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Why Students should use Kickstarter. Having great ideas is easy. Putting them into action is another story. What if students used crowdfunding in order to finance their professional projects? Kickstarter has become an efficient tool for promoting and launching great projects. The platform accepts and posts 75% of their applicants’ ideas. Nearly half of these end up raising enough pledges to receive full funding. About 28,000 projects were successfully funded on the website in the past four years, whereas the average funding goals were low at below $5,000. The infographic made by explains why students and recent graduates with fresh ideas but low budgets should give crowdfuning a try: Credit illustration Scott Beale Nicolas DehorterAuteur, blogueur et consultant spécialisé sur le crowdfunding.Profile →

Collaboration en ligne et communication interne. La Pyramide de Maslow appliquée au coworking. Exercice de transposition de la pyramide des besoins humains du psychologue Abraham Maslow au monde du coworking, ou la recherche d'un modèle d'épanouissement pour les travailleurs indépendants. Vous souvenez-vous de la bonne vieille pyramide de Maslow que l’on vous a sans doute enseignée à l’école ? Vous savez, cette pyramide des besoins humains qui permet de les classer et de les hiérarchiser d’une manière dynamique … Si l’on en croit Maslow, les besoins situés à la base de la pyramide doivent être globalement satisfaits pour rendre possible la réalisation des besoins supérieurs. Je me suis amusé à appliquer cet outil d’analyse au coworking pour voir ce que cela pouvait donner. Appliquée au coworking, l’analyse de Maslow signifierait qu’il convient d’assurer les services de base dans un premier temps pour permettre aux coworkers de progresser vers les échelons plus élevés de la pyramide.

Le coworking à la Maslow, ça donne ça : Besoins de base • Un wifi performant • Une salle de réunion. How To Make Innovative Ideas Happen - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement In one of his recent presentations, Frans Johansson explained why groundbreaking innovators generate and execute far more ideas than their counterparts. After watching his presentation The Secret Truth About Executing Great Ideas, my thoughts began to surface about how meaningful the presentation was—regardless of a person’s industry, culture, field or discipline. Anyone can come up with an amazing idea but how you execute the idea will determine your success. Ideation: Idea Conception Coming up with an innovative idea will require some methods of generating ideas from brainstorming to mind mapping that can help conjure up useful ideas.

During this process one must make sure to keep focused on a goal. Don’t get stuck on trying to come up with different variations of the same idea as you will want to develop ideas further later. Is this new disposable cup holder an improvement or an innovation? As interesting as some ideas may be, that is not always enough for consumers. WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson.