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Les entreprises hésitent à vous laisser travailler chez vous - strategie-d-entreprise. Publié le 26/04/2013 à 08:21, mis à jour le 26/04/2013 à 08:21 Photo:Bloomberg Même si la majorité des employeurs qui tentent l'expérience apprécient les impacts positifs du télétravail, les entreprises canadiennes craignent que cette liberté ne nuise à la productivité, selon un sondage commandé par la Banque de Montréal. Les entreprises canadiennes hésitent à laisser les Canadiens travailler à la maison. Elles sont 61% à craindre une répercussion « défavorable sur le moral ». La perte de productivité inquiète 53% d’entre elles. Pourtant, la majorité des entreprises qui tentent l’expérience semblent satisfaites, toujours selon le sondage. Autres avantages, 64% estiment que le moral des travailleurs et la capacité de les retenir s’en trouvent améliorés. Au Canada, près de 23% des entreprises offrent la possibilité d’effectuer ses tâches en télétravail.

Le Québec ne fait pas exception avec 23% des entreprises qui offrent le télétravail. Le développement du télétravail en France – comparaison internationale. Ah qu’il est bon d’entreprendre de chez soi ! Avec l’arrivée subite de la neige, de nombreux entrepreneurs ont été contraints de travailler de chez eux. De là à le faire tous les jours, la question se pose. on se sent toujours mieux chez soi Imaginez des dizaines de centimètres de neige et -7°C en plein soleil. Sommes-nous au Québec en plein hiver ? Non, nous sommes en France et à deux semaines du printemps. Quels types d’entrepreneurs peuvent travailler depuis chez eux ? De nombreux entrepreneurs lancent leur entreprise depuis chez eux : que ce soit des consultants, des rédacteurs ou même des voix off professionnelles.

Prenons l’exemple de voix off professionnelle, comme Lorenzo Pancino, fondateur de Les métiers les plus propices pour le travail à distance seraient donc ces métiers reposant sur ces NTIC. Le télétravail est donc une alternative pour ceux qui le peuvent, mais est-ce vraiment une solution miracle ? Travailler de chez soi, oui, mais… Les points positifs sont nombreux : - économies de transport. Illustration télétravail | Dessinateur de presse et illustrateur - dessin en direct : Tesson. Le social software, paradis de l’efficacité du travailleur du savoir. Aromates, une TPE qui mise sur le télétravail. Seules 22 % des entreprises recourent au télétravail selon les derniers chiffres officiels de l’Insee datant de 2009.

Parmi lesquelles une majorité de grands groupes. En effet, 65 % des sociétés de plus de 250 salariés l’utiliseraient contre 27 % des PME de 20 à 250 salariés et seulement 15 % des entreprises de 10 à 19 salariés. Aromates, agence de relations publiques francilienne de sept salariés, fait partie de ces très petites sociétés. Sa petite taille et sa structure peu hiérarchisée permettent de moduler le télétravail au cas par cas.

Si bien que pour Jacques Marceau, son président, c'est devenu plus qu’un mode de fonctionnement, c’est un état d’esprit. « Il est vrai que le travail à distance s'adapte particulièrement à notre secteur d’activité et à notre fonctionnement quotidien. C'est pourquoi nous le pratiquons depuis des années », affirme-t-il. Une habitude salutaire en cas de grève des transports en commun ou de grossesse difficile. Is there a telecommuting personality type? It’s coming up on the end of the year, and for eight of the past twelve months I’ve been telecommuting 2-3 days per week. After establishing a secure home office environment and routine, I found myself taking to telecommuting quickly, enjoying the many benefits this non-traditional work option provides.

The advantages, which include reducing carbon footprints and increasing office space, are practical and proven. [youtube= And yet, as I reflect on telecommuting practice and talk with my coworkers about starting their own, I sometimes wonder if there is such thing as a “telecommuting temperament.” Introverts versus extroverts As a self-professed introvert and an off-the-charts INFP, I took to telecommuting on several levels. Internal versus external locus of control The concept of “locus of control” is a by-product of cognitive and behavioral psychology.

Corporate culture [youtube= Is working from home a good idea? Last year, NPR put together a serial on the mobile-office revolution. The second of the three-part series was titled “The End of 9-to-5,” a profile of workplaces that had adopted what’s called a Results-Only Work Environment—or ROWE—which “gives everyone in a company the freedom to do their job when and where they want, as long as the work gets done.” Employees worked from their kitchen tables at midnight; they telecommuted from coffee shops; and they could manage their work lives to fit in with the daily routines of school drop-off and cooking dinner. Is there a workers’ paradise on the horizon for the cubicle dwellers of the world, or is it just another utopian vision that will join the cubicle and other office innovations as the object of ridicule in Dilbert cartoons and derision by those on the receiving end of ROWE’s good intentions? Is the mobile office one of those rare free lunches that boost productivity and let employees lead happier lives?

When to Let Employees Work from Home. Telecommuting can be a vital recruiting tool, if you plan ahead and create the right culture for your company. Here's how. Jim Ball of Alpine Access is making virtual a reality. Photo© John Johnston Q: When should a company allow its employees to work from home? A: It's not as easy as giving everybody a laptop and sending them on their way. "You have to have it in your DNA the fact that you don't have workers coming into an office space," says Ball, whose 4,500 employees--spread across 45 states--all work from home.

Creating that culture, he adds, means planning ahead to prevent the chaos that can result if you don't. A key part of getting it done is making sure that every worker--at home or in the office--has equal access to technology, supervisors and, of course, promotions. "You can end up with people who feel isolated, limited in their ability to move up the corporate ladder, frustrated if the technology does not work," Ball says. That starts during the hiring process.

How to:Five tips to manage an online team. Teams and the art of leadership - I recently finished reading Mike Brearley's "The Art of captaincy" (Pub 1985, ISBN-10: 0752261843). Brearley is a former cricketer who led the England cricket team in 31 of his 39 Test matches, winning 17 and losing only 4. He was described by team mates as "having a degree in people" and now works as a leading psychoanalyst.

The Art of captaincy, ostensibly about cricket captaincy, transcends sport to become a treatise on teamwork and leadership. When reading it, I realised that many aspects and issues he deals with in the book apply directly to leading a team in disciplines outside sport. For example, Sam Mendes mentions in the foreword that he consulted it when making "American Beauty". I found myself making notes as I went through the book, detailing passages which seemed to apply most directly to my work: leading a team of software developers. Team sizes Balancing inputs The leader has the benefit of ideas from all sources. Giving feedback On team members Difficulties within a team.

Why are web workers happier? — Online Collaboration. The research is conclusive: compared to office-based colleagues, those who are free to work where they choose are happier with their jobs. But why is this? The answer isn’t as clear as it might first appear to web work boosters. After all, ask non-experts for their opinion of telecommuting and you’ll likely get a mixed bag of advantages and disadvantages. Sure, controlling your own time is bound to be freeing and allow an easier juggle of home and work responsibilities, but what about the isolation? Don’t relationships fray without face-to-face contact, leading to misunderstandings and loneliness?

It turns out there is research not only on the comparative happiness levels of office-based versus remote workers, but also on the reasons for the difference between the two. Other findings might come as a shock to those who fear that working from home or the local coffee shop is sure to harm interpersonal relationships with colleagues. Image courtesy Flickr user benjaminasmith. Never Leave Home.