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Maker Faire

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Imagination Foundation. Jeannine Whitehouse on Twitter: "Breakout Edu: Escape From the Traditional Classroom via @edweekteacher intrigues me but not sure it fits w #eci832" Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom. Squishy Circuits videos. Self-taught African Teen Wows M.I.T. How the Maker Movement Connects Students to Engineering and Technology. Inspiring a Maker Movement. They're short for a reason! Secondary - 10+ LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 - Teaching Resources - Software - Robot Educator. 5 Year Olds Coding Without Technology. Melissa Dann () is a prep teacher in Melbourne Australia who has begun exploring the concepts of coding with her five year old students.

5 Year Olds Coding Without Technology

Yesterday she sent me the email below. As she reflects on her own practice, I applaud her confidence in considering a blog post – way to take a risk! As such, I asked if I could quote her here in this space to get comfortable.