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Social Change Movements

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About - The Venus Project Foundation, an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), national organization. I am Bahram Maskanian, a Persian-American man, advocate of reason, common sense principles and ethical standards, an environmentalist, nontheistic, political and social justice, human rights, gender equality activist, essayist, songwriter, producer and poet. - I am a person who believes that in all ethical, esthetic and matters of central concerns, such as preservation of life and humanity, Global Warming and Global Warring, I shall put the protection of our environment, our home, Planet Earth and humanity as the two and final purposes of my work and existence.

About - The Venus Project Foundation, an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), national organization

Global Warming has been in progress ever since the beginning of the industrial age. The consequences of Global Warming are all around us; we simply need to stop believing the universal lies we are fed, take our head out of the sand of deceit and self-deception in order to see and understand the problems. Every day, we need to remind ourselves that we have only one planet to live on, Planet Earth. Foster Gamble : Whole Systems Strategies for Getting Breakthrough Technologies out to the World.


ZEITGEIST. The Movement.