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Seeds and Seedlings. Gardening Websites. Gardening. The Secrets And Ideas Behind Front Garden Designing | Gardening. The Secrets And Ideas Behind Front Garden Designing Posted on 28 March 2009 The most important aspect of gardening includes the front garden design, which speaks a lot about the look and feel of your home and its surrounding. The front garden designs and plans need a lot of care and your attention. If you can plan the things well then your dull appearing house and front yard may get a complete facelift very soon and it will look very attractive to everyone.

First start with a concrete front garden plan because once you start the work on it, you also need to maintain it, else it would go out of your control. Then the most important aspect in the front garden design is the amount of space that you have at your disposal. Now around the walkways you can think of placing a flower border over there of different colours which suits your need. Apart from anything else you need to take care and maintain your garden a lot.

Heirloom vegetable seeds. Ten Steps to Starting Seeds. Germinating seed showing first leaves Starting plants from seeds can be very rewarding as well economical but in areas with a short growing season, it can be a necessity. If you can provide the seeds with the right growing conditions you will be successful. The following information is useful for a wide variety of plant seeds, including: vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, egg plants); annual, prernnial and biennial flowers (larkspur, cone flowers, fox glove); and woody shrubs and trees. Seeds: If you purchase seed packs read the directions on the back of the package as they will give you the details that help bring success like planting depth and any special consideration. Containers: You have a wide choice and you don’t have to spend much to have very good containers. Use recycled plastic pots from previous years, sterilized by soaking in a 10% bleach solution for 15 minutes and air dried. 1 part sphagnum/peat moss 1 part perlite 1 part vermiculite You can also use 1:1 peat moss:perlite 1.

Seasons 2010 2011 dates: spring equinox, summer solstice, fall equinox,... See chart below for the exact dates and times of the annual equinoxes and solstices. Why do the seasons change? The four seasons are determined by shifting sunlight (not heat!) —which is determined by how our planet orbits the Sun and the tilt of its axis. On the summer solstice, we enjoy the most daylight of the calendar year. Credit: NASA. Pansies. Pansies rank way up there on my top ten list of favorite annual plants. In the deep south, they can be planted in September for nearly continuous color all the way until the next May or June, which makes them a very popular fall and winter flower. In the harsher winter climates, there are pansies that will survive in temperatures as low as 15 degrees if mulched adequately.

They may fade briefly during very cold weather, but as soon as a warm spell comes along they will cheerfully start blooming profusely again. Pansies are the largest members of the Viola family, which includes Violas, Violets, and Johnny-Jump-Ups. They an be found in many colors, including yellow white, rose, blue, purple, white, and wine. They provide low color throughout the winter months and are perfect for adding cheer to walkways, containers, and borders when not much else will bloom there. Pansies can be propagated by seed, cuttings, or division. Pansies prefer rich, moist, well drained soil and full sun. Natural Organic Home Garden Health Howard Garrett Dirt Doctor - Natural... Alpine Strawberry Seeds for Sale. Lawn moss control &124; Gardening tips and advice &124;... The wettest winter on record, combined with flooding and waterlogging, has created a huge problem with moss on lawns - and elsewhere in the garden.

Moss is a serious problem that is usually found where the lawn remains wet for prolonged periods, where drainage is poor and the lawn is in the shade. Moss is the name for a group of primitive non-flowering plants that quickly spread as a spongy mass on undisturbed soil. Moses reproduce from millions of microscopic spores produced on the leaves that then spread away from the mother plant on rainwater. When found in a lawn, moss is a good indicator that: The ground remains wet for long periods.The nutrient levels in the soil are low.The soil is compacted and lacks organic matter.The grass may be cut too short or even scalped down to bare earth.The area is shaded from regular sunshine, possibly from overhanging trees or shrubs.

Apply an EverGreen lawn treatment containing a mosskiller and then try to remove the causes. How to treat moss Mowing. Rocket Science – An edible rooftop garden in Portland - City Farmer News. Photo by Kym Pokorny from her blog “Dig in with Kym”. Article by Kym PokornyThe Oregonian October 2007 From atop the Rocket building, there’s no doubt you’re smack in the middle of a city. Swing around in a circle and you’ll see the sun going down on Big Pink, the arching Fremont Bridge thronged with traffic, the new aerial tram creeping up the hill to OHSU and the green-and-white 7-UP building plunked down squarely to the east. When you scrape your eyes off Portland’s skyline and focus on what’s going on just below eye level, you may begin to doubt your urban sureness. Although chef’s gardens are nothing new in the restaurant nirvana of Portland, Rocket’s rooftop commercial garden is the region’s first and shrinks the city’s footstep on the planet.

“If you look around and see all the flat roofs, you can start to imagine a food-sustainable city,” says Marc Boucher-Colbert, one of the partners who contracts with Rocket restaurant to design and maintain the garden. NAME / Erin Altz, 26. Playing Catch Up - Living Homegrown. By theresa on March 19, 2011 Life has become a whirlwind since joining forces with Joe Lamp'l to create Growing A Greener World. In our first year we: Wrote and filmed 26 episodes Traveled to 36 cities and 18 states Got very little sleep Drank a lot of coffee (I'm talking gallons!)

But we told some incredible stories about gardeners doing great things for the planet and we all had a blast along the way. Including the episode about my garden and chickens here in Los Angeles. Although it was a huge adventure, we are always running at 200 miles an hour and many things get left in the wake – one of them being this blog. Sorry guys. But you know, we learned a lot that first season.

I have a new vision for this blog and I am very excited about it. Thanks for being patient with me. In the meantime, if you want to see a quick summary of what our first year was about, check out this video we made. Here is what it looked like from my side of the camera. About the Author. Five Tips for Starting Vegetable Seedlings Indoors More Cheaply | Kitchen... There are a variety of reasons why gardeners start their vegetable plants inside. Many do it to save money on the high price of organic seedlings at the garden center.

The truth is starting seeds indoors can be even more costly than buying plants. So if saving money is your goal, you need to be careful to keep costs down. But saving money isn’t the only reason to start plants early. In the northern U.S., vegetable gardeners start their plants indoors to get a jump on the short growing season. If you’re growing plants early in hoop houses, for example, commercial seed starts probably won’t be ready in time. Others like to make sure seedlings are grown organically under the best possible growing conditions. If you are starting seeds inside, as so many on KGI will, here are five tips for keeping costs down. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I’m sure you know about other ways to reduce the cost of starting seeds indoors. Home Farming. Organic Seeds Organic Heritage Seeds Heirloom Seeds Untreated Seeds Open...

World Food Garden - Victory Gardens for the Whole World! The top 50 gardening websites - Times Online - StumbleUpon.