the past. When it comes to responsive design we are faced with various techniques on how to best handle altering our navigation menus for small screens.

The resources seem endless. Which Is Right for Me? 22 Responsive CSS Frameworks and Boilerplates Explained. CSS frameworks have been around for years now, but the arrival of responsive design practices has rendered many of our old favorites useless.

Which Is Right for Me? 22 Responsive CSS Frameworks and Boilerplates Explained

Fortunately, lots of really talented developers have jumped in to fill the gap with the next generation of CSS frameworks and boilerplates. There’s already a ton of these things floating around. Everyone has a list, but no one really walks you through how each framework and boilerplate differs from the next so that you can make an informed decision. That’s our goal today. Follow along as we take a look at what makes each of these 22 responsive CSS frameworks and boilerplates unique.

Gumby. Article. View the detailed comparison: What is responsive web design?


Responsive web design is a rapidly growing approach to web development wherein webpage layouts respond to their environment. That is to say websites should look good and function well no matter where they’re viewed, be it a desktop computer or mobile phone. Responsive frameworks give developers a baseline for building responsive websites. The setup Each developer on our team tackled a different framework and then reported their findings back to the group. Five steps to gettin’ flexy in responsive web design. What We've Learned About Responsive Design. I was nervous when we decided to start doing responsive design.

What We've Learned About Responsive Design

I thought it would completely disrupt our workflow, causing projects to be much more complicated, stressful, and far less profitable. Fortunately, that hasn't happened. It's not that it hasn't required us to make changes to our process, or that it's been stress-free. But it hasn't been a disaster, and that's what I tend to expect from change… Where are the Mobile First Responsive Web Designs? By Jason Grigsby Originally published: Sep 11, 2012 This article was originally published June 7, 2011 on Cloud Four’s web site.

Where are the Mobile First Responsive Web Designs?

For those unfamiliar with the phrase, Mobile First RWD takes the concepts that Ethan Marcotte taught in his A List Apart article on Responsive Web Design and flips the process around to address some of the concerns I raised about media queries. Instead of starting with a desktop site, you start with the mobile site and then progressively enhance to devices with larger screens. As a bonus, you benefit from the advantages of Mobile First design that Luke Wroblewski espouses. In practical terms, I think a Mobile First RWD approach requires addressing some of the following challenges: This list was just a starting point for exploration. So I set out in early April to find examples of Mobile First RWD by reviewing every site listed in the gallery which at the time was just over a hundred sites. Responsive Web Design Resources. Responsive Web Design : un nouvel outil pour les développeurs dans Firefox.

« Responsive Web Design », trois mots que certains développeurs craignent de voir apparaître dans leurs cahiers des charges, mais qui initient une nouvelle façon de penser le design des sites, afin de les adapter automatiquement à tous les écrans possibles.

Responsive Web Design : un nouvel outil pour les développeurs dans Firefox

Il n'existe ainsi plus des versions différentes en fonction du périphérique utilisé, mais une gestion globale que Firefox semble bien décidé à vous aider à mettre en oeuvre. En effet, la semaine dernière Firefox 15 faisait son entrée dans le canal Aurora (pre-Beta) qui est l'occasion pour Mozilla de mettre en place de nouveaux outils dédiés aux développeurs, ce qui devrait largement plaire à ces derniers.

Parmi eux, on retrouve une fonctionnalité permettant de limiter la zone d'affichage d'un site à une définition précise, la liste fournie reprenant celles qui sont le plus souvent rencontrées sur les smartphones et tablettes. Un nouvel outil de Debug du code Javascript est aussi désormais intégré (CTRL + MAJ + S / CMD + OPT + S).