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Educational Blogs

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Week 4

5 Ways to Get to Know Your Students at the Start of the School Year - John Spencer. Educational technology near and far | Reading Rockets. Do you feel like you just got caught up with the iPod Touch and the iPad? You probably have accounts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and can find your way around the App Store with ease.

You’re good, right? Well, not so much, if you take a look at the 2013 Horizon Report K-12 Edition (opens in a new window). For the fifth year in a row, the New Media Consortium collaborated with others to identify technologies that have “potential impact on teaching, learning and creative inquiry.” So, what educational technologies are coming? Looking into the distance (2-3 years), the Horizon Report predicts we’ll be engaged in electronic publishing, using learning analytics, relying on open content and engaging in personalized learning. It’s all very exciting, and well-explained in the Horizon report. Access the Full Report (opens in a new window) Access the Shortlist Report (opens in a new window) Access the Trends and Challenges (opens in a new window)PDF.
