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LA VOZ. The meaning of DANCING « LA VOZ. Posted: October 19, 2011 in HOME , Student Life Tags: dancing , student life Cultures are complicated, especially when you grow up with some definitions and you go to a new place where everything is seen or done differently. Cultures differ through the meanings they give to the same things all cultures encounter. When I first came to SU I was certain that my integration in this new culture was easy. It wasn’t until one night I hung out with my American friends that I realized I am not used to this environment yet.

First, people at the party went crazy for alcohol, like it was some sort of gold mine. And people had as much as possible, as if the more they drank the more fun they would have. By Ricardo Marti Like this: Be the first to like this.


Ricardo Marti. DR4WARD. Linkedin. Facebook. Twitter. Ricardo Marti: #SocialSoup...