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Sfe terms and conditions 1617 d. Studying abroad: travel grants for students (England) The amount you get depends on your total household income.

Studying abroad: travel grants for students (England)

This means your income, if you have one, combined with that of your parents or guardians, or spouse or partner if you live with them. Don’t count income from other family members you live with. You must pay the first £303 of your travel costs - and your travel grant will be reduced by £1 for each £9.27 of household income over £39,796. Keep your travel costs as low as possible without being impractical. If you’re studying abroad You can apply for: up to 3 return journeys between your home and the overseas institution during a full academic year abroad help with essential expenses, medical insurance and travel visas. Student finance. Whether you qualify for student finance depends on: your university or college your course if you’ve studied a higher education course before your age your nationality or residency status Your university or college This should be a university, college or other institution that offers a qualifying course.

Student finance

Your course This must be in the UK and one of the following: a first degree, eg BA, BSc or BEd a Foundation Degree a Certificate of Higher Education a Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) a Higher National Certificate (HNC) a Higher National Diploma (HND) a Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) Initial Teacher Training. Student finance calculator. Contact Student Finance England. Contact details for Student Finance England including complaints, appeals, Student Finance Services and the Advanced Learner Loan.

Contact Student Finance England

There’s currently a reduced telephone service because of coronavirus (COVID-19) and telephone lines may be busy. Only contact Student Finance England if your query is urgent. Parents and partners need the student’s consent before Student Finance England can give them information - the student can give consent when they apply or at a later date. These addresses are post collection points only - not offices. Student Finance England PO Box 210 Darlington DL1 9HJ EU students Student Finance Services Student Loans Company PO Box 89 Darlington County Durham DL1 9AZ United Kingdom EEA citizens working in the UK European Economic Area (EEA) Migrant Worker Applications Student Finance England PO Box 89 Darlington DL1 9AZ Postgraduate Loan Advanced Learner Loan Advanced Learner Loan PO Box 302 Darlington DL1 9NQ Complaints Appeals. Student finance: how to apply. Students doubt fees value for money - BBC News.

Many students are unconvinced they have received value for money from their university courses, according to an annual survey.

Students doubt fees value for money - BBC News

And a large majority do not think they have been given enough information about how tuition fees are spent. The survey suggests students average 12 hours per week "contact" time, when they are taught by staff. The findings are part of a survey of 15,000 students in the UK, carried out by higher education think tanks. The Student Academic Experience Survey, carried out by the Higher Education Policy Institute and the Higher Education Academy, examines levels of consumer satisfaction among undergraduate students. Information gap The survey suggests 59% of students are "fairly satisfied" with their course - and a further 28% are "very satisfied". But, with "the benefit of hindsight", more than a third said they would have chosen a different course. "If it doesn't happen soon, it could be forced on universities by policymakers," he said.

Contact hours.


Funding timeline for 2015 entry. Who is entitled? - Who is entitled to Student Support in England? 1: Settled status and living in the UK and Islands If you satisfy all the conditions under this category, you will be eligible for full Student Support.

Who is entitled? - Who is entitled to Student Support in England?

To be eligible: (a) you must be settled in the UK on the first day of the first academic year of the course; and (b) on the first day of the first academic year of the course you must be ordinarily resident in England; and (c) you must also have been ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands for the full three-year period before the first day of the first academic year of the course, for example if your course begins in October 2015, you must have been ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands from 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2015; and (d) the main purpose for your residence in the UK and Islands must not have been to receive full-time education during any part of the three-year period.

Notes: Students from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man 2: EU nationals, and family. Content. EU Students The UK is a popular choice for overseas students.


If you're an EU national or the family member of an EU national you might qualify for help from Student Finance England (SFE) towards your tuition fees and living costs. However, if you're from outside the EU then you'll not normally be eligible for any financial support from SFE. Depending on your circumstances, you may qualify for: help with tuition feeshelp with tuition fees and 'additional help' - for example, living costs Tuition Fees.

Student finance. Student finance. Student finance calculator. This calculator is for students from England or the European Union (EU) starting a new undergraduate course in academic years: 2017 to 2018 2018 to 2019 There will be no change to the rights and status of EU citizens currently living in the UK until 30 June 2021, or 31 December 2020 if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

Student finance calculator

You and your family can apply to the EU Settlement Scheme to continue living in the UK. The scheme will open fully by 30 March 2019. Student finance, loans and universities.