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Chakras. Chakras Chakra means Wheel in Sanskrit. Consciousness and energy move from one frequency to another in spiraling fashion. The body has energy centers that look like spinning wheels and are called Chakras. They allow energy to flow from one part of the body to another. As with all things in our reality, they are linked to sound, light and color.

To heal, is to bring the chakras into alignment and balance then understand the nature of creation and your purpose in it. It's all in motion in the alchemy of time. Kundalini The Flow of Energy The Chakra Wheels Crown Chakra Brow Chakra Throat Chakra Heart Chakra Solar Plexus Spleen Chakra Root Chakra Chakras above the head bring one into higher frequency. They range from 4 fingers to one foot above the crown chakra.

Chakras as Spiral Cones Third Eye Pineal Gland 12 Around 1 Spiraling Cones of Creation Chakra and Color Frequencies RED 1st Chakra: Base or Root Chakra: Kundalini: Root Chakra: Located at the base of the spine. Crystals are used with chakras 12 Around 1. Golden Rule. Book with "Dieu, la Loi, et le Roi" ("God, the law and the king") on one page and the golden rule on the other, by Bernard d'Agesci. One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (directive form).[1]One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated (cautionary form, also known as the Silver Rule).[1] This concept describes a "reciprocal", or "two-way", relationship between one's self and others that involves both sides equally, and in a mutual fashion.[3][4] This concept can be explained from the perspective of psychology, philosophy, sociology and religion.

Psychologically, it involves a person empathizing with others. Philosophically, it involves a person perceiving their neighbor as also an "I" or "self".[3][4] Sociologically, this principle is applicable between individuals, between groups, and also between individuals and groups. Rushworth Kidder notes that the Golden Rule can be found in the early contributions of Confucianism. India[edit] Lotus Flower Meaning and Symbolisms. Wrinkled doughnut solves geometrical mystery - physics-math - 30 April 2012. This may be the weirdest doughnut you have ever seen, but it solves a long-standing geometrical puzzle that evaded mathematicians including Nobel laureate John Nash, who inspired the film A Beautiful Mind. Topology is the branch of mathematics concerned with the geometric deformations of objects. According to its rules, a certain type of flat square - in which opposite edges have been mathematically linked - is equivalent to a holed-doughnut, or torus, because one can easily be turned into the other.

First, form a cylinder by joining the top edge of the square to the bottom edge, then bend that cylinder into a circle and join its two open ends. There is just one problem: for the two ends to meet, the torus must be stretched in a way that distorts the original shape of the square. Molecular doughnut But could there be an alternative torus that leaves both horizontal and vertical line lengths unchanged? 3D printout The method of wrinkling is known as convex integration theory.

Recommended by. Taureau (symbolisme). Figure essentielle de l'art paléolithique, le taureau jouait également un rôle central dans les plus anciennes religions connues de la Méditerranée et de son pourtour (mont Bégo, Crète , Anatolie , etc). On pense que le taureau était considéré comme l'agent visible de la force invisible qui meut et féconde la nature.- Taureaux paléolithiques représentés sur les parois de la grotte de Lascaux. Les Égyptiens révéraient le taureau ou boeuf sacré, sous le nom d'Apis.

. , signe équinoxial , alors premier des douze signes du zodiaque, qu'Osiris, c'est-à-dire ici le Soleil, avait rendu dépositaire de la fécondité. Ainsi que dans beaucoup de religions asiatiques, le taureau avait été adopté, dès les premiers âges, par les Égéens, comme le symbole de la force et de l'énergie créatrice. Tête de taureau symbolisant le dieu Taureau (Cnossos, Crète). Le dieu Taureau n'était d'ailleurs pas l'unique aspect sous lequel se présentait le dieu crétois. . Shintô ].