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THE AMERICAN MEDIA HOUSES AND JOURNALISTS MUST STOP INTERVIEWING BILL GATES. Bill Gates, the man that has so many skeletons in the cupboard Crime is a universal problem brewing in all four corners of the earth but what has made the fight against crime a fruitless battle is the support of the criminal activities by journalists, media houses, and governments.


One of such people being supported and assisted by media criminals is Bill Gates. Bill Gates might be one of the devil angels that were cast down from heaven to live among men today. In my life, I have never seen such a treacherous person that has so much appetite for destroying humanity and so much fascinated with global depopulation, yet the media gives the opposite reports about him.

I will only stop writing about the criminal activities of Bill Gates the day I ceased to live on the surface of this earth. The reason the desperate authorities are trying to do everything in their power to adjust their fear and save themselves from embarrassment and disgrace waiting for them. WAS JESUS CHRIST REALLY BORN ON CHRISTMAS DAY - DECEMBER 25? Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus There are many questions about the scriptures in the Holy Bible than answers.


Many times people do ask who had a camera to snap Jesus for us to see him today in thousands of Christian religious magazines, as a white man with a beard and long hair. And another intriguing question is “was Jesus Christ the Savior, actually born on Christmas Day, which is December 25? Christmas Day, which falls on December 25 in every calendar year is an important occasion observed worldwide. CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION IN ETHIOPIA. Men activities during Christmas celebration in Ethiopia.


My Blood Runs Cold When I See This Laughing Image In Time Of COVID 19 Genocide. Bill Gates, Fauci, etc, the most embarrassing and shameful image I have ever seen in a time of global destruction by COVID 19 Unseen forces and authorities are fighting hard against me.

My Blood Runs Cold When I See This Laughing Image In Time Of COVID 19 Genocide

They are like anti-Christ forces risen against Jesus because they can't stand the truth he was preaching. But frankly, speaking; any time I see this laughing image of Bill Gates, Dr. THE SEARCH FOR NEW VACCINES MARKET IN AFRICA BY BILL GATES. Why one particular continent had to suffer slavery, atrocities of colonialism, horrors of Apartheid and the devastating impact of Aids, Ebola and other man-made diseases, such as Burkitt's lymphoma, nodding disease and Kaposi's sarcoma, according to research by German medical doctor, Wolff Geisler and Dutch scientist and micro-surgeon, Johan van Dongen?


Can Kamala Harris Convince African-Americans Take COVID 19 Vaccine? The elected Vice-president of America, Kamala Harris, has a daunting task to let African-Americans gain confidence in the WHO It's exactly a year, December when the coronavirus from the laboratory of Wuhan, China, struck mankind across the globe.

Can Kamala Harris Convince African-Americans Take COVID 19 Vaccine?

Since then, the ferocious impact of the COVID 19 has affected 64,592,755 worldwide and claimed the lives of over 1,494,935 people, taking a deadly toll on the United States of America, than any country in the world. Since the virus has killed Black people in the US at twice the rate of white Americans, vaccination should have been the priority to protect themselves, rather, many African-Americans are not interested in taking any vaccine that protects against COVID 19. Why and can Kamala Harris convince them to take the vaccine? In my beloved Ghana, there are many proverbs with a moral lesson, one of them is: "If you have been bitten by a snake before, you'll be scared if you see the worm.

" We also read about the South African Dr. LESSONS FROM THE EBOLA EXPERIENCE IN AFRICA AND CORONAVIRUS IN AMERICA. The Ebola and COVID-19 viruses This is an article I am expecting foreign journalists that pretend interested in Africa to put forward, the fact that despite Africa’s fragile healthcare system, they have courage, experience and strength to face the reality of epidemics than the United States of America.


To politicians around the globe and health institutions, including the World Health Organization and the Centers for Diseases Control, lying is part of politics and the handling of state affairs, hoping it will create a wonderful world but no one is seeing that today. I care about humanity, whether black, white, Chinese or the Japanese, therefore, assuming I am a scientist, I don’t think I will ever have the desire to hurt a human being, let alone to create a disease to target a particular race and to tell the world that primates, bats or monkeys are responsible. The Coronavirus: Did God Or China Save Africa? The deadly coronavirus Africa is the world's second-largest continent after Asia.

The Coronavirus: Did God Or China Save Africa?

Apart from an unstable government, political unrest, and corruption, that have affected the development of the continent, Africa has suffered a great deal from the deliberate infection of the population with man-made diseases. WHY ALESSANDRA MUSSOLINI SUSPECTS THE CORONAVIRUS IS A BIOLOGICAL WEAPON. Bill Gates, The Computer Man Who Works With The World Health Organization. Bill Gates, the computer man who works with the World Health Organization?

Bill Gates, The Computer Man Who Works With The World Health Organization

According to Bill Gates, by the spring of 2021, six COVID-19 vaccines will be approved and ready for distribution globally, in particular from AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, Pfizer / BioNTech, and Moderna. He also expressed the hope that the emergence of a vaccine will help overcome the COVID-19 pandemic by 2022. The corresponding forecast was voiced by the businessman and one of the founders of Microsoft Bill Gates at the Singapore FinTech Festival, writes CNBC. The publication notes that Gates did not name the sixth vaccine company. “I expect about six vaccines to be approved by the first quarter of 2021,” he said.

According to the entrepreneur, an equal distribution of vaccines between developed countries and developing countries will become an important task for the world community. "We need to make sure that we (distribute the vaccine - Ed.) Editorial. KENNEDY ALSO AWARE OF BILL GATES' DANGEROUS VACCINES. Robert Kennedy Jr. and Bill Gates.


BABIES DEFORMITY: US GOVERNMENT ADMITS USING RADIOACTIVE WEAPON IN IRAQ. The US and British governments used radioactive weapons on the Iraqis leading to deformity of babies in the country During the first three weeks of the 2003 Iraq conflict, the U.S. military committed egregious war crimes using radioactive weapons. Even though the Pentagon pledged to never use this technology again, the military command went ahead anyway in the 2003 Iraq conflict, deploying missiles loaded with depleted uranium (DU). More than 2,000 tons of this toxic radioactive waste rained down on the Iraqi people. The radioactive repercussions of DU will continue to plague the Iraqi people for many years to come. The lingering health effects have already begun to take a toll on the health of U.S. soldiers. CENTCOM unveils DU also used deceptively in Syria According to a new disclosure from U.S. CRIME MADE IN SOUTH AFRICA. Lucky Dube: A peaceful, non-violent musician who died in a 'Crazy World.' Dedicated to Lucky Dube and Kwesi Hudson.

CARDIOLOGIST WOUTER BASSON – THE SOUTH AFRICAN APARTHEID GENOCIDE DOCTOR. Dr. Wouter Basson, alias Dr. Death. THE LOVE OF MONEY GLOBAL CRIME EPIDEMIC. Money quote by Will Smith Crimes are committed for the sake of something in every society but it’s a fact that the love of money or the desire to be rich has sharply increased violence and crimes in every part of the world today. Money is good because it helps us to pay our bills, keeps life moving with roofs over our head, keeps providing us the necessary life amenities, with feeding, clothing and education.

The Coronavirus: Did God Or China Save Africa? Contrary To The Love And Care Politicians Assure Us, We Now Live In Fear. The late Bob Marley sang much about political crimes causing so much troubles in this world. Why Apology Very Hard For Many That Commit Crime Against Humanity? No matter how hard one sweeps the truth under the carpet, you'll be exposed when it becomes like the hump of a camel Committing horrible crimes against humanity or people that have no power to defend themselves is very easy to many people, including world leaders and organizations but to say "I am sorry," or give an apology is always difficult for them.

Why Journalism Has Become A Profession To Feed The Stomach But Not For The Truth. The skull: Many journalists fear to speak the truth because of death but all of us will be a skeleton Journalism, the profession which used to be a respectable career, involving the dissemination of information in both print and electronic media, has now lost its significance and integrity because there is no more truth anywhere in this world when it comes to accuracy and professional journalism. ITALY'S STRICT MEASURES AGAINST COVID 19 IN CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR. The Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte Italy will impose a nationwide quarantine for Christmas and the New Year. A POSITIVE STEP AS JOE BIDEN VOLUNTEERS TO GET COVID 19 VACCINE. Joe Biden gets his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer - Photo credit: Joshua Roberts/Getty Images.

Racism, A Serious Problem Dividing People And Destroying Communities. Racial protest in America Very often, if the word racism is mentioned, the idea that comes to mind is white people hating black people. That's true, however, we have black people that hate white people too and black people that hate other black people. The Baal Prophets Of America 2020 Elections That Victory Prophecies For Trump Failed. How The American Journalists Deceive The World To Cover Up Bill Gates' Diabolical Agenda.

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