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Market Pricing. Welcome to PELLETS@LAS - www.pelletsatlas.info_ny. Cross Border Bioenergy. Sustainable Biogas Market Development in Central and Eastern Europe. Biogas is the most versatile energy carrier that can provide all useful energy forms: electricity, heat and mechanical energy (biofuel). If purified, biogas can be perfect substitute to natural gas.

Biogas production and utilisation always goes beyond renewable energy sector as it is: from feedstock side, firmly linked with agriculture, environmental protection and waste management policy from production side participates at various renewable energy markets and agriculture (organic fertiliser) from operation side is closely interlinked within the community via socio-economic impacts: new economic activities in rural areas, job opportunities, improved living conditions, to say the least. As methane, energy value of biogas, is 23 CO2 equivalents, biogas is an excellent tool for reduction of GHG emissions in agriculture, energy and industry sector. Our project is about sustainable biogas market development in Central and Eastern Europe where we want to: Project. 30 Nov 20124Biomass project ends on 30th of November 2012After four years of project activities the project will end on 30th of November 2012. 48 months of project activities brought expected and unexpected results and achievements.

Partly, these results will have a further influence on the CENTRAL EUROPEAN political framework on bioenergy. The foremost objective of 4Biomass was to support the Central European Member States in their implementation of the national Renewable Energy Action Plans, foster biomass and increase the share of bioenergy in CENTRAL EUROPE. 30 Nov 2012The wrap up of the project 4BiomassThe main goal of the project 4Biomass has been to promote the truly sustainable use of bioenergy. How? By facilitating exchange of information, supporting investments and providing decision makers with recommendations for sustainable policy measures. BIOMAP. The European Commission, Airbus, and high-level representatives of the Aviation and Biofuel producers industries, launched the European Advanced Biofuels Flightpath. This action is scheduled to achieve 2 million tons of sustainable biofuels used in the EU civil aviation sector by the year 2020.

The parties agreed to make all best efforts to support the activities described in the Flight path, for reaching the objectives. It was agreed to enhance their co-operation in the areas mentioned in the Flight path, each in the respective sphere of their competence and within the limits of their overall resources and possibilities, and applicable rules and regulations. To prepare this launch, the European Advanced Biofuels Flightpath has been discussed widely by representatives from EU Member States' energy, research and transportation departments, industry representatives from the aviation and biofuels sector and non-governmental organisations.

European Biogas Association. Iea-bioenergy-task37 energy from biogas and landfill gas. Willkommen beim Biogasregister Deutschland! BiG>East - Promoting Biogas in Eastern Europe: Mobilization Campaigns and Training.