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Say 'hola' to the future - Geeksphone. Top 10 Awesome MacGyver Tricks That Speak For Themselves. Vol1-orange - Keel's Simple Diary™ Loading pages...

vol1-orange - Keel's Simple Diary™

Simple Diary™ offers structurefor those who don’t have timeto wonder, making it easy torecord life’s moments. It givesthe pleasure of a quick responseand the sense that no matterwhat’s wrong, more is right. “With an addictive design and curious text, this book gives readers the ‘simple tools’ to create unique, memorable daily records without all the heavy lifting of blank journals.”– Publisher’s Weekly, New York. 8-bit popup cards. Hello!

8-bit popup cards

Remember that pixel heart card I made a while back? Well it has been one of my most popular tutorials to date so I thought I would add another few designs to the collection. Meet ‘space-invader popup’ and ‘skull popup': Like the heart card, they are really minimal (which I just love) and easy to make once you have got the hang of it. You definitely need a craft knife (and a steady hand) to make these cards this project is only really suitable for adults or teenagers.

If you want to have a go at making them you will find full instructions and downloadable templates after the jump. Suitable for: Teenagers & grown upsCard size: 8.5cm x 6.5cmEnvelope size: 9cm x 7cm You will need: ♥ Paper ♥ Craft knife ♥ Ruler (preferably a metal one) ♥ Cutting mat (optional) ♥ Needle (or compass point) for scoring. - Housewarming Objects. Le télégraphe Twitter. Comment redonner une seconde vie à un télégraphe utilisant le code Morse pour en faire un appareil utilisable d’une façon moderne ?

Le télégraphe Twitter

Le convertir en une machine à Twitter pardi ^^ C’est le projet un peu fou que je vais vous présenter ici : En utilisant un vieux télégraphe comme base de son projet, Martin Kaltenbrunner a intégré un Arduino qui récupère les impulsions saisies avec le télégraphe et qui les convertit en texte en utilisant l’alphabet Morse. Puis il utilise l’API de Twitter pour envoyer ses messages sur le célèbre réseau social. Curvy in HTML5. Curvy is a HTML5 puzzle game using the canvas element.

Curvy in HTML5

Just rotate the tiles so that like colors connect. Modernizr tells me you don't have canvas support in your browser. Sadly, this game uses technology that's only in browsers with HTML5 support. We've tested Chrome 12, Firefox 4 and Opera 11. Presented to you by FlamingLunchbox is a puzzle, originally for Android phones, using a simple idea. Each Curvy puzzle consists of a grid of hexagonal tiles. Curvy allows a variety of different puzzle sizes, providing puzzles that can be quickly solved as well as more complex versions depending on the size you choose. Upcoming Features High Scores Preferences Want it on Android?

Sightsmap. Split Infinitives. You may have heard a rule that you shouldn't split infinitives, but I'm here to tell you it's not a real rule, and the idea itself is based on a shaky foundation.

Split Infinitives

What Are Infinitives? To understand split infinitives, we first have to clearly define the word “infinitive.” Wikipedia defines “infinitive” as the unmarked form of a verb (1), but you really need examples to understand what that means. In English, there are two kinds of infinitives: bare infinitives and full infinitives. Bare infinitives are the kind of verbs you usually see in a dictionary, such as go sprinkle run split Full infinitives are made up of two words, usually putting the word “to” in front of the bare verb: to go to sprinkle to run to split. The 20 Most Controversial Rules in the Grammar World.

Like anything else involving stringent rules and regulations, grammar harbors a hefty share of obsessive fanboys and fangirls who enjoy debating its ins, outs, and other various quirks.

The 20 Most Controversial Rules in the Grammar World

So of course controversies break out in academia, the media, and even intimate conversations between friends. After all, you don't have to have an English degree to get steamed up when someone uses poor grammar. Here are a few of the ones that churn stomachs and angry up the blood, in no particular order. The Oxford Comma Debates regarding whether the Oxford comma should keep on being used are comparable to those about the death penalty and/or abortion.

Seriously. Montre World Time Sport White chez Phosphor watches. Plus d'infos De la technologie, de la technologie, de la technologie...

Montre World Time Sport White chez Phosphor watches

Oui, mais de la technologie sportive qui sait s'envelopper d'un design tout en courbes ! :) Voici le pari des World Time Sport lancées récemment par Phosphor Watch et qui rejoignent aujourd'hui notre sélection Timefy. Les montres World Time avaient déjà, dès leur lancement, posées les bases d'une très belle montre design alliant technologie et élégance... Le nouveau cru proposé par Phosphor Watch continue sur cette lancée et ajoute un nouveau critère : une montre résolument sportive ! Ce côté sportif est matérialisé notamment par un bracelet en silicone souple, soft et un boîtier en plastique résistant. Votre montre change donc d'allure quand vous le souhaitez. Pour résumer, une montre design, efficace, technologique et sportive... Monuments historiques - Accueil.

