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Viaje por la arqueología, el arte y la historia de Castilla y León | El Rincón del Trotamundos. Mecrópolis , Ciudad Romana de Clunia, Santo Domingo de Silos El Rincón del Trotamundos. 3/8/2013 En la comunidad de Castilla y León, el viajero que se adentra en estas tierras austeras por su clima y por sus recursos, descubrirá por doquier, históricos monumentos de gran belleza que han perdurado en el paso del tiempo, herencia cultural de los pueblos que habitaron estas tierras hace milenios; Metrópolis, ciudades romanas, castillos árabes y ricos monasterios románicos que salpican el paisaje castellano.

Todo este mosaico de monumentos de singular belleza, desimanados por los pueblos y campos de Castilla, puede ser el destino de quienes gustan de las cosas excepcionales, entre ellas, la historia, la arqueología y el arte esculpido en piedra que se abraza en una simbiosis con su entorno natural, formando un todo, difícil de encontrar en otra cualquier parte. Necrópolis de Cuyacabras En el Yacimiento de Cuyacabras hay 166 tumbas antropomórficas y 13 nichos. Necrópolis de Revenga.

Deciphering Secrets: Unlocking the Manuscripts of Medieval Spain. About the Course Deciphering Secrets: Unlocking the Manuscripts of Medieval Spain Challenging Assumptions Our modern, global world is often presented as an unprecedented era of exceptional religious, political, and cultural enlightenment. Certainly we continue to experience tumultuous events and problematic relations, but many of us believe our world exists along a trajectory of human progress.

This course is about doubt, questioning, and complications. About this Course: The Challenges of Co-Existence Serving as citizen-scholars, students will learn about the positive and negative elements of inter-religious co-existence in Plasencia, Spain, and more importantly, contribute to an international scholarly effort known as the Revealing Cooperation and Conflict Project. Together, we turn to a historical era that stumbled through the challenges of cultural and religious intermixing and co-existence. The Course Work View the high resolution promotional video -- with English and Spanish subtitles. Miriada X. Courses. Social Psychology. About the Course Coursera's largest class is back by popular demand! Beginning July 14, 2014, Social Psychology will feature a fresh line-up of special events, guest experts, and material intended to delight psychology lovers around the world.

Course Description from Professor Plous: Each of us is dealt a different hand in life, but we all face similar questions when it comes to human behavior: What leads us to like one person and dislike another? How do conflicts and prejudices develop, and how can they be reduced? Can psychological research help protect the environment, and if so, how? Our focus will be on surprising, entertaining, and intriguing research findings that are easy to apply in daily life. Course Format The class will consist of lecture videos, most of which are 10-20 minutes long. Buddhism and Modern Psychology.

English Composition I: Achieving Expertise. About the Course English Composition I provides an introduction to and foundation for the academic reading and writing characteristic of college. Attending explicitly to disciplinary context, you will learn to read critically, write effective arguments, understand the writing process, and craft powerful prose that meets readers’ expectations. You will gain writing expertise by exploring questions about expertise itself: What factors impact expert achievement? What does it take to succeed? Who determines success? Two overarching assumptions about academic writing will shape our work: 1) it is transferable; 2) it is learnable.

Share why you want to improve your writing Learn what other says about their motivations **English Composition I has earned a Certificate of Recognition from Quality Matters, a non-profit dedicated to quality in online education Course Syllabus Unit 1 (Weeks 1-3): Critical ReviewHow do we become experts? Recommended Background In-course Textbooks Suggested Readings Yes. Open Text - Writing Commons.