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LaTeX project: LaTeX – A document preparation system. What are TeX, LaTeX, and friends? TeX and as­so­ci­ated pro­grams such as LaTeX is a sys­tem for com­puter type­set­ting, for plac­ing text on a page. (Pro­nounce the name "tech".) It is well known for its skill with math­e­mat­i­cal and sci­en­tific text and other dif­fi­cult type­set­ting jobs: long or in­tri­cate doc­u­ments, and multi-lin­gual works.

TeX sys­tems pro­duce out­put — on pa­per or on the com­puter screen — of the high­est ty­po­graphic qual­ity. This qual­ity is cru­cial with com­plex texts, where the abil­ity of read­ers to un­der­stand the ma­te­rial de­pends on the clar­ity with which it is pre­sented. TeX is Free soft­ware. It is avail­able on al­most ev­ery com­puter that peo­ple are us­ing to­day. As a re­sult of these ad­van­tages, TeX sys­tems are now the stan­dard com­mu­ni­ca­tion tool in the sci­ences. His­tory The TeX project was started in 1978 by Don­ald Knuth, while re­vis­ing the sec­ond vol­ume of his Art of Com­puter Pro­gram­ming. Why TeX? Com­pared to word pro­ces­sors Out­put Qual­ity. LaTeX. LaTeX (/ˈleɪtɛk/ LAY-tek or /ˈlɑːtɛk/ LAH-tek[1]) is a document preparation system and document markup language. It is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents in many fields, including mathematics, physics, and computer science.[2] LaTeX uses the TeX typesetting program for formatting its output, and is itself written in the TeX macro language.

LaTeX is not the name of a particular editing program, but refers to the encoding or tagging conventions that are used in LaTeX documents. LaTeX is widely used in academia.[3][4] It is also used as the primary method of displaying formulas on Wikipedia. LaTeX can be used as a primary or intermediate format, e.g., translating DocBook and other XML-based formats to PDF. LaTeX was originally written in the early 1980s by Leslie Lamport at SRI International.[5] The current version is LaTeX2e (styled as LaTeX2ε). LaTeX is free software and is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). TeX. TeX (/ˈtɛx/ tekh as in Greek, but often pronounced /ˈtɛk/ tek in English) is a typesetting system designed and mostly written by Donald Knuth[1] and released in 1978. Within the typesetting system, its name is formatted as TeX.

Together with the Metafont language for font description and the Computer Modern family of typefaces, TeX was designed with two main goals in mind: to allow anybody to produce high-quality books using a reasonably minimal amount of effort, and to provide a system that would give exactly the same results on all computers, now and in the future.[2] TeX is a popular means by which to typeset complex mathematical formulae; it has been noted as one of the most sophisticated digital typographical systems in the world.[3] TeX is popular in academia, especially in mathematics, computer science, economics, engineering, physics, statistics, and quantitative psychology.

The widely used MIME type for TeX is application/x-tex. History[edit] Typesetting system[edit] .