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Drupal 7 Views Module Tutorial Series. Drupal7jquery - drupal7jquery.pdf. Drupal7TranslationCheatSheet - Drupal7TranslationCheatSheetv2.pdf. Drupal7db - drupal7db.pdf. Drupal-7-theming-cheat-sheet.pdf. TutorielViews.pdf. Quelques modules drupal 7 à installer sans réserve | Flocon de toile. Drupal-7-theming-cheat-sheet.pdf. Requêtes SELECT. Theming overview. A few handbook pages has been moved to the new theming handbook.

A fresh start for Drupal 6 and beyond. This handbook will eventually be part of a sub-section of the new outline after it has been cleansed out. The theme upgrade guide has been moved too. Note: this page describes the theme system from a themer's perspective. If you are a module coder looking to make your module themable, you should read this page. As of version 4.5, Drupal's theme system is very flexible. As of Drupal 4.7 the default theme engine that is included with Drupal is PHPTemplate. Here's how some existing themes are built: A 'theme' is an abstract thing, which can be formed in several ways: Template file (.tpl.php, .xtmpl) for a templating engine (PHPTemplate, XTemplate): e.g.

The directory structure for the example above looks like this: Themes and templates are placed in their own subdirectory in the themes directory (sites/all/themes for contributed themes). Drupal themes used to be coded directly in PHP. Theming Guide. Last updated April 3, 2014. Created by Heine on August 2, 2012.Edited by Manjit.Singh, nitishchopra, moonstruck, silverwing. Log in to edit this page. This handbook is about changing the look and feel of a Drupal site. You can change the administrative settings to modify the appearance of the theme, you can copy an existing theme and then change or extend the code, or you can build a complete theme from scratch. You can do more with a theme than change the appearance of an entire site. It is also possible to "theme" only certain sections of a site, certain types of content, or even individual pages.

For example, your theme could specify a different look for just the front page of your site. Some other things that you can do with a theme are: Change layouts, images or fonts.Hide or display fields dependent on user role.Dynamically respond to changes in the content or to user input.Modify or replace text (e.g., labels or attributes) and variables generated by modules. Other Places to Explore. Créer un template pour Drupal | Utiliser des CMS, c'est très bien, mais encore faut-il savoir personnaliser le look du site. Voici une vidéo qui vous montrera comment préparer une page HTML pour recevoir du contenu dynamique de la part de Drupal.

Vous trouverez beaucoup d'informations sur pour d'autres subtilités. Drupal permet en effet de créer de nombreux styles de pages et de blocks, et de les adapter au besoin. Mais ici, nous en resterons à un template simple. Conseil: avant d'activer votre nouveau template, allez sous Administer > Site Configuration > Administration theme et choisissez Garland. Il est bien plus adapté pour le back-end. La vidéo Les sources. #1 Creating a Drupal 7 custom theme from an HTML template :: Part 1.

200 Drupal Videos for Beginners. Master Drupal in 7 hours_v1.1.pdf. Er_db_schema_drupal_7.png (Image PNG, 2553 × 2399 pixels) 30 modules Drupal 7 pour un site Web optimisé | Axial Développement. Le Web offre une multitude de systèmes de gestion de contenu. Parmi les gros joueurs, on retrouve des noms comme WordPress, Joomla et Drupal. Il y a aussi les peu connus. Voici une liste de quelques-uns disponibles sur Wikipedia. Il peut devenir casse-tête de sélectionner le bon. Comment choisir? Pourquoi choisir Drupal? Il est basé sur un système de nœuds qui peuvent être attachés à n’importe quoi (article de blogue, page statique, produit, billet de forum, bannière, nouvelle, etc.)Il est utilisé depuis environ une décennieSa communauté est active et il est en développement constantUne liste grandissante de modules est disponible Les modules* les plus importants * Certains modules dans la liste ci-dessous peuvent nécessiter l’installation d’autres modules afin de fonctionner.

Gestion de contenu Internationalization Administration menu Drupal possède son propre menu par défaut. Views Un autre indispensable. Field collection Link Token Menu block Redirect Taxonomy menu Taxonomy manager Page theme. Drupal 7 Module Development. Creating a Drupal 7 video gallery with the Media module | Ferlito/van der Wyk. We've been testing different contributed Drupal 7 modules to assess the readiness of the ecosystem for production sites. The Media module is an ambitious and promising solution for managing and deploying a variety of media assets. It promises to be the successor to the very successful Embedded Media Field After reading the extensive documentation it occurred to me there was a need for a tutorial in this area.

This tutorial will focus on creating a gallery of YouTube videos using the Media and Media YouTube modules. In completing this tutorial I used Drupal 7.8 with the following contributed modules: Install and enable these modules as usual. Video content type First we need to create a video content type. Video field Next we'll create a field to hold our video. Click on Save field settings button on the next page.

Field display settings Now click on the Manage Display tab and select Media for the video format. File types This next part is what trips people up and has caused confusion. Yaworsk1.