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You searched for slideshow. Donuts - by Mattia Larentis. Pure CSS Animals. Making the Firefox Logo from HTML. My Firefox t-shirt is probably the best t-shirt ever made. It's brilliant: a series of HTML/JS/CSS code wrapped and colored like the Firefox logo! Surely this design was created by aliens! Nope, it was created coworker Greg Koberger. Here Greg explains how to create a colored logo from page code! When each new t-shirt means staving off laundry for yet another day, swag quickly becomes the most coveted perk at any tech company. Mozilla WebDev had pretty much everything going for it: brilliant people, interesting problems, awesome office. That had to change. The basic idea for a t-shirt design came to me pretty quickly: the Firefox logo made entirely of code.

Then I had another idea. Quines "A quine is a program which prints its own listing. My inspiration was a concept known as a quine. Real quines aren’t allowed to take any input, and it’s considered cheating to use a function that just copies the source code and prints it out. Let’s call it quinspiration. How It Works The Rest. Un logo cliquable SVG avec alternatives. “Responsive Webdesign”, “Retina”, “optimisation mobile”, autant de termes qui sont devenus de plus en plus présents dans nos quotidiens de designers et intégrateurs web. Le nombre d’écrans dont la résolution permet l’affiche d’images en très haute qualité ne cesse d’augmenter : écrans Retina sur iPhone, téléphones Android, Mac Book pro et bientôt sur nos TV (à quand le frigo ?)

, etc. Ces nouveaux écrans apportent de nouvelles perspectives, mais également un besoin grandissant de flexibilité. Le format vectoriel semble être une excellente réponse à cette problématique. Cet article s'intéressera au format SVG qui propose une solution flexible : une seule image vectorielle, qui pourra être redimensionnée et s’afficher dans différentes tailles sur tout support sans perte de qualité. Nous verrons ici un exemple très concret : l’utilisation sur un site du SVG pour le logo cliquable qui renvoie à l’accueil de notre site.

Voir la démonstration Voir le code sur github Le SVG, c’est quoi ? <? Le code. Dev Derby Challenge de juillet 2012 &ndash; Sans JavaScript | Demo Studio | Mozilla Developer Network. Coding a Responsive Resume in HTML5/CSS3. Almost everybody in the business section has created a resume at some point. When working as a freelancer you are always vying to land new projects. Because of this transitory work cycle it helps to offer potential clients a brief peek into your past experience. And what a better opportunity than offering your professional resume online? In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can build a responsive single-page resume layout. I’ll be coding everything in HTML5/CSS3 to work properly at various screen resolutions. Building the Document I’m starting the webpage with an HTML5 doctype and standard meta elements.

The meta viewport tag is crucial for getting the responsive technique to work on smartphones. I have also setup a small IE conditional which includes some open source scripts for legacy browsers. Main Content Blocks The whole document is wrapped in a div with many various block sections inside. As you resize the page these block elements fall beneath each other gracefully. Semi-Permanent Creative Conferences. Barcito Chicago | Stand & Eat. CCR - 10 Anos de IPO | Grupo CCR. Fique por dentro das novidades sobre o Grupo CCR: 26/01 Interesses alinhados CCR cria comitê independente e controladores Andrade Gutierrez e Camargo Correa não votam em operação de venda de ativos para evitar conflito com minoritários.

(Fonte: Valor Econômico - 26/01/2012) 31/01 CCR faz captação externa para pagar aeroportos Companhia busca recursos para pagar, até março, compra de participações na Costa Rica, Curaçao e Equador, de US$ 215 milhões; se ganhar leilão no mercado brasileiro, recorre a investidores brasileiros. (Fonte: Brasil Econômico - 31/01/2012) Em 2012, a CCR comemora 10 anos no Novo Mercado da BM&FBOVESPA, o segmento mais exigente do mercado de capitais brasileiro. Venha viajar com a gente por esta estrada de sucesso e conhecer um pouco mais da história de um dos maiores grupos de concessões de infraestrutura do mundo. Desça a página e boa viagem! No dia 1º de fevereiro de 2002 as ações da CCR começaram a ser negociadas na BM&FBOVESPA. Notre équipe d'experts | G4interactive. News | Colorz.

MENDO. 3Digital - Agentur für Konzeption, Design & Technologie. Air Jordan 2012 - AJ2012. Soleil Noir 2012 | We believe in... Journal | Contain.r. Layrr - Réseau d'entraide pour les créatifs. How to Create Stunning Effects With 165 Media Queries or Less! Today's post is by Arley McBlain (@ArleyM), a front end developer in Burlington Ontario, at Thrillworks. Arley recently redesigned his site and it has some pretty neat CSS effects on it. I asked him if he'd like to share some of them and this article is his kind oblige. Responsive Web Design is the big buzz topic of the industry right now, and with little wonder; serving your site to be visually optimized for different devices and contexts is a brilliant idea. Your site exists to be seen, so why leave anyone out? Weird RWD Side Effect One bizarre trend emerging in this new RWD era is desktop-browsing web designers resizing their browsers to watch the break-points change the layout.

The average user never sits at their desk repetitively shrinking and expanding the browser window like a mad scientist. Responsive Text is a relatively new sub-topic that is only just beginning to be explored (Frankie Roberto recently made this post on responsive text). It Starts With a Personal Project The HTML. Geoffrey Dorne vous souhaite une belle année 2012 :-) 25 Examples of Super Wide Website Designs.