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GitHub For Beginners: Don't Get Scared, Get Started. It's 2013, and there's no way around it: you need to learn how to use GitHub. Why? Because it's a social network that has completely changed the way we work. Having started as a developer's collaborative platform, GitHub is now the largest online storage space of collaborative works that exists in the world. Whether you're interested in participating in this global mind meld or in researching this massive file dump of human knowledge, you need to be here. See also: GitHub For Beginners: Commit, Push And Go Simply by being a member, you can brush elbows with the likes of Google and Facebook. Before GitHub existed, major companies created their knowledge mainly in private. Looking For GitHub Answers As embarrassing as it is to admit, this tutorial came into being because all of the “GitHub for Beginners” articles I read were way over my head.

See also: Github's Tom Preston-Werner: How We Went Mainstream If you’ve given up on understanding how to use GitHub, this article is for you. First type: Common SSH Commands. When you first log into your server, you will be in your home directory. Linux uses a nested folder structure to store different files. The top-level directory is considered the root directory, and is designated by /. Folders beneath the root level are separated by slashes.

For example, all of your website content is located in /home/00000/domains/ On the Grid, you can't do anything above your server directory. Your home directory is two levels below your server directory. Cd /home/00000/ Or, if you don't want to look up your site number, this command will jump you up two levels: cd ../.. Working with your server without graphics can take a little getting used to. It stands for print working directory. Let's break down the elements of a file that are displayed when you run the ls -alh command from the previous section. This section shows basic commands for changing the access settings on a file. To change permissions: chmod 755 index.php Copy file Rsync. How to set up SSH (for the beginner) How to set up SSH (for the beginner) Last modified $Date: 2013/01/30 05:18:43 $, $Revision: 1.19 $.

Some folks have offered links to translations; these may be useful, but note that I have not verified them. This is a minimal set of instructions to get a beginner going with ssh2, in particular the client version of OpenSSH which comes on Linux distributions or on Windows via Cygwin. I've included a section to help you connect to machines which are not running OpenSSH but some commercial ssh. If you want to enable ssh clients to connect to your computer (i.e., make it an ssh server, then on Linux this is usually just a matter of installing the ssh server package, which may be called "sshd" or "ssh-server". Note that these explanations make reference to your "home" directory (written "HOME" or "~"). Windows only SSH can give you authenticated and encrypted connections to remote computers.

Installing Cygwin on Windows: This is pretty straightforward. Set HOME=C:\cygwin\home\nifty and reboot.

Git Workflow with Shared Hosting

A Guide To Using Github Pages. Git – setting up a remote repository and doing an initial “push” | The Lucid. There is a great deal of documentation and many posts on Git out there, so this is more of a note to self as I keep forgetting the steps needed to set up a remote repository and doing an initial “push”. So, firstly setup the remote repository: ssh mkdir my_project.git cd my_project.git git init --bare git update-server-info exit On local machine: cd my_project git init git add * git commit -m "My initial commit message" git remote add origin git push -u origin master Done! Team members can now clone and track the remote repository using the following: git clone cd my_project Bonus To have your terminal prompt display what branch you are currently on in green, add the following to your ~/.bash_profile (I have my current directory displayed in cyan): Git without Github - webdevRefinery Forum.

'Kyek', on 10 Apr 2011 - 11:39 PM, said: rofl, I nearly pissed myself back when you first changed your avatar and title xD It was an awesome explanation, though 'Daniel15', on 11 Apr 2011 - 01:24 AM, said: What's the advantage of ChiliProject over Redmine? I just set up a Redmine instance for my project at uni a month or two ago.

Right now, there isn't really a difference between the two. Eric Davis, the guy responsible for a lot of feature extensions to Redmine, ran into issues with the project lead. The thing is, most of the developers have now moved and work upon ChiliProject and backport fixes. There's a wiki page dedicated to information about the fork, but it's pretty limited. Code School - Try Git. Book. The Official GitHub Blog. Cherry-Picking specific commits from another branch. I'm often asked how to merge only specific commits from another branch into the current one. The reason you'd want to do this is to merge specific changes you need now, leaving other code changes you're not interested in right now behind.

First of all, use git log or the awesome GitX tool to see exactly which commit you want to pick. An example: dd2e86 - 946992 - 9143a9 - a6fd86 - 5a6057 [master] \ 76cada - 62ecb3 - b886a0 [feature] Let's say you've written some code in commit 62ecb3 of the feature branch that is very important right now. It may contain a bug fix or code that other people need to have access to now. Whatever the reason, you want to have commit 62ecb3 in the master branch right now, but not the other code you've written in the feature branch. ~ Here comes git cherry-pick.

Git checkout master git cherry-pick 62ecb3 That's all. 62ecb3 is now applied to the master branch and commited (as a new commit) in master. cherry-pick behaves just like merge. Did you enjoy this post? Undo last Git commit. Git-transport.png (481×455)