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Le monde des bibliothèques

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Partager des articles scientifiques, une "désobéissance citoyenne" Les publications scientifiques, trop chères ?

Partager des articles scientifiques, une "désobéissance citoyenne"

Andrea Kuszewski, chercheuse en sciences cognitives et journaliste scientifique a décidé que c’en était trop. En 2011, elle avait lancé le hashtag #ICanHasPDF, qui a connu ces dernières semaines un regain fantastique de popularité. L’objectif est d’encourager au partage de documents et articles, rendus inaccessibles, alors qu’ils relèvent de travaux réalisés grâce à des fonds publics. Les revues académiques et universitaires sont devenues le passage obligé pour les chercheurs. Publier un article revient à consacrer ses travaux, et leur conférer une véritable légitimité. Depuis sa base de San Francisco, elle a considéré que son acte relevait de la désobéissance citoyenne. « Ce n’est pas un acte agressif, mais juste une manière de dire que les choses doivent changer. » Le principe du hashtag est simple : grâce à lui, les utilisateurs demandent à qui veut bien, de leur communiquer un article sous droit et de le partager allégrement.

Beyrouth: un salon qui dynamise la francophonie... Libraries, Tor, freedom, and resistance – Library Freedom Project. It’s been an exciting couple of days at Library Freedom Project.

Libraries, Tor, freedom, and resistance – Library Freedom Project

ProPublica broke the story of the Department of Homeland Security and the local police in New Hampshire intervening to try to shut down our Tor relay pilot at Kilton Library. We responded to this law enforcement harassment with a public letter of support for the library, signed by a broad coalition of organizations and individuals, and linked to it in an even bigger petition on EFF’s website. That petition has received over 1700 signatures in 24 hours, and media attention continues to increase (we’ve gotten coverage on EFF’s blog, Motherboard, and the Concord Monitor, just to name a few). Kilton Library has received dozens of supportive emails and calls, and the conversation on social media has been popping off — this incident has engendered a robust discussion around libraries and free expression, how we can publicly commit to those ideals, and how hard we should fight back when challenged. Alison Macrina. The Snowden-Badass-Librarians Button.

So Edward Snowden joined Twitter and recently he did a tweet on how the Library Freedom Project stepped up against Department of Homeland Security in there attempt to stop the Tor relay pilot at Kilton Library, New Hampshire: Goes without saying that Library Land went nuts over this rather powerful support from a prolific gentleman within internet privacy.

The Snowden-Badass-Librarians Button

Snowden ended the tweet with the statement: “Librarians are badass”. He is right and when somebody is right i calls for a button. So we started the button maker at my library and ended up with this bad boy: After I tweeted bout the button I got a lot of inquiries from librarians all over the world that wanting to know how to get there hands on this little piece of button art. Find the templates in this Dropbox folder (both single pic template (.jpeg) and in a pdf print version with 24 pic’s). Enjoy! Christian Like this: Like Loading...