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Holographic Universe

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Everything is Sound and Light. Water, molecularly comprising ~98% of the Human Instrument[i], , holds life together and behaves in a similar way to space, the medium for the slowest and densest forms of Light and Sound. Space functions as an oceanic medium for subtle particles and frequencies in a similar manner to Source Intelligence[ii], the Quantum Field that interfaces between Source and individualized consciousness. This field is the medium through which primeval Sound and Light is holographically refracted into intercoiled states and wave-patterns. This text explores the similarities between these three media (water, space, quantum field) through the lenses of science and esoteric traditions. Underlying correspondences are revealed which may begin to reconcile fundamental discord in current understandings of science and consciousness. As we will see, emerging physics are revealing a unified field created and sustained through dynamic geometric forms.

Cube of Space (10^94gm/cm^3)[iii] [xii] [xviii] [xxv] The Holographic Universe Part 3 Workshops Understanding Quantum Physics & Consciousness. The Holographic Universe (Part Two) The Holographic Universe (Part One) Holographic Universe FULL movie. Karl Pribram: The Holographic Brain (excerpt) - A Thinking Allowed DVD with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove. Holographic Universe Workshops. The Holographic Universe (Part One) The Holographic Universe (Part Two) The Holographic Universe Part 3 Workshops Understanding Quantum Physics & Consciousness. The Holographic Universe - 4 of 5 - Quantum Physics. The Holographic Universe - 5 of 5 - Quantum Physics.