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Cool Search Engines That Are Not Google | Epicenter  How do you find a new search engine if all you know is Google? Typing “search engine” into the usual box might lead you to Microsoft’s newly launched Bing, the combined search at Dogpile, or the former king of search, Altavista. But for those willing to dig around, searching for search engines can reveal a treasure trove: The net is rich with specialized search services, all trying to find a way to get their slice of the billions of dollars Google makes every year answering queries. For this article, we surveyed some 50 specialty search services and picked out our favorites.

What follows is not a systematic ranking or review, but a general guide to a very vibrant world that few have bothered to explore in depth. The variety of search startups is mind-boggling, and hints at the challenges Google may face staying on the bleeding edge of search innovation in the coming years. Take mobile. The smartest one we found is Collecta. Don’t even have the scratch for trips at those prices? See Also: KnowEm Username Check - Secure your Brand or Online Identity on Social Media. Make a note. Or 500,000 of them. | Evernote Corporation. Plan your next trip Keep all of your itineraries, confirmations, scanned travel documents, maps, and plans in Evernote, so you’ll have them when you need them. Logo Design, Web Design, Design Contests | Website wireframes: Mockingbird.