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COME CONSULTARE ON LINE IL CASELLARIO POLITICO CENTRALE FASCISTA. Dal mese di giugno 2006 l’Archivio Centrale dello Stato ha reso possibile consultare su internet l’indice del Casellario Politico Centrale.


Rendendo così possibile agli studiosi di verificare in forma sintetica informazioni preziose per organizzare le loro successive ricerche. Per avere una dimensione del materiale consultabile, basti dire che nel Cpc (che consta complessivamente di circa 158.000 fascicoli, compilati per la massima parte in epoca fascista, ma anche risalenti all’epoca liberale, a partire dall’istituzione dell’ufficio nel 1896) ci sono i fascicoli di 3658 antifascisti nati o residenti nella provincia di Udine, 3062 in quella di Gorizia, 3391 in quella di Trieste. Province intese nei loro confini precedenti al 1945, con Pordenone inclusa in quella di Udine, e le province di Gorizia e Trieste comprensive dei comuni passati nel 1945 alla Jugoslavia. 1) basta andare su internet e collegarsi con il sito dell’Acs: 2) si digita in alto su “link rapidi” – “avvia la ricerca“:

Archives, tags, and RSS feed. has been published regularly since 1998 and includes more than 21,000 entries.

archives, tags, and RSS feed

If you're looking for something in particular, try searching or looking through the tag pages below. If you want to surf aimlessly around, try a random selection of entries or pick a tag or particular month below and go nuts. Tag pages A growing number of the posts on have been "tagged" with keywords. Clicking on any of the tags below will take you to posts for that keyword. Some recommended tagsphotography (1206) economics (269) lists (855) best of (495) infoviz (233) food (1016) NYC (959) firstworldproblems (4) cities (177) restaurants (262) video (1766) timelapse (9) interviews (341) language (378) maps (344) fashion (242) NSFW (74) remix (386) If that doesn't completely and utterly whet your whistle, you might find the tag you're looking for by hacking the URL: Monthly archives since Mar 1998 Miscellaneous things A few things on the site aren't included in the weblog listings.

Photography. Our collective recent history, online ( In past few years, several prominent US magazines and newspapers have begun to offer their extensive archives online and on DVD.

Our collective recent history, online (

In some cases, this includes material dating back to the 1850s. Collectively it is an incredible record of recent human history, the ideas, people, and events that have shaped our country and world as recorded by writers, photographers, editors, illustrators, advertisers, and designers who lived through those times. Here are some of most notable of those archives: Harper's Magazine offers their entire archive online, from 1850 to 2008. Most of it is only available to the magazine's subscribers. The NY Times provides their entire archive online, most of it for free.