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Cómo promocionar una aplicación móvil en 12 pasos. Ahora que ya conoces las ventajas de tener una app en tu empresa y sabes cuánto cuesta desarrollarla, te falta conocer lo más importante: cómo promocionar una aplicación móvil para empezar a conseguir descargas. El presupuesto que has destinado a la creación de tu aplicación debe ser similar al que destinarás en la promoción de la misma.

Eso no quiere decir que todos los pasos sean de pago, existen muchas formas creativas y gratuitas de comenzar tu plan de marketing. Desde la simple elección del nombre, hasta la creación de un video tutorial de la app, pasando por la difusión de contenidos y la selección de keywords. Aquí te damos los primeros 12 pasos para promocionar una aplicación. 1.

El nombre de tu aplicación móvil tiene que ser único y fácil de pronunciar. Intenta que no pase de los 12 caracteresQue sea adecuado para el SEO. Existen sitios como Dotomator que te pueden dar ideas de nombres relacionados con palabras o categorías concretas. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Nada que no sepas. 8. 9. [Infografía] Cómo Promocionar una App - Guía de Marketing para Aplicaciones. Portal Teletrabajo Colombia. Insight Business Management Software - Arquila Business Systems. Trello. ColorNote - Best Notepad & Notes App. Telecommuting, teleworking, and work from home jobs. Omono | Cloud Based Business Management System. Welcome to the Telework Association | The Telework Association. For two decades we've been promoting the benefits of teleworking for individuals and organisations.

What is meant by 'teleworking' has changed over the years. In the early 1990s it was mostly about people in rural areas working in telecentres, often doing data processing jobs, as a way to bring work to disadvantaged areas. As technology became cheaper and more accessible teleworking came to mean people working at or from home wherever they lived and embraced communication and collaboration not only across miles but often across continents. As technology has made even greater leaps over the last few years, and expectations of work have changed, 'teleworking' has evolved to mean "anytime, anywhere" working.

So, whether you're an employee hoping to convince your boss to let you work more flexibly, a budding entrepreneur planning to set up a home based business, an individual looking for home-based work or a manager improving your remote managing skills, you can benefit from our experience. Hangouts de Google – Videoconferencias para su Negocio. Simple Online Help Desk Software by Groove. Scannable. Deskero, Help Desk Software and Support Ticket System. Help Desk Software by Help Scout. Zoho CRM - Home Page. Temas1 2 1 2y1 4 1 3 (3) SSL vs TLS: What is the Difference? An Infographic. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are foundations of security on the Internet. However, between colloquial usage and the relationship between these security protocols, there is a lot of confusion regarding how they are related, how they are different, and what to use in what situation.

For a detailed analysis of these differences and similarities, see: TLS versus SSL: What is the Difference? The following infographic simplifies and summarizes the comparison. SSL versus TLS: The Differences and Similarities Share This Infographic On Your Site Cyber Communication Security: SSL vs. TLS: Transport Layer Security SSL: Secure Sockets Layer SSL and TLS are protocols for data encryption and authentication between a client and a computer server. While SSL and TLS are not the only protocols of their kind, they are the two most common protocols for communications of sensitive data such as passwords, personal information, financial information, etc. Protocol Overview SSL v3.0.