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Parks. Transport. ‘Transportation poverty’ predicted for Cincinnati’s aging Baby Boomer population — UrbanCincy. A new report, Aging in Place, Stuck without Options: Fixing the Mobility Crisis Threatening the Baby Boom Generation, released by Transportation for America finds that more than 64 percent of Cincinnati’s population between the ages of 65 and 79 will have poor transit access by 2015. In the Cincinnati metropolitan area, that accounts for approximately 200,000 people. The Cincinnati region is not alone when it comes to providing adequate transit options to a growing aging population. Out of 48 regions studied with 1-3 million people, Cincinnati ranked as the 17th worst. Columbus and Cleveland, meanwhile, ranked as the 18th and 24th worst respectively.

The lack of transit options provided in the regions studied is matched by an increasing number of seniors utilizing public transit. St. And the data comes as Cincinnatians face an important decision at the ballot box in November. The parable of Detroit: So cheap, there’s hope. BBC - The Code - The Wisdom of the Crowd. GaWC Research Bulletin 344. This Research Bulletin has been published in Urban Studies, 49 (5), (2012), 1127-1149. doi:10.1177/0042098011407095 Please refer to the published version when quoting the paper. (Z) M. Burger* and E. The Many Faces of Polycentricity Over the past 15 years, a vast academic and policy literature has emerged focusing on the concepts of ‘polycentrism’ and ‘polycentric development’.

However, the calls for further clarification of the concept of polycentricity may give the wrong impression that conceptual and analytical clarification of the concept has not progressed over the last years. The most considerable difference of opinion in the debate rests on the question of whether polycentricity refers just to morphological aspects of the urban system or whether it should also incorporate relational aspects between the centres making up the urban system in question (Green, 2007; Meijers, 2008b). In this paper, we explore the relationship between morphological and functional polycentricity. Satellite images of Earth show roads, air traffic, cities at night and internet cables. Global population growth fears put to the test in Africa's expanding cities | Environment | The Observer. John Baliruno, of Mpigi in central Uganda, has fathered nine children.

"I never intended to have such a big number," he reflected last week. "I with my wife had no knowledge of family planning and ended up producing one child after another. Now I cannot properly feed them. " Uganda's population of 34.5 million is expected to treble by 2050. Africa, the world's poorest continent, also has its highest birth rate. In a year that has seen famine return to the Horn of Africa, there is anxiety that a continent already feeling the pain of climate change will be unable to produce enough food, or especially water, to meet its soaring needs. ActionAid has warned that the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and South Africa are the most vulnerable countries to a future crisis. Africa is growing fast because it is young. Lyndon Haviland, a senior health fellow at the US-based Aspen Institute, said: "Children have high mortality.

"I regret to have made all those children," Ndageramiwe said. Rapidly Growing Cities Adopt Smart Technology. Cities are experiencing one of the biggest booms since the Industrial Revolution got under way. In 2008, the number of urban dwellers for the first time in history eclipsed the number living far from the madding crowd. The United Nations projects that by mid-century, cities will be home to 70% of the world's 9.2 billion inhabitants, a figure that tops today's population by 30%. The trend is mostly the result of the welcome prosperity of the emerging markets and should bode well for the world economy. Cities are the engines of innovation, as economist Edward L. As encouraging as that prospect is, it also poses Malthusian challenges. The challenges are also long-term opportunities for the companies that can help solve them–and their shareholders.

Of the top 20 urban populations, more than three-quarters are in emerging markets, where migrations are under way as part of the relentless path of economic development. Your Value Your Change Short position (ticker: CSCO). Urban Renewal. Livestream of Homework: Infrastructures & Collaboration in Social Practices Conference. Designing cities of the future | What future urban living. WALKABLE Dallas-Fort Worth: Pioneers Get the Arrows, Also Spread Small-Pox. Sylvan:Thirty and the West Dallas Plan There is an old saying in real estate development, "pioneers get the arrows, the settlers get the land. " Most urban planning, as we know it, is an attempt to get out in front of those inevitable conflicts between past, present, and future. We like to think all places are permanent. We are naturally resistant to change, particularly that which happens right before our eyes.

We live day to day. It appears a dawn is rising on West Dallas as the citybuilders, the busy bees, look for new areas to colonize where opportunity and potential exists at an increment high enough above existing (land costs) to allow for profitable investment. Sounds good. The question then becomes, why would anyone want to invest in such a climate? In nearly any case such as this where a developer is investing in an area not quite ready for it, that requires city participation, subsidy, beyond typical street and block infrastructure. So what should have been done? What's Missing from the Latest Census Income Calculations - Jobs & Economy. Congratulations, greater Washington D.C. You're the highest income metro in the nation, surpassing the much ballyhooed Silicon Valley, according to newly released 2010 Census data.

The median household income for the D.C. metro area was $84,523, compared to $50,046 for the nation. A report over at Bloomberg credits this to federal spending, public sector employment, government contracting, lobbying and lawyers. The D.C. metro area also has one of the nation's highest levels of human capital, measured either as its share of college grads or workforce in professional, knowledge and creative class jobs, as well as buoyant high-tech industry. But don't start the party bus yet.

Wages account for roughly 77 percent of greater D.C.' Wages make up roughly 75 percent of income in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Dallas; 70 percent of income in New York, Philadelphia, and San Francisco and about 65 percent in Austin and Miami. +Augmented Urban Spaces.


SALVIAMO IL PAESAGGIO - DIFENDIAMO I TERRITORI | Forum Nazionale per la difesa del paesaggio e dei suoli fertili. Stop Al Consumo di Territorio. Tutti gli aggiornamenti sulla campagna per lo stop al consumo di territorio li trovate qui: Continua la Campagna nazionale “Salviamo il paesaggio, difendiamo i territori” Un censimento per capire quanti sono gli edifici sfitti e inutilizzati in tutta Italia Lunedì 27 febbraio 2012 in tutta Italia si è avviato un censimento dal basso del patrimonio edilizio esistente. Lo ha voluto il Forum italiano dei movimenti per la terra e il paesaggio, e verrà realizzato in ognuno degli oltre 8mila Comuni del Paese.Si tratta della prima inchiesta capillare mai realizzata in Italia per quantificare il numero delle abitazioni e degli immobili ad uso commerciale e terziario non utilizzati, vuoti e sfitti.

Il Forum italiano dei movimenti per la terra e il paesaggio è nato a Cassinetta di Lugagnano il 29 ottobre 2011, vi aderiscono attualmente migliaia di persone a titolo individuale e 934 Organizzazioni (93 associazioni nazionali e 841 tra associazioni e comitati locali). I Comuni che dicono «basta così» Piani regolatori a crescita zero.

Scelta controcorrente rispetto a chi sfrutta gli oneri di urbanizzazione I Comuni che dicono «basta così»Piani regolatori a crescita zero Stop a permessi per costruzioni su terreno vergine o varianti per rendere edificabile un terreno agricolo Il piano di Milano Santa Giulia, ad alto consumo di territorio MILANO - Un nuovo quartiere di villette che porta in dote al Comune una strada e due rotonde. Oppure un centro commerciale che frutterà una pista ciclabile, una piscina, magari un asilo. STOP ALLE COSTRUZIONI – Pioniere in questo campo è stato il Comune di Cassinetta di Lugagnano, piccolo centro di 1.800 abitanti sul Naviglio Grande, nel Parco del Ticino.

RISPARMIO, GARE E MATRIMONI – Ma come si fa a tenere in piedi un bilancio rinunciando a una fonte di introito così importante? LE CRITICHE E IL PARERE DEI COSTRUTTORI – «Un piano simile può tenere in piedi un paesello, ma non può funzionare in una città». Taifunschutz in Tokio: Unterirdische Kathedralen sammeln Regenfluten - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wissenschaft. Hamburg - "Roke" ist der 15. Taifun der Saison, und die Behörden stufen ihn als "äußerst heftig" ein.

Mehrere Menschen sind bereits gestorben, der Sturm zieht weiter die Küste entlang nach Norden. Sturmböen von mehr als 200 Kilometern pro Stunde peitschen Bäume um und wirbeln Trümmer umher. Die riesige Meeresbrandung setzt Küstenregionen unter Wasser. Der Fernsehsender NHK berichtete, im ganzen Land seien 520.000 Haushalte ohne Strom. Tokio hat sich auf die Wassermassen vorbereitet: Kniehohe Betondämme blockieren die Eingänge zu U-Bahnen und Parkhäusern. Es ist das größte Drainagesystem der Welt. 60 Kilometer Tunnel verbinden die unterirdischen Hallen, in denen sich das Wasser aus Straßen und Flüssen in diesen Stunden nun zu sammeln beginnt.

Sturzbäche rauschen Treppen hinunter Mehr als zwei Milliarden Euro hat die Anlage namens "G-Cans" gekostet. 1992 haben die Bauarbeiten begonnen und 15 Jahre gedauert. News verfolgen alles aus der Rubrik Wissenschaft. Uld cities' problems be solved by urban acupuncture? | Guardian Sustainable Business. Urban acupuncture favours a localised and community approach to urban renewal projects. Photograph: Jon Feingersh/Getty Images/Blend Images RR Around the world, mass migration from the countryside to cities surges. Cities from Los Angeles to Lagos will burst at the seams with citizens who seek new economic opportunities. Meanwhile municipal budgets will be constrained as energy prices increase, building materials become more expensive, and the fresh water supplies decline. Could urban design infused with Chinese medicinal theory offer a solution? "Urban acupuncture is a surgical and selective intervention into the urban environment," said Los Angeles architect and professor John Southern in an interview, "instead of large scale projects that involve not only thousands of acres, but investment and infrastructure that municipalities can no longer provide.

" Southern explained that the urban acupuncture approach treats cities like a living organism. Why Americans Love Chain Stores: A Psychological Perspective - Arts & Lifestyle. With Nils concept car, Volkswagen imagines urban future. German automaker Volkswagen this week unveiled its vision of an urban future with the Nils, a single-seat electric vehicle designed for "minimalist mobility. " (Sound familiar? It's the polished version of the single-seat concept we told you about three weeks ago.) Revealed at the Frankfurt Motor Show, the concept car touts an aluminum frame, top-hinged doors and exposed wheels on the outside and a zero-emissions powertrain on the inside. And the company isn't kidding about urban mobility -- with a range of just 40 miles (it tops out at 81 m.p.h.), this is definitively a city car, not a weekend cruiser. Understandably, the concept is designed for Europeans, not Americans: 74 percent of all commuters who live between Berlin and Munich drive less than 16 miles to work, according to the German Federal Statistical Office.

(The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development.) Still there are parallels between the two nations. The Road to Exurbia. Essay: James Barilla [All photos by James Barilla, except as noted] Each year, by his own calculation, my dad drives as many miles as the circumference of the earth. He gets up while the dawn mist is still clinging to the hemlocks and the horses are still crunching grain in their pails, settles into the car with a travel mug of coffee and a book on tape, and makes his way from a tiny hill town in Western Massachusetts to his job in a city near Boston. He’s been doing it for over 24 years, which means he’s been rotating the earth longer than many satellites. He lives on a dirt road, not far from the boundary of the state forest. “Days like these,” my dad will say on a summer Saturday evening, sitting contemplatively on the deck after an afternoon swim in a nearby lake, “this place feels like a little bit of paradise.”

Two Acres and a CarWhat is an exurb? Is my dad’s small town an exurb? Or at least, that’s what I would like to think. Manure is the flashpoint of exurban consciousness. Our Picks From Next American City's Top Apps & Tools for Civic Engagement. As mutual advocates of issues central to the future of cities, Next American City is just one of the resources that EngagingCities staff refers to from time to time in search of the top trends and tools related to socially and environmentally sustainable economic growth in America’s cities.

Recently, Next American City Magazine published a comprehensive list of best apps, websites and software for enhancing and improving urban life. The list included tools affiliated with everything from city governance (ie: Diydemocracy and Datamasher), mapping and transportation (ei: Walkscore and Routeshout) to “living well” (Streetartview and Sportaneous). And our favorite - the robust civic engagement tools section with a list available specifically for community building, designed to help facilitate urban planning by engaging citizens to volunteer, share news and open lines of communication. Here, we’ve highlighted just a few of our favorites: Read Full List >> Urbanology: An Online Game to Teach Users About Sustainability - Kaid Benfield - Life.

Urbanology is a companion to a large-scale, interactive installation at the on-site BMW Guggenheim Lab, currently in New York City OK, this is really fun, if not to be taken too seriously. Last month, the BMW Guggenheim Lab launched Urbanology online, a quick and fun game that forces users to make choices about urban issues, producing some quick findings based on the choices. I have long been interested in using online gaming to teach users about communities and sustainability. By answering ten questions about key city topics -- education, housing, health care, infrastructure, mobility and the like -- Urbanology users "build" a city that matches their indicated desires and needs.

Some of the choices, like the one above that I was faced with, are not easy. The questions change each time you play, and the results can vary widely. After each round, you can click to get "more info," and see how important each of eight urban values is to you, according to the game. The 25 Most Economically Powerful Cities in the World - Jobs & Economy. Cities and their surrounding metro regions are the real economic engines of our time. Bringing together talented, ambitious people and the assets they need to succeed, cities propel the innovation and enterprise that spur long-term prosperity.

Economists increasingly argue that clustering, concentration, and density stand alongside land, labor, and capital as key features that shape economic growth. American cities account for nearly 90 percent of total U.S. economic output, and 85 percent of U.S. jobs. As Harvard’s Michael Porter recently told the Clinton Global Initiative: “There is no one U.S. economy but a collection of local economies.” Tokyo takes the top spot on our Global Economic Power Index, besting New York and London. Creating-balanced-cities-interview-tia-kansara from... Architecture, urbanism, design and behaviour: a brief review | Design with Intent. GaWC - World City Research. Is ‘Urbanism Without Effort’ the Best Urbanism of All?