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Taking Sheldon and Amy Seriously. Prejudice Against “Group X” (Asexuals) Crocheting, Cake, and Queerness: On Asexuality « The Ellipses Project. By Elise Nagy Lately I’ve been thinking about how much I’d like to be able to join a club for asexuals. School's Out: Asexy Teens. A few posts ago, in Slut Shaming and the Empowered Young Woman, one reader commented on the way that asexuality is written out of a lot of the most visible debates on what it means to be mature, empowered, and sexually self-aware.

School's Out: Asexy Teens

She also observed that asexual feeling, identity, and relationship practices are so nonexistent in pop culture that it's almost impossible to know where to begin analyzing it. In her high school experiences as well as in mine, dating was one of the biggest status symbols you could achieve, and it was fairly well assumed that dating was the gateway to rounding those bases and scoring a home run, as it were. (I've never been too clear on that base analogy, and the fact that it doesn't really seem to translate for GLB people isn't its only problem.)

Compromising positions « asexual curiosities. I’m going to start with the disclaimer that this is not my particular field.

Compromising positions « asexual curiosities

In the past, I’ve displayed a lot of visible privilege in the area of asexual/sexual compromise, being non-repulsed and also probably poly. Sometimes, I’m afraid that my comments on off-hand sexual compromise and polyamorous polygons are akin to ‘let them eat cake’ in the obvious privilege stakes. So, essentially, feel more entitled to tell me I’m wrong when I talk about this than you do when I talk about, say, how sexual aromantics aren’t evil. I think the word compromise has massive connotations, both positive and negative. Dispelling Common Myths about Asexuality. First Person: 'We're married, we just don't have sex' Privilege Denying Asexuals. ASEXUALS: Who Are They and Why Are They Important? Recently, I asked for suggestions for updates for the 40th anniversary edition of that classic book, Our Bodies, Ourselves .

ASEXUALS: Who Are They and Why Are They Important?

Kris suggested a new section on asexuality, and pointed readers to , the Asexual Visibility and Education Network. I checked it out - it is a terrific resource - and also started searching for academic papers. The first thing I learned is that there is a startlingly small number of serious studies of asexuality. Type "asexual" into a database such as PsycInfo, and what spills out are mostly discussions of whether old people are sexual beings. Only a few more comprehensive articles pop up. For this topic, though, what should come first is some basic understanding of what the term asexual means. Asexuality 101 (thing) Note: this text is copyright Reddit user veerserif and appeared as a post in the /r/SRSDiscussion subreddit.

Asexuality 101 (thing)

The original post (and the resultant discussion) can be found here. If you would like to host this content on your website or blog, the author has given permission for reproduction on the condition that they are given credit, and a link back to the original post is provided. Before I begin, a disclaimer. I am a single person. What is it like to be asexual? 17 January 2012Last updated at 09:53 By Lucy Wallis BBC News.

What is it like to be asexual?

Asexuality and the Queer Community. Posted by Annalytica NB: This is an edited version of a post that originally appeared on

Asexuality and the Queer Community

I’m cannibalising an unpublished book chapter and I can’t bring myself to just delete the bits that aren’t going in the new paper… It has become widely accepted in lay and academic circles that the Internet and associated digital technologies are transforming the manner in which human beings interact with others and understand themselves.

I’m cannibalising an unpublished book chapter and I can’t bring myself to just delete the bits that aren’t going in the new paper…

In her seminal work Turkle (1996) argues that such technologies are engendering profound cultural changes through the renegotiation of conceptual and experiential boundaries which they facilitate. The experience of identity and community shifts indelibly through an increasingly active process of negotiation between the real and the virtual, truth and fantasy, public and private, local and global. As she puts it, “the Internet has become a significant social laboratory for experimenting with the constructions and reconstructions of self that characterize postmodern life” (Turkle 1996: 180). The anonymity which the Internet affords has a profound effect on the nature of communication which occurs online.

The cultural transformation driven by the internet & the case study of asexuality. The aforementioned transformations in the socio-cultural and the cultural system are generalisable beyond the particular experiences of asexual individuals.

The cultural transformation driven by the internet & the case study of asexuality

DARTS to hold asexuality awareness seminar - News. Published: Thursday, December 8, 2011 Updated: Friday, August 23, 2013 17:08 Today in the Rainbow Center, the Diverse Approaches to Relationship Types and Sexuality group (D.A.R.T.S) will continue with another discussion as part of the Educational Seminar Series, which will be the last of the semester.

DARTS to hold asexuality awareness seminar - News

The discussion will be held in SU 403 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. DARTS to hold asexuality awareness seminar - News. Published: Thursday, December 8, 2011 Updated: Friday, August 23, 2013 17:08 Today in the Rainbow Center, the Diverse Approaches to Relationship Types and Sexuality group (D.A.R.T.S) will continue with another discussion as part of the Educational Seminar Series, which will be the last of the semester.

DARTS to hold asexuality awareness seminar - News

The discussion will be held in SU 403 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Doctor's Advice: I am interested in neither men nor women - Lifestyle - Jamaica Gleaner - Saturday. Q Doctor, I am a guy of 21, and I must tell you frankly that I do not have the slightest interest in women. I can imagine what you are thinking, but I can assure you that I am not 'gay' either. The male body has no appeal for me. The fact is, I find the entire idea of sex absolutely crazy. What It Means To Be “Gray-Sexual” Belinda’s OkCupid account opens with this message: “If you are looking for casual sex, please move on … If you are looking for formal sex, please move on as well. Actually, if you’re looking for sex in general, I’ll probably disappoint you.”

If you are acquainted with the orientation known as asexuality, Belinda’s profile makes more sense. Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction or interest in sex, and has become a formal orientation — or unorientation. This year asexuality even got attention in a documentary on the topic called “(A)sexual.” But Belinda isn’t asexual exactly … she is gray-sexual. A 1971 Village Voice Article That Could Have Sparked the Asexual Revolution.

Details Category: Cake Recipes Published on Sunday, 20 November 2011 18:37 Written by Lara Landis. The Pseudo-Psychology of Asexuality « Asexuality Studies. Toledo Blade - Google News Archive Search.