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Internet Archive Partners With 150 Libraries to Launch an E-Book Lending Program. The Internet Archive, in conjunction with 150 libraries, has rolled out a new 80,000 e-book lending collection today on

Internet Archive Partners With 150 Libraries to Launch an E-Book Lending Program

This means that library patrons with an OpenLibrary account can check out any of these e-books. The hope is that this effort will help libraries make the move to digital book lending. "As readers go digital, so are our libraries," says Brewster Kahle, founder and Digital Librarian of the Internet Archive. This new digital lending system will allow library patrons to borrow up to 5 e-books at a time for up to 2 weeks. People can choose to borrow either an in-browser version (that can be read via the Internet Archives' e-reader that we covered here last December) or a PDF or ePUB version.

Cloud computing: the latest chapter in an epic journey. This blog post is a version of Eric’s talk at our Chrome event on Tuesday, December 7, 2010.

Cloud computing: the latest chapter in an epic journey

You can watch his talk on YouTube. - Ed. On Tuesday, we announced a number of updates to Chrome and Chrome OS. For me, these announcements were among the most important of my working life—demonstrating the real power of computer science to transform people’s lives. It’s extraordinary how very complex platforms can produce beautifully simple solutions like Chrome and Chrome OS, which anyone can use from the get-go—as long as you get it right. And that’s very, very hard indeed as history has taught. In 1983, I worked on a team at Sun that was very proud to announce the 3M machines. With hindsight, why has this been so hard? So why did it fail, and why will things be different this time around? Chrome and Chrome OS are possible today for several reasons.

5 Cloud Shake-Ups This Week - ReadWriteCloud. This was a busy week for the cloud.

5 Cloud Shake-Ups This Week - ReadWriteCloud

The biggest news was's entry into the platform-as-a-service business with its Elastic Beanstalk. But there were several other big announcements as well: a Dell employee confirmed that Dell will get into the infrastructure-as-a-service and platform-as-a-service businesses, GoGrid announced a new service, Rackspace opened its first European data center and more. Dell to Get into the Public Cloud Business Logan McLeod, director of cloud at Dell, tweeted on Wednesday: "Dell as a public cloud end-to-end service provider? Executive Programs Worldwide Survey of More Than 2,000 CIOs Identifies Cloud Computing as Top Technology Priority for CIOs in 2011. STAMFORD, Conn., January 21, 2011 View All Press Releases Survey Results Show Business Leaders Looking for IT to Drive Revenue Growth CIOs must re-imagine IT to support growth and competitive advantage, based on results from the 2011 CIO Agenda survey by Gartner Executive Programs (EXP).

Executive Programs Worldwide Survey of More Than 2,000 CIOs Identifies Cloud Computing as Top Technology Priority for CIOs in 2011

CIOs report that their organizations are emphasizing growth, in addition to continued vigilance on cost and operational efficiencies. The worldwide CIO survey was conducted by Gartner EXP from September to December 2010 and represents CIO budget plans reported at that time. The survey includes responses from 2,014 CIOs representing over $160 billion in corporate and public-sector IT spending across 50 countries and 38 industries. CIOs’ IT budget projections for 2011 are globally flat, with a weighted average budget increase of 1 percent. CIOs expect to adopt new cloud services much faster than originally expected.

Table 1Top 10 Business and Technology Priorities in 2011 Source: Gartner EXP (January 2011) Top 10 Cloud Computing Services for 2010 - ReadWriteCloud. We chose our top 10 services based upon what trends bubbled in 2010 and the companies and organizations that responded or even set the tone for the overall market.

Top 10 Cloud Computing Services for 2010 - ReadWriteCloud

We looked at the entire landscape but with a particular focus on platforms. Platforms provide infrastructure and serve as developer ecosystems. Platforms are where apps are created and served. The platform ecosystem is a lot like a coral reef, an analogy we borrow from Dave Winer on occasion. Platforms attract services that cater to developers, enterprise managers and business users. OpenStack: An Open Cloud Initiative Makes its 1st Release - ReadWriteCloud. It's official.

OpenStack: An Open Cloud Initiative Makes its 1st Release - ReadWriteCloud

Open Stackhas made its first release. It's a major moment for the nascent open cloud initiative, a service that combines the Rackspace object storage capabilities with NASA's Nebula, the open computing effort from the U.S federal space agency. It feels like the start of something, doesn't it? Dataflytt i molnet standardiseras. Idag blev den första standarden för lagringstjänster i molnet klar.

Dataflytt i molnet standardiseras

Den klubbades igenom idag av SNIA, Storage Network Industry Association på kongressen Storage Networking World i Orlando. Standarden kallas Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) och ska göra det lättare att hantera information som lagras i molntjänster. Ett av huvudsyftena med standarden är att underlätta förflyttningar av information mellan olika molntjänster, bland annat genom att se till att informationens metadata behålls. Den är nödvändig för en effektiv och säker hantering. Metadata används bland annat för att att kunna styra hur länge informationen ska lagras och hur många kopior som ska finnas.

CDMI innehåller även andra delar, bland annat för att underlätta debitering för nyttjandet av lagringstjänsterna.