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TICE. Thema-TIC | Un blog parlant des TIC et des TICE. La vie connectée #2 - Regarder écouter - La vie connectée. How to Get Hesitant Teachers to Use Technology. In my consulting as well as administrative technology work, I am often asked the same questions by different schools and officials. One of the most common is: “How do you get teachers who are hesitant or resistant to use technology?” I am keenly aware that many of my colleagues are not, for various reasons, gung ho about educational technology. And it’s interesting. Quite often, the teachers who are hesitant to adopt new technology are great — in fact, amazing — educators. They are frequently veterans and usually leaders in their academic field and within their institutions.

In my role as tech advocate, I habitually find myself trying to coax these established educators to use new tools and incorporate new methodologies. 1. If you’re working with veteran educators, this is especially important. Instead, try this: observe what they do in the classroom that’s made them successful and build out from there. 2. 3. Teachers respond better to other teachers who share their situation. 4. 5. 6.

Coffre à outils pédagogiques : plus de 80 logiciels et services en ligne utiles en situation de formation. APPitic: Home. Outils du Web. Logiciels pédagogiques. Framasoft - Logiciels libres.