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Nueva pestaña. NounProject. ArgosCartagena. Global Holcim Awards Silver 2012 - Urban remediation and civic infrastructure hub, São Paulo, Brazil. Buffer Zones Around Protected Areas: A Brief Literature Review [eScholarship] Requiem por la Ciénaga de la Virgen | Cerosetenta. La Ciénaga de la Virgen alberga la segunda mayor cantidad de manglares del mundo. Hoy, los manglares peligran y la Ciénaga llora. Una visita para averiguar de qué están hechas sus lágrimas. Me prometen la cueva del manglar como un encanto natural, una experiencia única. Cualquier página web me vende el paseo en balsa por la Ciénaga de la Virgen como destino turístico obligado en mi paseo por Cartagena. La mayoría de estos recorridos prometen lo mismo: aves, cangrejos multicolores, iguanas y aguas cristalinas. A la Ciénaga la pintan como un edén, una experiencia exótica, una aventura natural.

Ese es el problema. Compré el tour, y aquí estoy. Junto con Fermín Perez, mi guía, nos adentramos en los manglares. -¿Esto es muy hondo Fermín? -Cuando yo tenía cuatro años, esto medía cuatro metros y se podían ver los peces. La Ciénaga agoniza. Fermín es el jefe de la Asociación de Pesqueros Informales de La Boquilla y un activista ambiental de este corregimiento. El problema no es reciente. Setbacks-Ecological-Buffers.pdf. Contaminación Cienaga de la Virgen. La Boquilla, Colombia. Este mapa muestra los diferentes paisajes que se desarrollan a partir de la Ciénaga de la Virgen y de Juan Polo al norte de la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias. El paisaje cultural es definido por la presencia de comunidades afro colombianas que se asentaron a orillas de la Ciénaga. Se destaca La Boquilla, comunidad de pescadores que vive una transformación constante con el auge del turismo y los proyectos inmobiliarios, los cuales generan un paisaje urbano que difícilmente logra desarrollarse en armonía con el entorno natural, el cual paradójicamente sostiene, alimenta, y enriquece las dimensiones humanas del desarrollo.

I. Asentamiento y desarrollo de la comunidad de pescadores (1850 - 1980) La zona de La Boquilla fue habitada por la tribu Caribe en épocas de la Colonia, y hace unos 200 años, familias migrantes de San Onofre (Sucre) y Villanueva (Bolívar) se asentaron en este territorio gracias al sustento proveído por la pesca, oficio que por excelencia define la cultura de este pueblo.

Estudio piloto para recuperar la Ciénaga de La Virgen | Instituto Von Humboldt. A través de un convenio o acuerdo de voluntades firmado entre el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander Von Humboldt, la Corporación Autónoma Regional del Canal del Dique (Cardique) y el Establecimiento Público Ambiental (EPA), se hará un estudio técnico y amplio para delimitar y conocer el estado actual de la Ciénaga de La Virgen para recuperarla. Con este estudio se establecerán los criterios para la delimitación del humedal, qué animales quedan en este luego de la contaminación recibida, se sabrá como viven las comunidades asentadas en sus alrededores: Zona Suroriental, La Perimetral, La Boquilla, Anillo Vial, Tierra Baja, entre otros, pues muchos de estos derivan sus recursos del humedal al tener criaderos de babillas y pesca; se conocerá la profundidad de esta, pues se cree que con el vertimiento de aguas residuales tenga mucho lodo; de igual forma se busca evitar la tala de mangles y rellenos e invasiones en la orilla de la Ciénaga, afectándola.

Ciénaga de La Virgen, avanza su recuperación. La Ciénaga de La Virgen, considerada uno de los pulmones de Cartagena, avanza rápidamente en su recuperación ambiental. Este cuerpo de agua, segundo más grande de la Costa Caribe, tiene 22 kilómetros de extensión, 4,5 kilómetros de ancho, 1,20 centímetros de profundidad y bordea unos 50 barrios de la zona suroriental de la ciudad. Se le conoce como pulmón cartagenero porque genera a sus habitantes una gran cantidad de oxígeno, gracias a los manglares que tiene sembrados en sus orillas. La construcción de dos obras de ingeniería contribuyen al avance de su saneamiento: La Bocana de Marea Estabilizada y el Emisario Submarino, hoy le permiten a la ciénaga tener un mejor aspecto en su cuerpo de agua y su área circundante.

“Según las pruebas físicoquímicas que el Epa Cartagena realiza periódicamente, se observa que ha disminuido en un 98 por ciento la presencia de coliformes fecales; también tiene mayor oxígeno disuelto y la concentración de fósforo bajó. Why We Do It: Approach » Biohabitats Inc. Our practice can best be defined as a blend of sound science, place-based design and ecological democracy. It is rooted in deep ecology with an underpinning that all species have equal rights, and that we have an ethical obligation to ensure that our actions do not interfere with their evolutionary potential. It is ingrained with the intent to design with ‘place’ and all of its complexity, diversity and life.

And it is infused with a sense of compassion, fairness and equity for all peoples and their communities. Science forms the core of our practice. Science that is as informed by rigorous field investigations and meticulous research as it is from knowing the land and learning its stories. While the science provides us with the facts, stories provide the context to help us see things from a whole-systems perspective. Patterns, connections and relationships continually reveal themselves through stories, providing a rich tapestry of life that forms the basis of our design ethos. Living… Landscape Architecture - Urban Design - Architecture - Environmental design.

Interview with Kongjian Yu, Designer of the Red Ribbon, Tang He River Park. Was the new architecture created for the Beijing Olympics sustainable? Frankly, I don't think they are sustainable, because they just cost so much to build and consumed so much steel and energy. So, that's my answer, but, certainly, I'm proud that China can handle such a big event. That doesn't necessarily mean that I like this kind of big event. It's certainly not sustainable.

Right now, Beijing has a shortage of water, bad air quality and traffic. Beijing has a serious problem in terms of water shortages. Please explain why you decided to call your firm Turenscape. That's a good question. In an interview with Time Magazine, you said China needs a dramatic shift. The new language should be native in terms of material and plant use.

It should address the issue of survival, not pleasure making, or ornament. The new vernacular is different from the old vernacular. What you’ve said relates to my next question. Wonderful question. Another project is the Floating Garden, Yongning River Park. Handbook of Water Sensitive Planning and Design. Water and Urban Development Paradigms: Towards an Integration of Engineering ... Communication across and integration of disciplines in the urban-water sector seems today more imperative than ever before. Water is a strategic and shrinking resource. It is probably the world's most valuable resource and clean water has even been touted as the 'next oil'. Control of water - from access to management - has always been a highly politicised affair. The complexities that surround it are proving to be major challenges as the world continues to urbanise and human habits of mass consumption and pollution deplete natural resources and destroy natural eco-systems.

Water issues are increasingly high on the international agenda – particularly in desert, tropical and sub-tropical regions. Productive Parks. While we can envision wind turbines on the southwest and northwest bluffs of Discovery Park, poised high above Puget Sound to catch strong prevailing winds and power the city, at this point in our transition to green power it is necessary to implement it incrementally. According to Seattle Parks Project Manager Dan Johnson, the demonstration value of the project is much more important than the energy it is producing. Interpretive information about the installation, aimed in large part at children (Parks’ largest demographic) creates awareness about renewable energy within the community, which helps grow the local market for solar and other green technologies. If education is a priority of productive parks, more attention should be paid to the presentation of these devices.

Photovoltaic panels could be integrated into parks’ landscapes and architecture with more sensitivity to aesthetics. Wind is not as reliable as sun, and turbines require building permits. Review/Architecture; Designs for Putting Parks to Work. New York's congested neighborhoods gasp for open space. And the city often faces drought. But there's no scarcity of resources to alleviate these conditions.

Space and water are plentiful in New York. The problem is how to use them. Co-sponsored by two private civic groups, the Architectural League and the Parks Council, along with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, "The Productive Park" is a tantalizing glimpse of what could be accomplished if city agencies would dip into this talent pool. Meanwhile, up at the Urban Center on Madison Avenue, the Architectural League was laying plans for the third in a series of "study projects" that invite architects to come up with designs addressing urgent social needs.

This time, in collaboration with the Parks Council, the league planned to focus on parks. The team selected three Brooklyn sites for this study: in Bushwick, East New York and Bedford-Stuyvesant, ranging in size from one-half to three acres. Because of Mr. How the Urban Poor Are Reclaiming Public Space | Josephine d'Allant. Slum communities in the Global South often lack public space, but quite a few organizations have launched creative initiatives around the world to create, reclaim, restore, and amplify public space. Read on to see successful examples from Nairobi, Lagos, Mumbai, Jakarta, and Mexico City, and join us on to learn more.

In Nairobi, community-based organization Urban Mirror incorporates participatory methodologies as tools in the struggle to reclaim urban public space. One of their initiatives is the creation of a public space icon and superhero known as Upendo Hero, "a defender of public space, a lover of Nairobi, a sworn enemy of gentrification and a soldier against the privatization of public space.

" By demonstrating in Kibera, Nairobi's largest slum, Upendo Hero supported Kiberans in their struggle for public space and communicated to the government that it should give space back to the community.