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Languages Online

See: The Department of Education and Training. 11 Untranslatable Words From Other Cultures — Writers on Writing. The idea that words cannot always say everything has been written about extensively — as Friedrich Nietzsche said, Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon the absolute truth.

11 Untranslatable Words From Other Cultures — Writers on Writing

No doubt the best book we’ve read that covers the subject is ‘Through The Language Glass’ by Guy Deutscher, which goes a long way to explaining and understanding these loopholes — the gaps which mean there are leftover words without translations, and concepts that cannot be properly explained across cultures. Somehow narrowing it down to just a handful, we’ve illustrated 11 of these wonderful, untranslatable, if slightly elusive, words. We will definitely be trying to incorporate a few of them into our everyday conversations, and hope that you enjoy recognising a feeling or two of your own among them. 1 | German: Waldeinsamkeit. Ressources pédagogiques. Medialingua. Portail LVE de l'Académie de Paris.

Audio Lingua - mp3 en langues. FLE - FLS.
