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Running Automated Tests for Version 1.6. Introduction This article has been updated as of November 2012 to reflect the latest information for running unit and system tests for Joomla version 3.0. When you checkout the master branch of Joomla from ( you will see a folder called "tests". This folder contains unit and two types of system tests for the CMS. The unit tests use PHPUnit and the system tests use PHPUnit and Selenium. As of 3.0, we are transitioning our system tests from the older Selenium RC (found in the tests/system/suite folder) to the newer Webdriver methodolgy (found in tests/system/webdriver). Before you can run the tests, you need to install some programs on your local workstation, as documented below.

PHP Requirements You may need to modify your PHP configuration. CMS Unit Tests Some of the CMS unit tests rely on the PHP extension Sqlite3. For Windows: extension=php_sqlite3.dll For Linux: Webdriver System Tests Install PHPUnit pear upgrade pear. Joomla's Banner Component for Banner Advertisements - Open Source Training. Joomla's Banner Component is perhaps one of Joomla's least used features, yet at the same time one of its more advanced features that comes with the core installation of Joomla.

One of the primary reasons this powerful component is not utilized is because of users' lack of familiarity with it. When you are given a banner to put on the site, the tendency is to create a custom module and insert the banner in there, then assign it to a module position and menu item. However, there is very little organization with this approach and if you are managing a bigger site, you will soon be wasting needless hours that you could have spent elsewhere. Furthermore, with that approach there is no way to keep track of the number of impressions and clicks on the banner, thus the reason for the banner component and this tutorial. The tutorial will walk you step-by-step through how to set up a banner via the banner component and shed some light on it along the way.

Joomla Banner Video Tutorial. Automatic Update Plugin/Component - Features? I got really tired of having to uninstall and re-install my packages every time I wanted to make a substantive change. So... I've written a component and plugin to implement file versioning and updating via Joomla 1.5's XML-RPC server. It's meant for component developers who want to be able to offer automatic updates to their components, meaning that in addition to the plugin and component for your server, there is code that you add to your administrative-side that consumes the XML-RPC service to keep your component's files up to date. By "your server," I mean any Joomla 1.5 site, likely the one where you offer your component for download.

You install the plugin, enable web services, install the component, and then configure it to know about your packages and the current versions. I bring this up because I'm about 48 hours away from finishing all of the features that I've thought up that I, personally, need. So, a summary: I call it "VersionPlug" (for versioning plug-in). Code: Setting up your workstation for Joomla! development.

This article provides detailed instructions for setting up your workstation for Joomla! Development with Apache, PHP, xdebug, Git. Please refer to the following links for other development tools and environments: Setting up your workstation for Joomla development The article more specifically let's you contribute to the official Joomla! Github code repository. Install & configure XAMPP, php, Eclipse Check Out and modify Joomla! Now we are going to create a new PHP project that will contain all of the source code files for Joomla!. To do so, please see Working with git and github/My first pull request Working With Git and Github The CMS project uses the Git version control system and the CMS repository is stored on Github here: For testing and tracking changes, please refer to Git for Testers and Trackers.

Extension Development For Eclipse setup information related to Joomla! How to get Joomla system generated errors and or messages? « Getting started with JForm | Development | How-Tos. JForm is one of the most exciting new features to be introduced as part of Joomla! 1.6. The intention is to provide XML configurable forms complete with custom field types and form validation. I cannot stress enough just how much easier this is going to make life as a Joomla! Developer. In this article we take a look at how to define JForms and how to display them. The JForm concepts There are three important concepts to understand in JForm: groups, fieldsets, and fields. The way in which I have found best to use these concepts is easily described when considering a standard edit page in Joomla!. The first group is to the left hand side and contains two fieldsets, this area in Joomla!

Notice the groups are not named relative to their position on the page or the way in which they are displayed. Defining JForm fields Defining fields in JForm XML files is very similar to defining params for JParameter XML files. The size and maxLength attributes are specific to the text field type. <? <? <! <! Send an email in Joomla! 1.5. If you’re in charge of writing blogs for your business or medical clinic, there are times you’ll experience dry spells when tasked with developing new blog topics. If your business typically offers just a few products or services, sometimes it can feel as if you’ve exhausted nearly every relevant topic under the sun. Fortunately, our fellow writers have developed tools that make it super easy to come up with new blog ideas when you’re feeling stumped. Contact AGENCY H Inbound for a free assessment and to learn more about how blogging can help convert leads for your business!

If you’re a writer in desperate need of new ideas for your blog, check out these three life-saving blog topic generators that’ll help you find your way. 1. Enter one subject or keyword into Portent’s Content Idea Generator and receive one very original, specific blog title in return. 2. This tool on the Fat Joe website generates 10 “click-sexy” blog titles for every keyword you enter. 3. Cache it! Solve PHP Performance Problems. In the good old days when building web sites was as easy as knocking up a few HTML pages, the delivery of a web page to a browser was a simple matter of having the web server fetch a file.

A site’s visitors would see its small, text-only pages almost immediately, unless they were using particularly slow modems. Once the page was downloaded, the browser would cache it somewhere on the local computer so that, should the page be requested again, after performing a quick check with the server to ensure the page hadn’t been updated, the browser could display the locally cached version. Pages were served as quickly and efficiently as possible, and everyone was happy. Then dynamic web pages came along and spoiled the party by introducing two problems: When a request for a dynamic web page is received by the server, some intermediate processing must be completed, such as the execution of scripts by the PHP engine. How do I prevent web browsers from caching a page?

Solutions Using HTML Meta Tags. Joomla Caching Explained - Page, View and Module Caching - How to speed up your Joomla Web site. Translations: French Spanish Any dynamic content management system makes the web server work and Joomla is no exception. However, most Web sites have content that does not change frequently where caching techniques can be employed to reduce reinventing the wheel (or the content as it may be) each time a page is visited. This article looks at the three levels of caching available to a Joomla 1.5 web site. The idea behind caching is that once you’ve gone to the trouble of running a component, a module, or even building a whole page, it makes sense to take a copy and reuse that if possible.

By default, Joomla does not cache any content. This means that every time someone visits your page, all the computations that it took to build the page are done over and over again even it there is actually no change in what the visitor sees. To overcome this, Joomla provides three levels of caching: Page caching View caching Module caching Page Caching Use browser caching Cache Lifetime View Caching 1. Logging to Files.