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Professional Development

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NSDC: Definition of Professional Development. NSDC: Standards. Increasing the effectiveness of professional learning is the leverage point with the greatest potential for strengthening and refining the day-to-day performance of educators. Standards for Professional Learning is the third iteration of standards outlining the characteristics of professional learning that lead to effective teaching practices, supportive leadership, and improved student results.

Learning Forward, with the contribution of 40 professional associations and education organizations, developed the Standards for Professional Learning. (See the Standards Revision Task Force and the Standards Advisory Team.) The standards make explicit that the purpose of professional learning is for educators to develop the knowledge, skills, practices, and dispositions they need to help students perform at higher levels. Watch Stephanie Hirsh give an overview of the standards These standards call for a new form of educator learning. PD Content. Family involvement. Quality Teaching. Equity. PD Context. Resources. Learning Communities. Leadership. PD Process. Collaboration Skills. Data-Driven. Evaluation. Research-Based. Learning. Designs and Strategies.