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Data Analytics Revolution; Open Data & Private Sector, Data Entrepreneurs and Data Ethics #DataDigest. Open Data Business Models, Data Paradigms, Effective Altruism, Mobile Data, Big Data #DataDigest. Data Currency, Data Science for Charities, Data Tools, Data as Code and Data Privacy #DataDigest. Human Swarm - Channel 4 - Info - Press. We all like to think of ourselves as individuals, making up our own minds what to do and when to do it.

Human Swarm - Channel 4 - Info - Press

But this eye-opening new documentary, presented by Jimmy Doherty, reveals new evidence that suggests that in many ways we actually think and move like members of a herd of animals. We each leave behind us a vast ‘data trail’ every time we travel, use our phone or credit card, search or buy online, use social media or visit a supermarket. That data adds up, making up part of the2.5 billion gigabytes of data – equivalent to 67.5 billion Encyclopedia Britannicas - created across the world every day. The documentary reveals how, by analysing and unlocking this mountain of data, scientists are able to monitor, predict and even manipulate our actions. One of the most powerful influences on each of us is the temperature, with the smallest changes affecting us physically and psychologically – without us even being aware of it.

Our swarm behavior continues when we leave our homes. Data Markets: The Emerging Data Economy. Editor’s note: Gil Elbaz is an entrepreneur and pioneer of natural language technology.

Data Markets: The Emerging Data Economy

In 1998, he co-founded Applied Semantics, which developed contextual advertising products, including ASI’s AdSense. In 2003, Google acquired ASI, and after a four-year stint at Google, Gil found Factual in 2007. Follow him on Twitter. The term data market brings to mind a traditional structure in which vendors sell data for money. Indeed, this form of market is on the rise with companies large and small jumping in. While this model allows organizations to acquire valuable data, the term is evolving to include a variety of forms, each with varying degrees of adoption success.

BrightScope, Castlight: New businesses built on open government data. Courtesy

BrightScope, Castlight: New businesses built on open government data

We're living in the exabyte age, where the actions of billions of humans using the Web and their mobile devices are creating massive amounts of big data to collect, store, analyze, and put to work. If big data is a strategic resource, as has been suggested, then many national and state governments have public reserves that can be tapped for the public good in this young century's version of the industrial revolution. Given that the United States economy is still coming out of the worst recession and financial shock since the Great Depression, supporting civic and tech entrepreneurs enjoys political support from both sides of the aisle. White House, Insurers To Fight Fraud by Analyzing Claims Data. On Thursday, the Obama administration and health insurance executives announced a new initiative designed to reduce health care fraud by pooling resources and using data analysis techniques to sift through claims data, the AP/San Francisco Chronicle reports (Smith/Alonso-Zaldivar, AP/San Francisco Chronicle, 7/26).

White House, Insurers To Fight Fraud by Analyzing Claims Data

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in a statement said, "This partnership brings together the resources and best practices of government and private sectors, giving us an unprecedented ability to detect and stamp out health care fraud. " How It Would Work Under the initiative -- called the National Fraud Prevention Partnership -- the federal government would hire a "trusted third party" to mine claims data collected from insurers. Federal investigators would be able to share with insurers the names of health care providers and suppliers being investigated for fraud. Automated science, deep data and the paradox of information. A lot of great pieces have been written about the relatively recent surge in interest in big data and data science, but in this piece I want to address the importance of deep data analysis: what we can learn from the statistical outliers by drilling down and asking, “What’s different here?

Automated science, deep data and the paradox of information

What’s special about these outliers and what do they tell us about our models and assumptions?” The reason that big data proponents are so excited about the burgeoning data revolution isn’t just because of the math. Don’t get me wrong, the math is fun, but we’re excited because we can begin to distill patterns that were previously invisible to us due to a lack of information. That’s big data. For Facebook, Risk and Riches in User Data. The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. How to: correctly report numbers in the news. Numeracy should be 'a compulsory part' of journalistic training, says Andy Trotter, chief constable of the BTP Credit: Image by .

How to: correctly report numbers in the news

::HiMU::. on Flickr. Some rights reserved. Numbers are often the source of a story and the majority of reporters will, at some stage, be tasked with making sense of statistics, whether relating to hospital waiting times, crime figures or financial reports. This guide is intended to point out some of the pitfalls and help overcome some of the problems in reporting numbers. The statistics-shy cannot simply say "I don't do numbers", James Ball, data reporter at the Guardian says. Indeed Andy Trotter, chief constable of the British Transport Police – who is "constantly frustrated" by the misreporting of crime and police-related statistics – believes number skills should be part of the training of all journalists.

"It should be a compulsory part of a trainee journalist's education because people mislead all the time with numbers, or mislead themselves with numbers. 1. James B. Rule for Democracy Journal: The Whole World Is Watching. Issue #22, Fall 2011 In an increasingly monitored world, how can consumers and citizens reclaim ownership of their private lives?

James B. Rule for Democracy Journal: The Whole World Is Watching

James B. Rule Early in 2010, The Guardian reported plans by the British Police and Home Office for a remarkable new venture in domestic surveillance.


Healthcare. Statistics. Instedd_paper. How to turn data into money. The rebirth of data – between database and narrative » Article », Digital Journalism. In arts, it has always been customary that artists influence each other and build upon the work of their peers.

The rebirth of data – between database and narrative » Article », Digital Journalism

However, in the 20th century, this tendency magnified even further. Art movements like pop art and Dada, with their ready-mades and collages, used existing material to create their artworks, instead of creating from scratch. The concept of sampling is often used in music, in particular in hip-hop and dance. By using music samples of artists before them, hip-hop and dance producers restructure existing elements and added new elements on top to create new productions. The use of existing elements is very common in new media art. The sharing of data has driven artists to open source software, partly to avoid problems with copyright. This way of making art characterizes an artist’s work in the following fashion: Our present cultural moment seems marked by the database. 1. 2.

Watch a similar project by the McCoys, with Looney Tunes scenes. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Poyozo the personal data gatherer. Take a moment and think off all the data you put other there on separate Web services.

Poyozo the personal data gatherer

Email, photos, status updates, documents, location, contacts, and the list goes on. Many of the services are really good, but what if they went down? Advancing Global Health Research Through Digital Technology and Sharing Data. Lots of health data released via Health Indicators Warehouse. The government has been making a big push for more open health-related data, and a couple of weeks ago, they released a whole bunch of it with the launch of

Lots of health data released via Health Indicators Warehouse

It's the same interface as, but for health. Additionally, the Health Indicators Warehouse launched with different data and a slightly more useable interface. A quick scan of the data available, however, does seem to indicate that a lot of it is spotty or outdated (like on, which doesn't make it especially useful. For example, some data sets are only one data point, while others are only a single year. At least it's a start. [Health Indicators Warehouse via @periscopic]

A DIY Data Manifesto. The word “server” is enough to send all but the hardiest nerds scurrying for cover. The word usually conjures images of vast, complex data farms, databases and massive infrastructures. True, servers are all those things — but at a more basic level, they’re just like your desktop PC. Running a server is no more difficult than starting Windows on your desktop. 10 ways data is changing how we live.