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Lacs in Homeopathy. Saccharum officinale - Inspiring Homeopathy -  homeopathy, vaccination and autism website Dr. Tinus Smits. The magic sugar INTRODUCTION When I prescribed Saccharum officinale for the first time to a seven year old boy some years ago, I didn't realize that this prescription would be the starting point for the discovery of an important remedy that has now taken a first rank place in my practice.

Saccharum officinale - Inspiring Homeopathy -  homeopathy, vaccination and autism website Dr. Tinus Smits

The picture of this first case was not clear at all for me, but his great desire for and striking aggravation after eating chocolate and sugar producing an enormous aggressiveness, decided me to prescribe Saccharum officinale and it had a marvelous effect. (see case 1)Gradually the essence of Saccharum officinale was disclosed to me and I was impressed by the impact that this remedy proved to have in the treatment of my patients. The following case was really a beautiful one and helped me a lot to understand the deeper mechanisms of the Saccharum patient.

Example 1: Ralf was a three years old boy, had had eczema for two months on the lower abdomen, scrotum, penis, groins and inner side of the thighs. The Life Of Calcarea Carbonica Candegabe algo. PICTURE MATERIA MEDICA. Provings in homeopathy. Les matières médicales - Homéopathes Sans Frontières - France. Marronnier d’Inde, arbre ori­gi­naire d’Asie, bien connu sous nos cli­mats.

Les matières médicales - Homéopathes Sans Frontières - France

Ce sont les grai­nes, en forme de châ­tai­gnes, qui sont uti­li­sées en homéo­pa­thie avec leur tégu­ment marron. Les sujets les plus sen­si­bles à l’action du remède sont plé­tho­ri­ques vei­neux, auto-intoxi­qués, séden­tai­res, au réveil péni­ble en raison d’un état de confu­sion intel­lec­tuelle après le som­meil. ALOE ALOE est un remède homéo­pa­thi­que d’ori­gine végé­tale, pré­paré à partir de l’aloès. Comme pour AESCULUS, les sujets les plus sen­si­bles à l’action d’ALOE sont des plé­tho­ri­ques vei­neux, auto-intoxi­qués, séden­tai­res et irri­ta­bles. En:mm:hering:start [Legatum Homeopathicum]

Très bon site:MM cartes. Materia Medica Pura – Samuel Hahnemann. Materia Medica Pura was written by Dr.

Materia Medica Pura – Samuel Hahnemann

Samuel Hahnemann. There are six volumes of Materia Medica Pura. There are 61 medicines contained in these volumes. There were 37 provers. 1st Volume Materia Medica Pura: 1811- Contain pathogenesis of 12 medicines, 6 of which are new, the pathogenesis of all of those which had already appeared being considerably increased. 2nd Volume Materia Medica Pura: 1816- Contain pathogenesis of 8 medicines together with those ascribed to the magnet. 3rd Volume Materia Medica Pura: 1817- With 8 medicines. 4th Volume Materia Medica Pura: 1818- With 12 medicines. 5th Volume Materia Medica Pura: 1819- With 11 medicines. 6th Volume Materia Medica Pura: 1821- With 10 medicines. PHOSPHORUS - Précis élémentaire de Matière Médicale Homéopathique par le Pr Timothy Field Allen - Traduction française : Dr Robert Séror. Lycopodium - Portrait minute : Bibliothèque - Matière médicale. Pulsatilla : Bibliothèque - Matière médicale. Matière Médicale Homoeopathique par Adolphe von Lippe, D. M. Matière Médicale Homoeopathique par Adolphe von Lippe, D.

Matière Médicale Homoeopathique par Adolphe von Lippe, D. M.

M. Index des remèdes : A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, Z. Préface du Pr A. von Lippe(<>) — Texte de la MMH de A. von Lippe (<>) — Index alphabétique des 230 remèdes, avec nombre de symptômes unitaires, pagination papier et nom en français (<>). Matière Médicale Homoeopathique (230 remèdes – 17903 Symptômes) par le ProfesseurAdolphe von Lippe, D. (Pagination livre papier en Anglais (14 X 22) : 716 pages ; pagination en format A4 (21 X 29) MS Word 2003 ; en Français : 410 pages) Folliculinum: Mist or Miasm? Introduction Folliculinum, is made from Oestrone, a synthetic form of estrogen.

Folliculinum: Mist or Miasm?

The source we are using today comes from Donald Foubister [1]. Although there have been no organized provings in the traditional method, millions of women have been proving it since the discovery of synthetic hormones in the 1940′s. L. de Mattos has done exhaustive clinical studies on the remedy and has published her work in French [2]. You can also find a good picture in Julian’s Materia Medica [3]. I wish to begin by explaining how and why I came to see the wide indications for Folliculinum, I feel that an inherited miasm is being created by the indiscriminate use of synthetic hormones. Another amazing thing to emerge was the fact that many young women were having these problems who had not been on the Pill, but their mothers had been on the Pill before they were conceived.

Diesthylstilbestrol We don’t know how many women were given this drug in the U.K., but in the U.S. it numbered well over a million.