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Gli smartphone Android in commercio in Italia. Band websites that work - no web design skills needed | Bandzoogle. 22 free tools for data visualization and analysis. Review April 20, 2011 06:00 AM ET Computerworld - You may not think you've got much in common with an investigative journalist or an academic medical researcher. But if you're trying to extract useful information from an ever-increasing inflow of data, you'll likely find visualization useful -- whether it's to show patterns or trends with graphics instead of mountains of text, or to try to explain complex issues to a nontechnical audience. Want to see all the tools at once?

For quick reference, check out our chart listing all the tools profiled here. There are many tools around to help turn data into graphics, but they can carry hefty price tags. Related Blog Here's a rundown of some of the better-known options, many of which were demonstrated at the Computer-Assisted Reporting (CAR) conference last month. Data cleaning Before you can analyze and visualize data, it often needs to be "cleaned. " DataWrangler Click on a row or column, and DataWrangler will suggest changes. Sites Like Popuri.Us - Find 25 ranking Sites Similar to Popuri.Us. Offerte Internet Mobile: confronta le tariffe. Chiavetta internet key: confronto tariffe e offerte | Supermoney. Le offerte di internet mobile proposte dagli operatori possono suddividersi in due tipologie: piani a pacchetto tutto incluso e piani a consumo. Internet key: piani tutto incluso Le chiavette internet tutto incluso generalmente prevedono un canone mensile che comprende un certo traffico internet, quantificato in ore o in megabyte.

Se il tetto massimo viene superato, per il traffico aggiuntivo con l'internet key è prevista una tariffazione a consumo. Esistono anche tariffe flat, che a fronte di un pagamento mensile permettono la navigazione su internet senza limiti. I pacchetti internet key tutto incluso sono tipicamente offerti con un contratto di abbonamento. Vantaggi: conveniente per chi riesce a quantificare in modo abbastanza preciso la quantità di traffico utilizzata ogni mese. Svantaggi: una volta raggiunto il tetto massimo consentito, le tariffe per il traffico aggiuntivo possono essere piuttosto salate.

Chiavetta internet: piani a consumo Tariffe internet mobile: SuperMoney ti aiuta. Put Your Content in My Pocket. A note from the editors: This historically important article—part of the first series to show web designers what they needed to know about iPhones—was brilliant for its time, but is now outdated. Unless you’ve been hiding in a cave with Osama bin Laden, you know that Apple is selling an iPhone and that it’s a hit. Apple is well on its way to selling ten million mobile Internet devices by the end of 2008.

Besides being a great phone, the iPhone also includes a sophisticated new Safari browser. This version is touted as “the most advanced web browser on a portable device” and from what I’ve seen, it deserves this accolade. Article Continues Below So what does this mean for you? (Note: For the remainder of this article, I’ll refer to this new browser as Mobile Safari to avoid confusion with its desktop sibling.) While these articles are specifically targeted at the iPhone, many of the ideas and concepts I’m presenting can be useful and effective with other mobile devices. Adapting#section5. Put Your Content in my Pocket, Part II. Hopefully, you’ve now read the first part of this series and have started to think about the iPhone and how it relates to your own web development efforts.

In this second article of the series, I’ll focus on some of the things that made me scratch my head and dig around for answers or otherwise impeded my work. If you had any doubts about the relevancy of this series to your own web properties, last week’s announcement of Mobile Safari being available on the iPod sweetens the deal: there have been over 100 million iPods sold to date. The mobile web is no longer just about phones. Size matters#section1 Let’s begin with the size of the screen. There are two sets of dimensions to consider, depending on how the user has oriented the device: 320×480 pixels (portrait) or 480×320 pixels (landscape). Additionally, Mobile Safari—unlike other browsers—does not maintain a constant size for content viewing.

Available screen real state with iPhone in portrait orientation Eight windows OK. Technology | How the world was connected. Ebook and PDA Documents for your Handheld from Memoware - Free!