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Tutoriels techniques. Comptes previsionnels - APCE, agence pour la création d'entreprises, création d'entreprise, créer sa société,l'auto-entrepreneur, autoentrepreneur, auto-entrepreneur, auto entrepreneur, lautoentrepreneur, reprendre une entreprise, aides à  la création d'e. Small business templates - Templates - Microsoft Office. Excel template and Business Plan Template. Free Excel Templates And Business Plan Templates Free excel templates including business plan templates and many other business templates.

Download these free excel templates, pdf templates and simply insert your numbers in the appropriate cells. At Small Business Resource we use these templates to help small business owners plan and manage their day-to-day finances. How to download these templates? Simply right click click on the links below and choose “Save this file to disk” from the menu in view. Save the templates to a desired folder on your computer. A Business Plan for a Start-up Business Microsoft Word [pdf] PDF A Business Plan for an Established Business Microsoft Word [pdf] PDF Bank Loan Request for Small Business Microsoft Word [pdf] PDF Break-Even Analysis Excel template [pdf] PDF Competitive Analysis Microsoft Word [pdf] PDF Financial History & Ratios Excel template [pdf] PDF Loan Amortization Schedule Excel template Nondisclosure Agreement PDF.

SmartQ - workflow visualization, task management, team collaboration. 5pm - Project management, task organizer, team collaboration and time tracking software. The Anatomy of a Perfect Landing Page. Placement and Content 7. Keep It Above the Fold The space a visitor sees without having to scroll is where the most important parts of the webpage should be.

Place the call-to-action button above the fold and in a location where the viewer's eye will scan to. Never have the button or form in a place where it has to be searched for. 8. Optimize a landing page for conversion over time. 9. Implementing motivational speeches, videos of user testimonials, and product images into a home page can have a positive impact on viewers, as well as give shoppers an extra push to look further into a product. Bellroy uses great imagery and videos on many of their pages. 10. Links connecting the user to a bunch of other sites or pages will distract them and have a negative impact on conversions. This landing page is designed well, but look at all those header links getting in the way of the message! A/B Testing you'll actually use.