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SAMR and EdTech Integration

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5 TCEA Presentations You Need to See! 5 TCEA Presentations You Need to See!

5 TCEA Presentations You Need to See!

I have five TCEA Presentations that I want to share with you this week! I have had the privilege of presenting at many conferences over the last several years. I enjoy connecting with educators face-to-face and sharing ideas. 17 Formative Digital Assessment Tools That Help You Know Students. A big benefit of doing formative assessment properly is that we get to know our students really well.

17 Formative Digital Assessment Tools That Help You Know Students

But why is this important? It has to do with the fact that teachers don’t actually create learning, but rather encourage and facilitate it. Only learners create learning, but teachers guide the process by responding to student performance. This is where knowing our students well through assessment comes into play. SAMR Lesson Design Presentation. Used Effectively or Simply Used? - ASCD 2015 - Google Slides.

Push My Thinking: TPACK or SAMR or ? – ED TECH COACHING. **Update 4/26/14: I LOVE the responses to this post; they made me consider a lot of different ways of looking at TPACK and SAMR, and really stretched my thinking.

Push My Thinking: TPACK or SAMR or ? – ED TECH COACHING

If you read this post, also read the comments- and check out the links that some people have included! I’m going to preface this post by saying that I think both TPACK and SAMR are incredibly useful frameworks- and I use them a lot in my work with education technology. While I don’t want to completely discount either framework in this post, I do want to start a discussion- and explain why I am currently not finding them completely effective in my work with teachers.

8 Examples of Transforming Lessons Through the SAMR Cycle. The SAMR Model for integrating technology into teaching, developed by Dr.

8 Examples of Transforming Lessons Through the SAMR Cycle

Ruben Puentedura, has gained a good deal of exposure in recent years. “SAMR” is an acronym that stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. Making SAMR work for us – …have laptop, will travel. Technology, when integrated into the curriculum, revolutionizes the learning process.

making SAMR work for us – …have laptop, will travel

Teachers who recognize computers as problem-solving tools change the way they teach. They move from a behavioral approach to a more constructivist approach.From The Background Info: Evaluating Technology Use in the Classroom. Evaluating the use of technology in a classroom environment is not something most administrators are trained to do.

Evaluating Technology Use in the Classroom

It is easy to walk into a classroom and see that every student is using a computer, but how do you really assess if and what type of learning is taking place? In the past, I have had administrators tell me “I walked into the teacher’s room and all the students were on laptops.” As though just the site of students working on laptops meant they were engaged in the learning process. 8 Examples of Transforming Lessons Through the SAMR Cycle.