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The Limes Hotel Opened in Brisbane. Omotesando by Toyo Ito. Obranegra. NYU Department of Philosophy by Steven Holl Architects. Steven Holl Architects have completed an interior project at the Department of Philosophy in the Arts & Sciences faculty at New York University. All photos are copyright Andy Ryan. More Dezeen stories on Steven Holl:Steven Holl to build in NorwayNelson-Atkins Museum by Steven Holl Below is a short statement about the NYU project from the architects, followed by a press release: New York University (NYU) Department of Philosophy New York City, NY, USA 2004-2007 The Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences and a committee of Philosophy Professors collaborated in the selection of Steven Holl Architects to design the complete interior renovation of a 1890 corner building at 5 Washington Place for the consolidation of the NYU Department or Philosophy within a concept which organizes the new spaces around light and phenomenal properties of materials.

A new stair shaft below a new skylight joins the 6-level building vertically with a shifting porosity of light and shadow that change seasonally. >> noticias >> arquitectura. Casa Bromelia / Urban Recycle Architecture Studio. © Urban Media.

Casa Bromelia / Urban Recycle Architecture Studio

Hallway House / NL Architects. Hallway House, a radical residential project designed by NL Architects, has been conceived within the framework of a ‘match making’ program set up by the Dutch Architecture institute (NAi), together with Housing Corporation VANKE.

Hallway House / NL Architects

As a Sino-Dutch collaboration in social housing, NL Architects has created a new concept for high-quality affordable housing on a site in Huilongguan, Beijing. More images and architects’ description after the break. The current generation of college graduates in China faces numerous difficulties; it is hard to find good jobs and hard to find affordable housing. The term Ants Tribe, coined by Lian Si, professor at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, was meant to describe a group of smart but individually insignificant young people who draw strength by gathering together in large communities. The requested residential units are very small. Almost 1000 units have to be divided over the 10 buildings.

MVRDV. JDS Architects. Punggol Macro Development. Vallarta Towers. Cheiljedang R&D Center II. JDS Architects. New Taipei City Museum of Art Proposal / PA Studio. PA (Process-based Architecture) Studio shared with us their proposal for New Taipei City Museum of Art, which won an honorable mention.

New Taipei City Museum of Art Proposal / PA Studio

Their design includes a huge cube on an urban plaza. The interior space of this suspended cube is integrated and has not been divided to specified floors as the usual buildings. It consists of several moving galleries where the exterior walls are also good places for displaying the art works. More images and architects’ description after the break. Some of these galleries move horizontally to left and right and others move vertically up and down. Moving galleries create a dynamic space inside and outside the museum that changes throughout time and its organization depends on the galleries’ motions. Oasia Downtown / WOHA. Oasia Downtown, designed by WOHA, sets out to create an alternative imagery for commercial high-rise developments.

Oasia Downtown / WOHA

It combines innovative ways to intensify land use with a tropical approach that showcases a perforated, permeable, furry, verdant tower of green in the heart of Singapore’s Central Business District (CBD). More images and architects’ description after the break. 2 Lugar Concurso Prefabricados para Estudiantes: Conjunto Habitacional Jardin Nuevo Marilda. Vista Aerea.

2 Lugar Concurso Prefabricados para Estudiantes: Conjunto Habitacional Jardin Nuevo Marilda

Casa en las Palmeras / rrmr arquitectos. © Elsa Ramirez Arquitectura: rrmr arquitectos (Arq.

Casa en las Palmeras / rrmr arquitectos

Roberto Riofrío Navarro, Arq. Ecological Skyscraper in Paris with Green Terraces in Each Floor. French architect Jaubert Francois proposes a new skyscraper for Paris that consists of two towers joined by a vertical park that starts at the ground plane and finishes at a soccer pitch on the rooftop.

Ecological Skyscraper in Paris with Green Terraces in Each Floor

The “Hyper-Tower” is a mixed-use development with residential and sports facilities on the top levels and commercial and leisure areas in the first floors. The structure is a reinterpretation of the Arche de La Defense but instead of creating an un-programmed void, Jaubert Francois creates a lush garden for the city. The interior spaces spill into the green void through terraces in each level. To commemorate the 9th Annual Skyscraper Competition, eVolo is publishing the Limited Edition Book "eVolo Skyscrapers 2" which is the follow-up to its highly acclaimed book “eVolo Skyscrapers”. The 628-page book examines 150 projects received during the last years of the competition. -> EVOLO SKYSCRAPERS 2 - Limited Edition Book.

Centro de Interpretación del Rio de la Miel / Mariñas Arquitectos Asociados. © Fernando Alda Arquitectos: Mariñas Arquitectos Asociados Situación: Desembocadura del Río de la Miel.

Centro de Interpretación del Rio de la Miel / Mariñas Arquitectos Asociados

Algeciras, España Equipo de proyecto: José Carlos Mariñas, Sara Boni, Aurelie Martel, Catarina Oliveira, Jordi Bolaños, Samuele Evolvi Promotor: Gerencia Municipal de Urbanismo de Algeciras. Ayuntamiento de Algeciras Empresa constructora: Vías y Construcciones Fecha redacción de proyecto: Junio de 2008 Fecha final de obra: Junio de 2010 Presupuesto ejecución material: 282.558 euros Superficie construida: 237 m2 Fotografías: Fernando Alda. Pblcdad's "vivienda colectiva" favorite pictures on VisualizeUs. Pblcdad's "infografia" favorite pictures on VisualizeUs. Planificacion Urbana, Viviendas, ZAPCO, Sistemas, Tipologia. “Moreover, urban planners, architects,and, not least building societies must develop attractive forms of housing, to be able to offer an affordable alternative to the dream of the single-family-dwelling…” Hanno Rauterberg, Die Zeit, Mayo 2002 Pile Up, de la marca suiza ZAPCO, es un sistema tipologico de viviendas que nace de la motivación de crear una tipología que pudiera responder los requerimientos de los que Rauterberg hace alusión.

Planificacion Urbana, Viviendas, ZAPCO, Sistemas, Tipologia.

El sistema busca responder a las necesidades personales de los residentes y permitir la clase de agrupación densa de viviendas que los centros urbanos requieren. Vivienda Colectiva: Formosa 1140 - LOHA. Centro abierto de actividades ciudadanas / Paredes Pino. El Cubo / Orange Architects. “The Cloud”, el polémico proyecto residencial de MVRDV. La firma holandesa MVRDV provocó una serie de reacciones con el diseño de estas torres residenciales que se unen entre sí por medio de una masa de pixeles que simulan una gran nube habitable, ubicadas en Seoul, Korea.

“The Cloud”, el polémico proyecto residencial de MVRDV

Lo que el equipo de diseño nunca se esperó fue la similitud que muchas personas encontraron con la polvorienta nube de escombros que provocaron las explosiones en el trágico evento del 11/9, acusando al proyecto de ser intencionalmente diseñado para evocar este suceso. Fue tal el impacto en los medios que MVRDV debió pedir disculpas públicas por el mal entendido. foto via ¿Qué opinan ustedes con respecto a este supuesto parecido? 82 Viviendas en Carabanchel / ACM Arquitectos. © Miguel de Guzmán Arquitectos: ACM Arquitectos ( Atxu Amann, Andrés Cánovas, Nicolás Maruri) Ubicación: Avenida de la Peseta.

Carabanchel. Madrid Colaboradores: Beatriz Amann, Ana Arriero, Ignacio Díaz, Sara de la Fuente, Javier Gutiérrez, Ana López, Rafael Marcos, Rafael Palomares, Gonzalo Pardo, Cristina Parreño, Carlos Ríos y Susana Velasco. Promotor: EMVS. Desarollo de Comunidad Ecológica en Bangladesh / JET, JCI y Terraplan. © JET, JCI, Terraplan JET Architecture fue invitado por JCI Architects junto con Terraplan Landscape Architects, para unirse en el diseño del proyecto “Green Leaf”. Luego de ganar la comisión a principios del 2011, las negociaciones finales fueron finalizadas permitiendo que el avance del proyecto siga moviéndose rapidamente. El equipo trabajará en conjunto ayudando a Bangladesh para diseñar una comunidad sustentable con un innovativo concepto verde. “Green leaf” es arquitectura y paisajismo verde el cual toma ventajas de los recursos naturales locales para crear espacios habitables híbridos.

Esta comunidad será un oasis con árboles, plantas y vegetación.