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Brand iPhone apps: benchmarks for success » *supercollider. “My iPhone app has had 200,000 downloads — is that good?” By all accounts the long heralded “Year of Mobile” is finally upon us, and it’s raining apps. IDC is predicting the iPhone will have 300,000 apps by the end of 2010, and Android will rise to 50-75,000. And we can count on brands to help fuel a lot of the growth and hype.

Just in the last few months we’ve seen app releases from Van Cleef & Arpels, Piaget, Gucci, Hilton, Polo Rugby, Jack Daniels, Weber, Audabon, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Discovery, Time Out, Stella Artois and more. The iPhone bandwagon is picking up speed, and all the big brands are hopping on board. This is not without merit either. Admob survey results have 70% of respondents say that they’ve downloaded a branded app already, and 60% said they’d be interested in doing so.

So for all this activity, how do we know what success looks like? This post is a first shot at exploring the short and long answers to that question, by addressing the following: Downloads Star rating. Corporate Branding Races to iPhone Apps: Winners and Losers - iSmashPhone iPhone Blog. iPhone apps are probably the most popular thing to be used since the color TV. We’ve seen companies of all sizes put together some really cool concepts for iPhone apps. While most of these applications exist only as marketing techniques, some of them are quite useful. The question is, however, are they meeting the expectations of iPhone users? Regardless of the app’s cost, we expect these applications to run fast and without a glitch, especially the ones made by established high-tech companies. iPhone apps should be designed for those who are 100% mobile; otherwise, we might as well hop on the computer for the same information.

Corporations are scrambling and fighting for the business in today’s poor economy. From starting blogs on their websites to producing iPhone and iPod touch applications, they are doing whatever they can for marketing purposes. Brand apps that don’t disappoint… Google Mobile (Free) Google Mobile has just made it faster and easier for you to search Google. JAMIE FOXX OPENING KEYNOTE AT MMA FORUM IN LOS ANGELES. WebApp vs Applications : Leurs usages... leurs légitimités Par Nicolas d'Hueppe, Directeur France de Cellfish Media.

Depuis son arrivée sur le marché, près de 2,8 millions d’iPhone auraient été vendus en France, dont 2,2 millions en 2009. Apple a bouleversé la donne. Il y a aujourd’hui un avant et après iPhone. Facilité d’utilisation, ergonomie intelligente, navigation tactile, les usages liés à l’iPhone sont multiples, pratiques et font de cet outil de communication un véritable « couteau suisse ». Avec lui - et par la suite l’essor des Smartphones - les usages multimédias se sont enrichis de l’Internet mobile avec succès, l’iPhone ayant révélé l’usage d’Internet dans le secteur du Mobile. Divertissement, informations, échanges, il est devenu un véritable outil mass media, offre une nouvelle manière de consommer l’information et permet aux annonceurs et éditeurs d’adapter leur stratégie marketing.

Tous éditeurs ou annonceurs s’engageant dans une stratégie relevant du média et proposant du contenu se doit de pouvoir bénéficier d’un espace de liberté pour s’exprimer. Autre alternative, les Applications. Mary Meeker: Mobile Internet Will Soon Overtake Fixed Internet: Tech News « Mary Meeker of Morgan Stanley isn’t just any Internet analyst. She was covering the sector when the brokerage firm was the lead underwriter for Netscape Communications’ initial public offering in 1995, was dubbed the “Queen of the Net” by Barron’s magazine in 1998 and was covering the space in 2004, when Morgan Stanley helped launch the Google IPO. Now a managing director at Morgan Stanley and head of the global technology research team, she has released her latest massively detailed “State of the Internet” report, which she has been putting out periodically since 1995.

She presented the report during an event this afternoon at Google, which was streamed live as part of the Events@Google series (the presentation is embedded below). And what does Meeker see in her crystal ball this year? Two overwhelming trends that will affect consumers, the hardware/infrastructure industry and the commercial potential of the web: mobile and social networking. Mary Meeker’s presentation: 11 Mind-Blowing Mobile Marketing Infographics. Smart phones, tablets, laptops and mobile broadband cards have all changed the way we access the internet.

According to Pew Research Center, 59% of adult Americans go online wirelessly . With the proliferation of wireless connectivity and devices, online marketers have many more screens to worry about than just the standard computer screen. To better illustrate the growing mobile marketing opportunity, take a look at these infographics. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

" target="_blank">Local Mobile Search Marketing Takeaway As mobile usage continues to climb, it is more important than ever for marketers to understand how their target audience consumes information not only on their desktops but also on the mobile web . What is your business doing to leverage the mobile web ?

L’audience de l’Internet mobile en France - Premiers résultats : juillet - août - septembre 2010.


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