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Tech. How to Solve a Rubik's Cube (Easy Move Notation): 18 steps. First LayerMiddle LayerLast layerNotations Edited by NatK, Krystle, Mimi, BohemianWikipedian and 59 others The Rubik's Cube can be very frustrating and may seem next to impossible to restore to its original configuration.

How to Solve a Rubik's Cube (Easy Move Notation): 18 steps

However, once you know a few algorithms, it is very easy to solve. The method described in this article is the layer method: we first solve one face of the cube (first layer), then the middle layer, and finally the last layer. Ad Steps Method 1 of 4: First Layer 1Familiarize yourself with the Notations at the bottom of the page.Ad 2Choose one face to start with. Method 2 of 4: Middle Layer 1Place the four edges of the middle layer. Method 3 of 4: Last layer 1Permute the corners. Method 4 of 4: Notations 1This is the key to the notations used.The pieces that compose the Rubik's Cube are called Cubies, and the color stickers on the Cubies are called facelets.There are three types of Cubies: The centers (or center pieces), at the center of each face of the Cube.

Tips Practice. How can you pay off your mortgage faster? on the RBC Advice Centre. Leanne - Branch Manager Being mortgage free is a dream of many Canadians.

How can you pay off your mortgage faster? on the RBC Advice Centre

Here at RBC we have many flexible payment options to help make that dream a reality. For instance, if you come into a lump sum amount of money or you get a raise, or your finances change at all, we could help you change your mortgage payments in order to pay that mortgage off even faster. One of the simplest options is to actually do a double up payment. One double up payment can actually save you tens of thousands of dollars of interest over the course of your mortgage. The double up option allows you to increase your monthly or bi-weekly payments. Another option available is to put 10% down yearly as a lump sum payment directly to your principal. So for example, if you had a $200,000 mortgage, you have the ability to put a $20,000 lump sum directly to your principal every single year. Visiting our website you can see all the different options to help pay your mortgage off even faster.

10 Awesome Online Classes You Can Take For Free. Cool, but you need iTunes for nearly everything, and that gets an 'F.' Are there really no other places to get these lessons?

10 Awesome Online Classes You Can Take For Free

I was sure there are some on Academic Earth. Flagged 1. 7 of them are available via YouTube. 2. iTunes is free. 1. 2. Don't worry, we're looking out for you! While I have no personal beef with iTunes, I know that many people share your sentiments — so I actually made a concerted effort to include relevant youtube links when possible. How Can I Set Up a Home Recording Studio on the Cheap? Also, keep in mind that not everyone needs an audio interface. if you are only recording one track at a time or are recording more than one track but are fine with mixing it as you record you can use a much cheaper and oodles simpler analog mixing board/mixer. i struggled for over a year with a USB audio interface box i bought for home recording and it was ALWAYS a hassle - either really high latency, dropped sections, or it would take 15-20 minutes of fiddling with system prefs and settings in software to get it to work right. i finally went to my local music store and picked up a behringer analog mixer for $49 which has 8-Inputs (2 mic, 2 stereo, 1 stereo tape/CD), builtin EQ, effects send/receive, and the mic jacks have phantom power and the line inputs work great for electric instruments, a headphone out and I use an RCA-to-mini-1/8th-stereo plug to connect directly into the mic jack on my mac mini.

How Can I Set Up a Home Recording Studio on the Cheap?

It's simple, always works, and has real knobs and buttons.