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Does NoSQL Need Standardization? - ReadWriteCloud. Two Microsoft researchers, Erik Meijer and Gavin Bierman, argue in a paper in the April issue of Communications that the growing number of non-relational databases (or more specifically, key/value databases) need a standardized data manipulation language like SQL in order to grow the market for NoSQL databases. It may seem run counter to the spirit of NoSQL - the creation of new databases for specific uses - but the idea is welcomed by some in the NoSQL community. Couchbase co-founder and VP of products James Phillips told PC World "There is little to disagree with in this paper.

" Meijer and Bierman argue that non-relational databases need their own answer structured query language, which enabled developers to jump from one relational database without learning an entirely new programming language. The pair write: In the early 1970s, the database world was in a similar sorry state.


Next - Blogit - Mitä? Ideoidaan ja kokeillaan käytännössä journalismin uusia muotoja – vähän puhetta ja paljon yhdessä tekemistä. Aineksina sopassa avointa julkista dataa, journalisteja, graafikoita ja koodareita. Tavoitteena on keksiä uusia tapoja yhdistää ja hyödyntää avointa tietoa sekä luoda tähän liittyen prototyyppisovelluksia, visualisointeja ja datajournalismia. Tilaisuus on avoin. Missä? Sanomatalon kellarissa 14.3.2011 kello 12:30 – 21:00. Häh? Data? Muuten periaate on BYOD: Bring your own data. Lopputulos? Mitä tehdään käytännössä?

Aikataulu? Mitä siitä saa? Haluan mukaan! Twitter ja muut? Järjestäjät? Aallon opiskelijat voivat saada suoritusmerkinnänTilaisuuteen osallistumalla sekä palauttamalla tilaisuuden jälkeen viimeistellyn prototyypin sekä lyhyen (1-4 sivua) kirjallisen kuvauksen prototyypistä, voit saada 2 opintopistettä. Opintopisteet myöntää prof.

Mainitse ilmoittautumisen yhteydessä opiskelijanumerosi. Avainsanat: HSOpen. Föreslås leda införandet av e-arkiv i staten. Statsrådets principbeslut om att förbättra tillgängligheten till och främja vidareutnyttjandet av digitalt material från den offentliga sektorn 3.3.2011. SuomiSvenskaEnglish Yhteystiedot Mediapalvelu Palaute Sivukartta Statsrådets principbeslut om att förbättra tillgängligheten till och främja vidareutnyttjandet av digitalt material från den offentliga sektorn 3.3.2011 Tulosta Jaa TwitterFacebook Haku Tarkennettu haku Hakemistot Periaatepäätökset Lisää Tietoa sivustosta © Valtioneuvosto.

Ministeriö: Valtion virastojen jaettava tietojaan ilmaiseksi - - Kulttuuri. Esa Mäkinen Kirjoittaja on kulttuuritoimittaja. Esa MäkinenHelsingin Sanomat Valtion suhde tietoon mullistuu tällä viikolla, jos hallitus hyväksyy torstaina liikenneministeriön ehdottaman periaatepäätöksen. Ehdotuksen mukaan julkisen vallan tuottamaa tietoa pitää jatkossa levittää tehokkaasti ja ilmaiseksi avoimena tietona. Valtion virastot tuottavat jatkuvasti runsaasti tietoa. Tutkijoille ja journalisteille tämä olisi mullistus: aikaisemmin vaikeasti saatavat ja kalliit tiedot olisivat helposti saatavilla. Tällä hetkellä valtio kerää tietoja myymällä noin 40 miljoonaa euroa vuodessa. "Haluamme avoimeen dataan liittyvää palvelukehitystä, hallinnon tehokkuutta ja läpinäkyvyyttä. Rastaan mukaan tietoa luovutetaan yleensä maksuttomasti, mutta joissain erikoistapauksissa maksuja voidaan periä.

Esitys ei laajenna julkaistavan tiedon määrää. Yksityisyyttä ja valtionsalaisuuksia varjellaan kuten ennenkin. "Tiedolla on arvoa vain käytön kautta. "Tässä on käynnissä kilpajuoksu eri maiden välillä. Mickos and Eucalyptus lock arms with Red Hat. High performance access to file storage Marten Mickos – the former MySQL boss who now runs build-your-own-cloud startup Eucalyptus Systems – has hitched his new wagon to Red Hat. In more ways than one. Last month, Mickos and company announced a pact with Red Hat that will see Eucalyptus embrace the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) hypervisor as well as the Red Hat's deltacloud project, an open source effort to provide a common API for all "infrastructure clouds". Eucalyptus Systems is the commercial outfit that sprung up around the open source Eucalyptus platform, a means of building infrastructure clouds behind the corporate firewall.

But Mickos is also looking to burnish his company's image by recasting its business model as a Red Hat–like effort, discarding earlier talk of an "open core" model. Famously, Eucalyptus is bundled with Canonical's Ubuntu Linux distro. In September, Red Hat veteran Said Ziouan joined Eucalyptus as head of sales.

But Mickos says this was not the case. Tieto käyttöön. Denna vägledningsrapport baserar sig på arbetet med det tväradministrativa utredningsprojektet Tutkimuksen tietoaineistot (Datamaterial för forskning) som tillsatts av undervisnings- och kulturministeriet. Projektets mål är att styra ett nationellt utredningsarbete som rör datamaterial för forskning, att bilda en helhetsuppfattning om situationen i Finland samt att upprätta en nationell plan (vägledning) för utveckling av tillgängligheten och förvaringen av datamaterial för forskning. Finland har betydande mängder unika datamaterial från den offentliga sektorn samt internationellt sett högkvalitativt kunnande inom forskningsområden som producerar stora mängder elektroniska datamaterial.

Enligt den nationella utredningen är dock en del av våra offentligt finansierade datamaterial i nuläget svåra att hitta, tillgå eller utnyttja. I Finland finns en tydlig informationspolitik beträffande datamaterial, vilken stöds av gemensamma elektroniska tjänster. Tieto käyttöön. Tiekartta tutkimuksen sähköisten tietoaineistojen hyödyntämiseksi.

Tämä tiekarttaraportti perustuu opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön asettaman poikkihallinnollisen Tutkimuksen tietoaineistot -selvityshankkeen työhön. Hankkeen tavoitteena on ollut ohjata kansallista tutkimuksen tietoaineistoja koskevaa selvitystyötä, muodostaa kokonaiskäsitys Suomen tilanteesta ja laatia kansallinen suunnitelma (tiekartta) tutkimuksen tietoaineistojen saatavuuden ja säilytyksen kehittämiseksi. Suomella on merkittävässä määrin ainutlaatuisia julkisen sektorin tietoaineistoja sekä kansainvälisesti korkealaatuista osaamista sähköisiä tietoaineistoja runsaasti tuottavilla tutkimusaloilla. Kansallisen selvityksen mukaan osa julkisesti rahoitetuista tietoaineistoistamme on kuitenkin tällä hetkellä vaikeasti löydettävissä, saatavissa tai hyödynnettävissä.

Ongelmia liittyy esimerkiksi tietoaineistojen varastoinnin ja hallinnan hajanaisuuteen, moninaiseen lainsäädäntöön, tietoaineistojen käyttöehtoihin, maksuihin sekä hyödyntämistä tukevien palveluiden puutteellisuuteen.


Google, Content Farms and Repositories. In recent news, Google has altered its ranking algorithms to favour sites with original material rather than so-called content farms that simply redistribute material found on other sites. Although users report satisfaction with improved results, this action has caused quite a furore with some genuine sites losing significant business as well. I have been worried about how this would affect repositories, after all we technically fit into the definition of content farms: sites that exist to redistribute material that is published elsewhere. Bearing in mind that Google delivers the vast majority of our visitors to us, if the changes were to impact on our rankings, we might suffer quite badly. Now that there's been a couple of weeks for the changes to migrate around the planet, our usage stats point to business as usual.

First of all, downloads over the last quarter - no dramatic tailoffs in the last week. Kadmeian Letters | Opinions and ideas about European digitised heritage. FP7 : ICT : Projects : SCAPE : Scalable Preservation Environments. False Alarm: Google Circles Not Coming Now, And Probably Not Ever | Liz Gannes | NetworkEffect | AllThingsD. After a report emerged this morning of a new social network focused on nuanced sharing called Google Circles, the company said it was not launching anything this week at the high-profile South by Southwest Interactive event in Austin, Texas. Moreover, such a product is not even under development, according to the people supposedly developing it. Google’s Chris Messina, who had been pegged as one of the leaders of Circles, told me today in an interview that he “didn’t know what [the story] was talking about.”

He and others from Google, speaking with NetworkEffect at a Google developer event in Austin, said the company is not launching its own social network. As in: Not today, and not anytime soon. While the search giant is thinking about how to better understand the subtleties of social relationships and may build such functionality into its various products as it makes them more social, said Messina and others, Circles is not a product currently in development.

Twitter tells third-party devs to stop making Twitter client apps. In a statement issued today by Twitter on its official developer mailing list, the company informed third-party developers that they should no longer attempt to build conventional Twitter client applications. In a move to increase the "consistency" of the user experience, Twitter wants more control over how its service is presented to users in all contexts. The announcement is a major blow to the third-party application developers who played a key role in popularizing Twitter's service. More significantly, it demonstrates the vulnerability of building a business on top of a Web platform that is controlled by a single vendor. The situation highlights the importance of decentralization in building sustainable infrastructure for communication. The message was posted by Ryan Sarver, of Twitter's platform team. He contends that over 90 percent of Twitter's audience is now using a client built by the company rather than a third-party offering such as TweetDeck or Seesmic.

Twitter Tells Developers to Stop Building Twitter Clients. Now Friends With Charlie Sheen, Twitter Tells Its Nerdy Old Pals to Drop Dead Twitter's platform/API leader Ryan Sarver issued an official statement to the Twitter developer world today that's sure to send a shudder down the backs of many people building new ways to use the popular social network: if you were thinking about building a new Twitter client - don't. "Developers ask us if they should build client apps that mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience. The answer is no. " Sarver went on to discuss a wide variety of innovative services built on top of Twitter (mostly analytics services) that the company will continue to support and said that existing Twitter clients would be tolerated, if closely watched.

It was a strong statement that seemed to fly in the face of Twitter's long history of a strong developer community. Sarver spent much of the email discussing the overwhelming market share that official Twitter apps now have. Ditto: Jaiku Founder Leaves Google, Aims to Beat it With Structured Recommendations. "I actually think most people don't want Google to answer their questions," Google's then-CEO Eric Schmidt said last summer.

"They want Google to tell them what they should be doing next. " What should you be doing next? A former Googler named Jyri Engeström, whose microblogging service Jaiku was cooler than Twitter, but was acquired into oblivion by Google three years ago, now thinks he can beat Google to the punch on that question. His new service Ditto launches today (iPhone app). It aims to use social suggestions, structured data and your existing Twitter and Facebook social graphs to recommend places and activities to fullfill your every desire. Ditto is a beautifully designed app for the iPhone. I'm going to the Amtrak Station in downtown Portland this evening and I'd like to grab food nearby, for example. Once I declare my intention to eat near the train station, my friends offered suggestions where I should grab food.

Bumps in the Road Big Ambitions. En utvärdering av appen Ditto | TrulyTherese. Jyri Engström har lanserat appen Ditto där man till skillnad från i de klassiska platstjänsterna inte berättar om vad man gör, utan vad man planerar eller tänker göra inom en snar framtid. Jyri Engström twittrar om Ditto Techcrunch skriver: If you don’t know where you should eat you can send a message to your Ditto friends that you want to eat, but aren’t sure where.

Your friends can leave a comment recommending spots to eat. If you like one of them, you can award them a trophy. Or if you want to do the same thing, there’s a “ditto” button. Ditto-appen i min iPhone I startvyn i appen ser man aktiviteter från vänner som har konton på Ditto men det är enkelt att importera vänner från Twitter och Facebook. Martin Palacios har testat: Ditto erbjuder en grymt trevlig interaktion som lockar till användande. Josefine Granding Larsson säger: Jag tycker att det är märkligt inaktivt med tanke på hur många som är här, mitt flöde har mattats av ordentligt. Fredrik Davidsson är skeptisk: Min utvärdering. Google Introduces One Pass, a Micropayment Service for Publishers. Although there have been rumors of Google's new micropayment system for publishers for some, the timing of this morning's news couldn't be better.

Following Apple's announcement yesterday that it was rolling out its new subscription service, a move that seems to have sparked debate, if not panic among publishers and developers, Google has responded today with a new option for publishers, one that seems to offer far better terms, control, and pricing. Google has just introduced Google One Pass, a service that will let publishers set their own prices and terms for their online content. According to the announcement, One Pass will allow publishers a range of options with which they can offer their content - via subscriptions, metered access, freemium models, coupon discounts, or even single article sales.

Existing print subscribers can be given access to online material. One Pass can be used for both Web and mobile content. Facebook Now Powers Comments All Around the Web. This morning, Facebook released its much-feared commenting solution. The idea made big news earlier this year, despite the fact that Facebook has already offered a commenting solution for more than a year, but today the company has announced the feature officially. So what's new? There are a number of features for both publishers and users, although some of the most exciting features we've seen displayed on Facebook late last year don't appear to be a part of the release.

Is Facebook's massive social graph enough to push it into the default slot for comments, where it already resides for things like social sharing and third-party login? According to a Facebook spokesperson, the new commenting system will be a quick install for publishers, with a single line of code. On the user end, there's the obvious benefit of serving as a quickly and easily accessible commenting system. The big question is, where are all the bells and whistles? eBook Users’ Bill of Rights | Christina's LIS Rant. Google judgement. Nature Publishing Group and Scientific Reports: getting serious about OA competition. Empty gestures? | Book of Trogool. Kindle e-book piracy accelerates | Fully Equipped. Discover more than 3 million Google eBooks from your choice of booksellers and devices. Technology Trends for First Responders | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. Tablets Will Rock the Enterprise This Year.

Recording industry lobbyist appointed head of copyright for ... Turning the page: The future of eBooks. Heads they win, tales we lose: Discovery tools will never deliver on their promise. Find out what’s in a word, or five, with the Google Books Ngram Viewer. Wikileaks on Pirate Bay: The Facts & Figures. Trends of 2010 and 2011 | Kadmeian Letters. Digital History Roundup. Blog U.: Black Swans and Ed Tech in 2011 - Technology and Learning.