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Plasma Cosmology

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Plasma Cosmology .net. The Numbers Game - From Cosmology to the Credit Crunch. Philosophical issues lie at the heart of this problem. While the term 'proof' may be acceptable in a mathematical context, as in a 'mathematical proof', it is not appropriate, strictly speaking, in a scientific context. The term 'scientific proof' is a misnomer, in so far as scientific theories can never be conclusively verified, only conclusively falsified. The term 'proof' implies 'a result that is final and beyond doubt', whereas scientific theories, by definition, should always be vulnerable to being replaced by new or improved theories. Again, new math might be required. Mathematical proofs, therefore, do not equate to scientific truths.

Furthermore, mathematical descriptions are often confused with empirical explanations. Famously, billions of dollars have recently been thrown at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) in Switzerland, in the vain hope of pinning down this mystical beast. Einstein was quite simply contemptuous of experiment, preferring to put his faith in pure thought. How I know “plasma cosmology” is wrong | Galactic Interactions. In my previous post, I showed direct statistical evidence that the Arp notion of non-cosmological redshifts for quasars is wrong. That was just the tip of the iceberg, though. Non-cosmological redshifts are a crank theory in astronomy that a scary fringe element keeps whinging on about.

However, there's this other crank theory that no actual respectable astronomer subscribes to, yet that seems to keep sucking in interested members of the public. That is so-called plasma cosmology (which also has an even more extreme (!!) The basic idea of plasma cosmology is that electromagnetic forces in the bulk motions of astronomical objects are far more important than mainstream astronomy admits. Unfortunately, rhetoric being what it is, it's very easy to find sites on the web (and books) that promote the notion of plasma cosmology, and after reading them it's easy for the interested but uninformed layman to be convinced. I'm going to try to take down plasma cosmology on two points.

OK.... How I know “plasma cosmology” is wrong | Galactic Interactions. Plasma cosmology. Plasma cosmology.